Thorgal: The card game

A project in Bielsko-Biała, Poland by Lucrum Studio

Funding Successful

Thorgal: Card Game, where strategy meets destiny in a thrilling card-based adventure Don't miss the Early Bird Gift: Free Fenrir Mini
Backers: 888
Average Pledge Per Backer: €53

Funded: €47,196 of €10,000
Dates: May 21st -> Jun 11th (21 days)
Project By: Lucrum Studio
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Last Updated: June 11 @ 12:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

🎉 What an incredible journey! 🎉

June 11th - via:
Dear adventurers, Thank you all for this amazing result – we are absolutely delighted with the support and enthusiasm you've shown for Thorgal: The Card Game. We couldn't have achieved this without each and every one of you. As a token of our... (Read More)

Only 24 Hours Left to Support Thorgal: The Card Game!

June 10th - via:
Dear adventurers, We're down to the final 24 hours of our Thorgal Kickstarter campaign! If you've been on the fence about backing, now is the perfect time to jump in and help us launch this campaign into space – where the Star People come from! Our... (Read More)

Endgame: Unlock New Features and Art Before the Campaign Ends!

June 8th - via:
Dear adventurers, We’ve entered the final phase of our campaign – the intense final hours of fighting for the next Goals lie ahead of us.  Today, we are thrilled to announce that you’ve unlocked the Tournament Rules and the rules for building... (Read More)

Enhance your gaming setup with new Add-ons

June 5th - via:
Dear adventurers, We are thrilled by your enthusiastic participation in the journey for Thorgal's hearts on Boardgamegeek. Thanks to your incredible support, the first card was unlocked a mere 12 minutes after the update! Your dedication is truly... (Read More)

Unlock Alternative Graphics: Introducing Community Goals

June 5th - via:
Dear adventurers, First and foremost, we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your incredible support thus far. Your enthusiasm and dedication have propelled our Thorgal Card Game project to new heights, and we couldn't be more grateful for... (Read More)

First Week Update: Incredible Milestones Achieved!

May 29th - via:
Dear adventurers, We are ecstatic to announce that we've successfully completed the first week of Thorgal Card Game Kickstarter campaign, and what a phenomenal week it's been!  From the bottom of our heart, We want to express our deepest gratitude... (Read More)

Another Stretch Goal Unlocked, Solo Mode on the Horizon

May 26th - via:
Dear adventurers, Your valor knows no bounds!  Another triumph graces the saga as you've successfully unlocked yet another Stretch Goal! Henceforth, each faction shall receive its own dedicated player boards, a testament to unity in the face of... (Read More)

Incredible Start! Funded in Just Over an Hour + 4 Stretch Goals Unlocked!

May 22nd - via:
Dear adventurers, Wow! What an amazing day has it been! Thanks to your incredible support, Thorgal campaign was funded in just over an hour! We are truly humbled and grateful for the enthusiasm and backing from each and every one of you. But the... (Read More)

🎉 Funded in Just Over an Hour + First Stretch Goal Unlocked! 🎉

May 21st - via:
Dear adventurers, Our Kickstarter campaign has taken off with a bang, and we're absolutely thrilled with the overwhelming support from all of you fantastic backers! We hit our funding goal in just over an hour, thanks to your incredible enthusiasm... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!