The Ravagors’ Siege - Eldoria Chronicles

A project in Mexico City, Mexico by Golden Thief Studio

Funding Successful

High quality 3D STL to print fantasy miniatures for tabletop games, DnD, 40K and painting.
Backers: 105
Average Pledge Per Backer: MX$694

Funded: MX$72,818 of MX$3,000
Dates: May 16th -> Jun 16th (31 days)
Project By: Golden Thief Studio
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Last Updated: June 16 @ 02:06 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

The Ravagor's Siege - Thank you for your support 😉

June 16th - via:
Hi Thiefers!This adventure has come to an end, and we want to express our heartfelt thanks 🙌🙌. We had a feeling this campaign would be special, and we’re incredibly grateful that you’ve given us your trust and support.So, what’s... (Read More)

The Ravagor's Siege - Red Thunderbolts Kick off!!!

June 14th - via:
Hi Thiefers, the last player is on the field, and with this, all the Red Thunderbolts can be called ready! We hope you liked it. 😎😎😎😎In the future, we’ll be bringing you a full campaign of miniatures focused on Blood Bowl aesthetics, so... (Read More)

The Ravagor's Siege - WR on sight 🏈

June 13th - via:
Hi Thiefers! Please welcome the second player of the team 🎉🎉🎉🎉Even after the campaign ends, we’ll continue to share updates on the progress of the next files, so you’ll be hearing from us until we deliver everything on MMF 😊Stay... (Read More)

The Ravagor's Siege - The RedThunderbolts taking the field🏈

June 12th - via:
Hello Thiefers!The first player of the official Ravagor’s team is now set! and more are yet to come 👌👌😋   We’ll bring you a new update very soon.  Stay Golden✨GTS Team (Read More)

The Ravagor's Siege - Wasteland Riders Test Prints

June 10th - via:
Hello Thiefers!Over the weekend, we run some test prints of the Wasteland Riders, and honestly, the photos don’t do them justice—they look incredible, and we couldn't hold to show you! Check this outThis is the last week of this fantastic... (Read More)

The Ravagor's Siege - Wasteland Riders Finished!

June 7th - via:
Hi Thiefers! We have news, all the Wasteland Riders have been finished!  And now we'll follow with the Blood Bowl Ravagors, If you’d like us to make a special pose for these files, feel free to share your suggestions in the comment box! We’re... (Read More)

The Ravagor's Siege- Second Wasteland Rider Ready!

June 5th - via:
Hi Thiefers! We have finished the second Wasteland Rider and it's massive, feast your 👀 belowWe'll bring you more updates soon of the next Ravagors.Stay Golden✨GTS Team (Read More)

The Ravagor's Siege - All Stretch Goals Unlocked!

June 4th - via:
Hello Thiefers, We apologize for the delay in updates, but over the weekend, our entire team attended Mega XP—an excellent opportunity to test our new game system currently in development and to meet fellow enthusiasts. Feel free to check out our... (Read More)

The Ravagor's Siege - New Stretch Goal Unlocked!

May 31st - via:
Hello, Thiefers!We’ve unlocked the non-modular version of the Ravagors and made a few adjustments. It wouldn’t be fair to deliver only a part of the non-modular army, so we’ve reduced the goals to just two more to achieve within the remaining... (Read More)

The Ravagor's Siege - Wasteland Riders on the way!!

May 28th - via:
Hey Thiefers, hope your week is going well for all of you.We’re thrilled to unveil the first Wasteland Rider to you! And two more are on their way, we’ll be sharing very soon more updates.We’ve also noticed some concerns about the pace of our... (Read More)

The Ravagor's Siege - Wanderers Almost Ready!

May 23rd - via:
Hello Thiefers! We are fine-tuning the details of the Wanderers 🤩 There is just one more step to go to call them completed, but the general look is ready!    Check them out  below👀👀👀After these we'll start working on the... (Read More)

The Ravagor's Siege - New Stretch Goals!

May 22nd - via:
Hello Thiefers!We apologize for the absence, but we were fine-tuning the details of the Wanderers 🤩Regarding the requests to add more stretch goals, we have reviewed them internally, and we have decided to add the complete non-modular Ravagor’s... (Read More)

Elders Wars - The Battle for Dominance of The Underworld!

May 18th - via:
Are you a fan of miniatures, wargames, and the creatures from Lovecraft’s universe? Then this new campaign is for you!Our friends at 92_Games have launched their latest board game inspired by Lovecraft’s dark and mysterious universe, but with a... (Read More)

The Ravagor's Siege - Second and last Streach Goal Reached!!

May 17th - via:
Hey Thiefers, your enthusiasm for this campaign has been overwhelming, and we couldn’t be happier!The second and final Stretch Goal has been unlocked! Get ready for the new Ravagor unit to battle fiercely for every bloody yard! The Ravagor’s... (Read More)

The Ravagor's Siege - First Stretch Goal Unlocked!!

May 16th - via:
A massive thank you to all of you the Thiefers! With your help, we’ve successfully unlocked our first stretch goal. You might be wondering what’s in store? Well, we’re gearing up to develop a new Ravagor unit set in a post-apocalyptic... (Read More)

The Ravagor's Siege Live Now!!!

May 16th - via:
 Hey, thiefers! 🌟 The wait is over! The Ravagor’s Siege has arrived, and the adventure begins now. It’s time to showcase your bravery! 🛡️ The campaign is officially underway! The siege of Ravagor has commenced, and we need your courage... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!