【Project Phoenix】 Japan's indie RPG feat. AAA talent!

A project in Tokyo, Japan by Creative Intelligence Arts, Inc.

Funding Successful

Project Phoenix is a JRPG with a squad based RTS game design, brought to you by veteran developers and creators from the East and West.
Backers: 15802
Average Pledge Per Backer: $64

Funded: $1,014,600 of $100,000
Dates: Aug 12th -> Sep 11th (30 days)
Project By: Creative Intelligence Arts, Inc.
rpgiOSvideo gameconsolestrategy gameindieandroidsoftwaremusic videolinuxmacfantasyreal time strategypcpoint and clickps4psvita +Suggest

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Last Updated: September 11 @ 03:30 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

First Project Phoenix 2019 Update Says The Team Is Working On Other Titles Before It Can 'Fully Recommit' To The Game

March 27th - via: siliconera.com
239 days after the July 31, 2018 Kickstarter update, another bit of news has appeared concerning Project Phoenix. Director and Producer Hiroaki Yura released a state of the game address called,  (Read More)

Project Phoenix Dev Break Silence After Eight Months; "Gearing up" to Finish the Game

March 26th - via: twinfinite.net
Today, after eights months of silence, Project Phoenix Producer and Director Hiroaki Yura took to Kickstarter to finally provide an update to the game (Read More)

Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble Will Roll Out On The Nintendo Switch In Spring 2019

March 14th - via: siliconera.com
Tiny Metal is getting a sequel. Area 35, which is run by Hiroaki Yura, revealed Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble will be coming to the Nintendo Switch in North America and Europe in Spring 2019. It will be playable at both GDC 2019 and PAX East 2019 in March 2019. (Read More)

Former Tiny Metal Staffer Retracts Accusation Of Kickstarter Embezzlement

August 2nd - via: nintendolife.com
Towards the end of last year, there was controversy surrounding the funding of the Advance Wars-esque turn-based strategy title Tiny Metal. The issues stemmed from Project Phoenix, a 2013 Kickstarter campaign which raised $1,014,600 from 15,802 backers off the back of the promise it would unite Japan's RPG talent to create the ultimate real-time strategy game. The director and project leader, Hiroaki Yura, eventually revealed Project Phoenix had been delayed and explained he would move onto another game with his studio AREA 35 to help raise funds so he could finish the project. This new game was Tiny Metal. (Read More)

Developer Accuses Project Phoenix Director of Embezzling $1 Million From Kickstarter

November 20th - via: kotaku.com
Game developer Tariq Lacy has accused director Hiroaki Yura of stealing money from a Kickstarter called Project Phoenix to fund his latest game, Tiny Metal. Yura has fired back with his own allegations, accusing Lacy of sexual harassment, which Lacy denies. It (Read More)

Project Phoenix Could Still Rise From The Ashes

February 8th - via: cliqist.com
With a new programmer on board, some backers are hopeful that Project Phoenix can finally get moving in the right direction.  (Read More)

Project Phoenix, Successful Kickstarter Project Delayed Until 2018, No Refunds Offered

December 10th - via: wccftech.com
Project Phoenix, a Kickstarter project that managed to gather $1 Million in funding has been delayed until well after the initial promised date, and the developer, Creative Intelligence Arts, won’t be issuing refunds to any displeased backers. (Read More)

Project Phoenix adds PayPal pledge tiers, rewards

January 19th - via: polygon.com
Project Phoenix, a crowd-funded role-playing game from a team of industry veterans, has added a new pledge system through PayPal, according to the Kickstarter campaign's latest update. (Read More)

Crowdfund Bookie: $23 million raised in six months

December 11th - via: joystiq.com
The past six months have proven fruitful for crowdfunded games. In total, 186 different Indiegogo and Kickstarter video game projects earned $23,914,666 from the months of June through November. Those numbers are courtesy of 500,467 backers in the six-month period, who raised $13,173,182 beyond the combined goals of the projects to reach stretch goals that will bring games to additional platforms and grant players more content. (Read More)

Project Phoenix video demonstrates simple animation

December 8th - via: polygon.com
The latest Kickstarter update from Project Phoenix, Creative Intelligence Arts' upcoming JRPG, offers an early look at character animations. (Read More)

Will Project Phoenix make or break Kickstarter?

