World Of Twilight: Travels through Anyaral
A project in London, UK by World of Twilight000days
Funding Successful
Twilight is a fast moving miniatures skirmish game set in Mike Thorp's alternative fantasy world of Anyaral.
Backers: 206
Average Pledge Per Backer: £98
Funded: £20,154 of £1,000
Dates: Mar 1st -> Mar 30th (30 days)
Project By: World of Twilight
Backers: 206
Average Pledge Per Backer: £98
Funded: £20,154 of £1,000
Dates: Mar 1st -> Mar 30th (30 days)
Project By: World of Twilight
current pledge level
Last Updated: March 30 @ 16:02 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Nearly there! Updated pledge guide and details of all Starter and Expansion forces!
March 30th - via:
We are well and truly into the final day of the campaign now with just 7 hours to go! I've decided to do a BIG update to include the Pledge guide and details of all the different starter forces. The mighty Dehran will be unleashed! You can buy... (Read More)
The final day... The Enarii Cometh!!!
March 29th - via:
We are nearly there, just over 24 hours to go! We've shot straight past £15k with lots of last minute pledges! You are going to get a special stat card for Gil and a mushroom if you are getting the Scientific Extras bonus set... I think this will be... (Read More)
A quick guide to pledging!
March 29th - via:
We are well into the last couple of days of the campaign and we've just reached £15,000! Thanks everybody! With all the different stretch goals we've achieved it’s probably a bit confusing to work out exactly what you are going to get, so I... (Read More)
More stuff for Gil and details of the Compilation Book!
March 28th - via:
Woohoo! We've got the map! I'm excited and nervous about this one. It's going to be a bit of an experiment to get the map finished and printed, but every copy of the Compilation that I send out for the Kickstarter will come with a copy of the map... (Read More)
New Artwork, Add-ons and Expansion Forces!
March 27th - via:
Hi all! This evening I have been working on graphics to show off all the releases I've vaguely mentioned over the last couple of days, as well as assembling and inking some new master castings... Firstly, we've managed to achieve two new stretch... (Read More)
Here come the Frenu!
March 26th - via:
The frenu have been lurking in the forests of anyaral since I first sketched the basic concepts of Twilight... At that stage they were cyclopean pot-bellied lizard fairies, but they've evolved a lot since then! In later iterations they turned into... (Read More)
Spread the word!
March 26th - via:
Morning all, We are heading towards the last few days of the campaign, so I wanted to encourage you all to go and spread the word about the campaign and make sure we achieve the last few stretch goals! Any little thing you can do would be a great... (Read More)
Force guides, rumours of new Expansion Forces and the Devanu Matriarch!
March 25th - via:
A couple of people have asked for a bit of a guide to the different forces, so here goes! I've also snuck in details of some new expansion forces... I haven't sorted graphics for the new Expansion Forces yet, but I will try to do some tomorrow! You... (Read More)
A Map of Anyaral!
March 24th - via:
Just a quick update tonight - I want to go and do some concept sketches! Last night I might have accidentally shown the £14k stretch goal, so I guess I had better announce it properly! The last few stretch goals are all things I would really like to... (Read More)
Game Play Video and more Stretch Goals!
March 23rd - via:
Evening all! It's been a busy weekend! I had a fantastic day at Military in Miniature yesterday, which has both tired me out and reinvigorated me for the final week of the campaign... In seven days time it will all be drawing to an exciting close!... (Read More)
Danakan and Muri, Light Knights and Scientific stuff!
March 21st - via:
I've spent the day preparing for tomorrow's show, but I did find time to pull together some images earlier! I'll tell you more about these little guys tomorrow, but I'll be giving the pair of them away if you've pledged over £150 (including... (Read More)
Unleash the PreePree! Plus, updated add-ons and the Engineer Returns!
March 20th - via:
We’ve finally achieved the elusive Pampered Pree Pree! We’ve had a few pledges added and removed recently so the Pree Pree is feeling particularly confused… I’m just going to lock it in now and say we’ve made it. This means that everybody... (Read More)
Lots of useful Twilight links!
March 19th - via:
With just 11 days to go we are definitely reaching the final leg of this campaign! There are a few things in the works that I’m really hoping might reach fruition over the next week. This Saturday I’m going to Military in Miniature in... (Read More)
Incoming - Character Expansion Forces!
March 18th - via:
This evening I want to show you what I am hoping to release if we get to £11,000! These Expansion forces give you some really top level leaders to take charge of your forces on the battlefield. These will work the same as the Expansion forces... (Read More)
March 17th - via:
Good evening! Today I've finally pulled together a graphic for the first set of expansion forces. I'm really not happy with the title 'Devanu Kopa' for the Devanu one... has anybody got any good ideas? I couldn't quite bring myself to go with 'The... (Read More)
Back from the weekend... New Expansion Forces!
