Top Line Hockey

A project in Plymouth, MI by Scott Wambold

Status: Active

A fast paced table top hockey game that fits on a piece of paper.
Backers: 42
Average Daily Pledges: $50
Average Pledge Per Backer: $22

Funding: $944 of $400
Dates: Jun 8th -> Jul 8th (30 days)
Project By: Scott Wambold
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Latest News

The League has Formed!

June 23rd - via:
Hello Founders,We have now reached 12 founders for the ESHL!  I've been keeping up with a lot of you in the Discord and I wanted to give you guys a recap of some of the things we are looking at.First, we have had an artist send us some examples for... (Read More)

3...2...1... HALFTIME!

June 22nd - via:
Hello hockey fans!We are wrapping up my family trip to Wisconsin this week which means I'll be getting back into my regular schedule of updates soon, but we have had a couple of exciting things happen this week.First was getting the chance to play a... (Read More)

Deep in the corners...and on writing the rules

June 16th - via:
Well I was out last night before the final whistle, which is why this update is a little bit delayed.  No major additions as we enter into the dog days of the campaign.Something that I have been messing with the last few days is a simple suspension... (Read More)

Rolling Along!

June 13th - via:
Hello hockey fans!Very short update this time around, just want to share that I am talking to some people about art as we will likely have some funds to use for that (even if its not a full budget).  I also wanted to share we only have 1 spot left... (Read More)

Making your picks!

June 10th - via:
Happy Tuesday!Two days in and I don't have much to discuss in terms of updates.  I'm doing a lot of planning to make sure that despite a busy work schedule I'll be able to keep up with the game.  Also of course proof reading, proof reading, proof... (Read More)

Welcome to the ESHL!

June 8th - via:
I cannot express how overjoyed I am at your support!  It is amazing to see how much you all believe in me and the game and want to be a part of it.We will certainly have time to work out the details later, but I just wanted to let everyone know you... (Read More)

Right off the faceoff! We are funded!

June 8th - via:
Starting a new campaign is always stressful.  All the planning and preparation give way to hoping you were on the right track.And I think I we are.I'm so happy to see so much enthusiasm over Top Line Hockey!  I've known since the first play test... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!