October 22nd - via: redbull.com
East meets West in this epic new crowdsourced title that could change how games are made forever. (Read More)

Project Phoenix ends Kickstarter campaign by soaring past $1M

September 11th - via: joystiq.com
JRPG-styled RTS Project Phoenix blazed to $1,014,600 when its Kickstarter campaign ended this morning. That money plus the $44,241 donated over Paypal meant the final total was $1,058,841, meeting the stretch goal for a "fully explorable overworld with an upgraded combat transition," along with the rather vague "Fight inside the Kraken." (Read More)

Project Phoenix Kickstarter flies past $1M

September 11th - via: destructoid.com
The Kickstarter for the intriguing Project Phoenix is done, and it's soared past the one million dollar mark. With talent like the legendary composer Nobuo Uematsu and artist Kiyoshi Arai attached, it's no wonder this project met its goal -- the next step is waiting until the far away release date of mid 2015. (Read More)

Google Hangout is Live!

September 10th - via: kickstarter.com
We're here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjojdtwgcYE https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/46b5e391caf451dad3527b9e95a12b794c828b23 -Cronus PS Please leave questions comments on Twitter w/ tag #ProjectPhoenix  (Read More)

Google Hangout - Less than 8 hours remaining!

September 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Today's Totals: Kickstarter$929,828 Paypal$34,536 Total $964,364 Hey Everyone! In a few hours, we'll begin broadcasting using Google Hangout.  For the first hour it may just be me (Cronus), then Hiro will relieve me and I'll return later to finish... (Read More)

The Final Push Topped Off with a Reddit AMA!

September 10th - via: kickstarter.com
With each passing hour, we come closer and closer to the end of the Kickstarter campaign.  The road's been long, but you guys have matched us passion for passion with every step of the way.  Before things wrap up completely, we do have a few things... (Read More)

Character Profiles

September 9th - via: kickstarter.com
On the heels of the story update featuring Yoko Enoki and Bill Benfield, we've gone ahead and added some character profiles on the Kickstarter front page!  If you scroll through, you can read up on brief bios of Marcus, Ruffles, Sylrianah, Zarum,... (Read More)

PlayStation Exclusive

September 9th - via: kickstarter.com
Today's Totals: Kickstarter$822,678 Paypal$23,033 Total $845,711 Less than 48 hours to go! PS4/PS Vita Item Codes We know you’ve been looking forward to a PS4/PS Vita version and so are we! As things stand, Project Phoenix can only be purchased and... (Read More)

On Kickstarter: Project Phoenix Shoots For $1 Million, Announces Playstation 4 & PS Vita Versions

September 9th - via: crowdfundinsider.com
Project Phoenix has raised almost $850,000 on a goal of $100,000 with just under two days left in what can only be called a wildly successful Kickstarter campaign. Now developer Creative Intelligence Arts, Inc. has announced that their game will be released on the Playstation 4 and Playstation Vida. (Read More)

Project Phoenix Kickstarter Campaign Has Just One Day Left

September 9th - via: cinemablend.com
The hour grows late for Project Phoenix , the indie Japanese RPG that aims to bring the strategic genre kicking and screaming into the modern age with well-known talent from the East and West. With just over one day remaining in the game’s Kickstarter campaign, Project Phoenix handily cleared its original goal and is now charging toward the finish line with an additional stretch goal or two caught in its sites. (Read More)

The Ebb and Flow of Combat and Story, New Staffers, and a Trip to the Dwarven Lands!

September 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Today's Kickstarter and Paypal total Kickstarter $817,314Paypal $22,247 Total $839,561 and a little over 50 hours remaining so be sure to let your fellow JRPG fans know about this final push!!  But first... Gameplay Update: As we draw down ever so... (Read More)

Project Phoenix and Good Smile Company Cooperate on Sylrianah Figurine

September 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Today's Kickstarter and Paypal total Kickstarter $796,433Paypal $20,724 Total $817,157 Another day, another stretch goal down!  Thank you so much for your support!  So as we move forward, only 3 days remain.  It'll take an Olympian ;) effort, so... (Read More)

Project Phoenix Overtakes its Fourth Kickstarter Stretch Goal with Over $800,000 Pledged

September 7th - via: dualshockers.com
As the indie JRPG Project Phoenix enters the final stretch of its Kickstarter cavalcade with only three days to go, the total amount pledged just overtook $800,000. The game has now gathered $782,362 on Kickstarter itself and $20,859 via PayPal, bringing the total to $803,221. (Read More)

Gontaro's Going Ons: The Squad Expands

September 5th - via: kickstarter.com
A few days ago, we'd featured some of Gontaro's artwork, specifically of Marcus. Well, if you've been keeping track of the Kickstarter front page, you'll notice that two new characters have graced some of the sections: the noble veteran knight Lance... (Read More)

Playstation 4/Vita Update auf Deutsch!