March 16th - via:
I've had a couple of days away and a lot has been going on! Most importantly, we reached £10,000! This is incredible and I can only say thank you for all your support so far. I'm really excited to tell you more about my plans for the book! The... (Read More)
March 15th - via:
Wow, we made it to £10,000! That means I'm going to pull all three books together into a single big compilation. More details to follow later this week. Thank you everybody! Sorry I've been a bit quiet over the weekend, but I've been stuck in the... (Read More)
Champions of Anyaral!
March 13th - via:
Woohoo! We reached £9,000! This mean everybody who has pledged for £50 or more will get a free set of bits to go with Gil! Joe is busy painting up a sample set for me to show off, so hopefully more on that next week. I'm still finalising details... (Read More)
Incoming - Expansion forces!
March 12th - via:
Time to announce the much requested expansion forces! The five initial forces will be unlocked at £9,500 so they should hopefully help push us up to getting the big book released! I'm also trying to finalise the contents, so now is the chance to... (Read More)
Twilight Cards and a Facebook Contest!
March 11th - via:
Evening all! I've had a few questions about the potential to do some cards for the game, so I'm going to set that as our next big long-term goal! It's an ambitious target, but hopefully we can get there! This would be a full set of cards available as... (Read More)
New Campaign Graphics!
March 10th - via:
This evening I have had the thrilling task of updating graphics! We finally have the much-overdue new graphics for the Emperor pledge and the Accessories! I should comment that as with a lot of items during this kickstarter I'm offering these at a... (Read More)
Combat stone and accessory details
March 9th - via:
Just a quick update tonight... I've just finished off carving the last of the new combat stones, so they’ll be winging their way over to Anarchy miniatures for casting tomorrow. I’ll be very excited to get the first set of stones in my hand so I... (Read More)
100 Backers, game upgrades and new stuff for Gil!
March 8th - via:
One week in and we have just reached 100 backers! We have also unlocked the £8000 stretch goal, so thanks to you all for making this possible! Three more exciting weeks to go :-) This means that I am going to get a laser cut blast template designed... (Read More)
Gil Masharl - Painted!
March 7th - via:
Today I get to share the first proper pictures of Gil Masharl! Alan Crookes of White Dragon Miniatures has done a magnificent job of casting him up. When he met with his fellow Brindie members this weekend to record another brantercast (hopefully... (Read More)
More Stretch Goals: Free Critters, Game Upgrades and a Compilation book!
March 6th - via:
Time for some new stretch goals! Firstly, when we get to £7000 I’ll throw in a second random wee beastie for Gil to study… Hopefully that won’t take too long :-) This is an exciting one and rolls together a bunch of ideas I've been working on.... (Read More)
The Traders have Arrived!
March 6th - via:
Wow! It’s been quite a day! We’ve smashed through two new stretch goals and waaay beyond. I’ll announce the new stretch goals later this evening, but in the meantime I wanted to give a quick update… The Devanu Outcasts and the Delgon got... (Read More)
Wild Grishak, more minis and Emperor and Engineer Pledge Levels!
March 5th - via:
It’s a big update this time - we've achieved more stretch goals, so I've got the next two to announce... Then, it's the big news with some brand new pledges! Firstly, I'm pleased to announce that we've passed £5000 and unlocked the Grishak Starter... (Read More)
Incoming... new pledge levels! PLUS Orelan Knights and backer icons!
March 4th - via:
Four days into the campaign and I've got a couple of exciting announcements to make! Firstly, I'm preparing a new nice big Emperor level pledge. This will give you the opportunity to pledge for a selection of different starter forces, as well as... (Read More)
Dhogu Starter Force
March 3rd - via:
Evening! Day 3 and things are still going smoothly - we unlocked another new starter force, this time for the Dhogu! Thanks again for all the support! Woohoo, we unlocked the Dhogu! These little guys are a constant annoyance to their neighbours of... (Read More)
Light Knights and Wild Grishak
March 2nd - via:
Good evening! Another exciting day at Twilight Central, with even more stretch goals achieved! Thanks to everybody who has pledged today, or enthusiastically increased their pledge so as to get more goodies... I'll share pics of the Initiative stones... (Read More)
Noble Guard, Resin Initiative Stones and Dhogu Starter Force
March 2nd - via:
We've just passed £3000, unlocking the new Noble force! Here's a quick graphic of the new force. Noble guard - sculpted by Mark Craggs and painted by Joe Karame The Noble Guard are well trained and well dressed, dedicated in their duty of... (Read More)
Introducing the Engu!
March 2nd - via:
Good morning all! I am pleased to say that we've started day two of the campaign with another stretch goal achieved! Now most of you will be getting a little critter with your pledges :-) I've also just pulled together a quick graphic showing the... (Read More)
New stretches - Nobles and Critters
March 1st - via:
Hi all, I did promise another update and looks like it is just in time! We've achieved the next stretch goal, so the Clan Engu starter force will be available very shortly... I just need to sort the graphics. I hope you don't mind but this may have... (Read More)
Off to a great start!
March 1st - via:
Wow, that's been a fantastic first few hours! We smashed our funding target in just under three hours, so a big thank you to everybody who has pledged already. I did have plans to announce stretch goals later tonight, but I think I had better do a... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!