September 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Im Laufe unserer Kickstarter-Kampagne haben wir neben eurer unglaublichen Unterstützung vor allem die Energie, den Enthusiasmus und nicht zuletzt die Geduld, die ihr uns entgegenbringt, zu schätzen gelernt. Es freut uns daher umso mehr, dass wir... (Read More)

The Console-ation Prize!

September 4th - via: kickstarter.com
In running this Kickstarter, if there’s one thing we’ve really come to appreciate, it’s your energy, enthusiasm, and, of course, your patience!  After a lot of hard work on the back end, we can finally announce that Project Phoenix will... (Read More)

Top Ten Kickstarters Launched in August | Android Kickstarter Wrapup

September 4th - via: gamewoof.com
While most of the crowd sourcing gaming world has been focused on the PC game Mighty No. 9, a Mega Man clone made by many of the people who created Mega Man, August was an amazing month for Android Kickstarters. Not only did I have to do a mid-month update, listing my top five favorites of the first two weeks, but now I also have to run another “Top Android Kickstarters” of August and increase the number to ten and throw in some honorable mentions, just so I don’t feel like I am leaving any of the greatest projects out. (Read More)

A Quick, Somewhat Stern Update

September 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
Today's Kickstarter and Paypal total Kickstarter $705,803Paypal $13,475 Total $719,278 We're driving along and driving along and driving along... And that's because there's so much going on behind the scenes and we'd like to bring more material to... (Read More)

Hallo Leute! - Message from our German Localization team members, Phil und Rene

September 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Hallo Leute! Wir werden uns für die deutsche Übersetzung von Project Phoenix verantwortlich zeigen und freuen uns riesig, Teil dieses großartigen Projekts zu sein. Unsere gesammelte Erfahrung stammt aus der Lokalisierung von Spielen wie Xenoblade... (Read More)

A Happy Labor Day to those in the USA! ...and a warm guten Tag!

September 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Today's Kickstarter and Paypal total Kickstarter $692,212Paypal $12,112 Total $704,324 Past the $700k hurdle.  Now, for the steady march to the $800k and beyond!  So let's PULL OUT ALL THE STOPS! Our journey through Project Phoenix has rocked and... (Read More)

Project Phoenix aiming for 50-60 hours of gameplay

September 2nd - via: explosion.com
Project Phoenix, the Kickstarter-funded tactical JRPG from Creative Intelligence Arts, will likely feature between 50-60 hours of gameplay, Director Hiroaki Yura has explained in a new interview with VG247. (Read More)

Thank you! $650k stretch goal reached!

August 31st - via: kickstarter.com
Today's Kickstarter and Paypal total Kickstarter $668,533Paypal $10,902 Total $679,435 Thank you! $650k stretch goal reached! We are exhilarated to announce that we've reached our second stretch goal!This will allow us to create a more detailed and... (Read More)

Project Phoenix RTS/RPG title successfully funded on Kickstarter

August 30th - via: droidgamers.com
Project Phoenix is an interesting mix of genres, sporting squad-based RTS gameplay meshed with RPG elements and storylines heavily influenced by the entire JRPG genre. To accomplish this feat, almost everyone on the entire development team from both the East and the West have worked on major Triple-A titles ranging from Diablo 3 to various Final Fantasy games, Halo to L.A. Noire and everything in between. (Read More)

Forums & Devs

August 28th - via: kickstarter.com
Today's Totals: Kickstarter $639,659 Paypal $9,041 Total $648,700 Hello Again Everyone! We have almost achieved our $650,000 stretch goal!  Thank you for your continued support in this project, and please continue to spread the word so that we reach... (Read More)

Some stuff on the side...

August 27th - via: kickstarter.com
Today's Kickstarter and Paypal total Kickstarter $624,594Paypal $7,582 Total $632,176 An update not related to Project Phoenix I'd like to show everyone what I do besides being the Director and Producer for Phoenix, and what I'm capable of delivering... (Read More)

First combat update - Terrain

August 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Today's Kickstarter and Paypal total Kickstarter $616,720Paypal $7,026 Total $623,746 Over 10,000 backers! We are thrilled to have over 10,000 backers back our project! We still have many exciting updates to come, so please tune into our updates and... (Read More)

Slowly Encroaching Upon the Second Stretch...

August 24th - via: kickstarter.com
As of this writing...Kickstarter - $603,819Paypal - $5,990 We've Passed $600,000 (because maaaaaaath)! With each passing day, we're bouncing along ever closer to our second stretch goal of $650,000, giving us the opportunity to create fully... (Read More)

Very first look into the characters of Project Phoenix

August 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Today's Kickstarter and Paypal total Kickstarter $589,634Paypal $5,306 Total $594,940 More friends! As Project Phoenix continues to take form, we continue to add more people to the team whose experience and expertise match the project’s scope and... (Read More)

Minor updates

August 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Today's Kickstarter and Paypal total Kickstarter $581,169Paypal $4,134 Total $585,303 Gameplay update coming soon... (hopefully) We're preparing a video on gameplay and we think we might be able to release it on Monday. We don't really know yet for... (Read More)

First musical update

August 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Today's Kickstarter and Paypal total Kickstarter $570,462Paypal $3,127.56 Total $573,589.56 Music from Project Phoenix plays a large part in our game. There are several reasons to this, and one of the main reason is that I started out in this... (Read More)

OVER 9000?! Paypal option, interview and expensive wines!

August 20th - via: kickstarter.com
OVER 9000?! Thank you so much everyone! We're over 9000 backers. Vegeta would have broken his Scouter in excitement by now. PayPal Option For those of you who do not have an Amazon account and have been unable to support us through Kickstarter, we... (Read More)

Scales and Goals

August 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Everyone! We’re only $100,000 away from our next stretch goal. As a thank you to all of you who have pledged your support, we've come up with a small way to give back. Also, we will begin posting smaller updates to keep you interested,... (Read More)

Project Phoenix Raises Over $500,000 on Kickstarter

August 19th - via: gamrreview.com
The game is being made by a dream team of developers, who have had experience with titles like Final Fantasy, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Diablo III, as well as films like The Wolverine and The Lord of the Rings. And that's just to name a few. (Read More)

Leveling, Skills, and Squad Tactics

August 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Greetings Gamers! You’ve helped us to raise half a million dollars only five days after launch. Thank you all for your support, and help in spreading the word. Some of you may have already seen the interview that was uploaded yesterday involving... (Read More)

Indie JRPG Project Phoenix raises $500,000 in first week

August 17th - via: destructoid.com
A cosmopolitan team of developers with experience working on titles such as Valkyria Chronicles, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Diablo III, and the Final Fantasy series have joined forces to create Project Phoenix, an indie Japanese role-playing game. (Read More)

Kickstarter Spotlight - Projects You Should Pay Attention To 8/16

August 16th - via: igameresponsibly.com
Three new projects and one update comprise this weeks' Kickstarter Spotlight article. Selections range from JRPGs, Platformers, Metroidvania, to Symphony? (Read More)

Detailed Explanation of Stretch Goals

August 15th - via: kickstarter.com
The following information will help to explain our former and current stretch goals in greater detail.  Thank you for your patience and continued support! $300,000 We've already achieved this stretch goal, but let me elaborate a little on what this... (Read More)

Project Phoenix - Kickstarter-Ziel in nur neun Stunden erreicht (Update: 500.000 Dollar erreicht)

August 13th - via: gamestar.de
Sollten die Gelder auf einem gleichbleibenden Niveau fließen, würden laut Angaben der Statistikseite Kicktraq bis zum Ende der Kickstarter-Aktion mehr als zwei Millionen Euro zusammenkommen. Die Kampagne läuft noch bis zum 11. September 2013. (Read More)

First Stretch Goal Down, Many More To Follow

August 12th - via: kickstarter.com
$300,000! Thank you so for helping us reach our first stretch goal!  The additional models, and extended music will allow us to create a better gaming experience for you, and all future gamers of Project Phoenix.  As an additional treat, we've... (Read More)

Project Phoenix Kickstarter Now Live!

August 12th - via: blackmannrobin.com
If you’ve been holding out for something fresh in the JRPG circle (or is it a square?), you’re going to want to take a look at Project Phoenix. While it promises to take you back to the good old days of JRPGs, back before things grew… Complicated, some things look very different from what we’re used to seeing in traditional JRPGs, and that’s because Project Phoenix mixes in RTS elements. (Read More)

Project Phoenix is an indie JRPG from Final Fantasy vets

August 9th - via: destructoid.com
There's a lot to digest here. Project Phoenix is an indie JRPG with real-time strategy elements. Its Kickstarter campaign will launch in a few days and it's asking for $100,000. Heading the project is Hiroaki Yura. Kiyoshi Arai (Final Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy XIV) is the art director and the music is coming from none other than famed Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu in his first work on an indie game. You had me at Final Fantasy XII -- its possibly my favorite in the series, in no small part because of its art direction -- but Uematsu, too? (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!