Hollywood: Make Your Own Blockbuster
A project in Miami, FL by Hobby World USA LLC000days
Funding Successful
Hollywood: Make Your Own Blockbuster is a fast paced board game about making movies!
Backers: 783
Average Pledge Per Backer: $52
Funded: $40,792 of $12,000
Dates: May 20th -> Jun 19th (30 days)
Project By: Hobby World USA LLC
Backers: 783
Average Pledge Per Backer: $52
Funded: $40,792 of $12,000
Dates: May 20th -> Jun 19th (30 days)
Project By: Hobby World USA LLC
current pledge level
Last Updated: June 19 @ 07:01 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Movie Critic unlocked! Intermediate stretch goal announced!
June 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Now you have unlocked our next stretch goal. Movie Critic! If you have a Movie Critic, for each Worthless Script card and for each Second Unit Director card used in all your movies you get 1 million! Movie Critic acts as a part of your film crew and... (Read More)
Dance Choreographer unlocked! Critic confirmed!
June 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Thanks to your terrific support we keep unlocking stretch goals! New stretch goal – Dance Choreographer – is now unlocked! Dance Choreographer can earn you several millions if you use him right. He adds 1 million for each coin symbol on your... (Read More)
Two more cards from “The Other Side of Hollywood” - Art House is here!
June 17th - via: kickstarter.com
The art is ready for 2 more cards of The Other Side of Hollywood add-on! A quick info for those of you who just joined us: Art House Actor and Art House Actress cards are a part of The Other Side of Hollywood add-on. Read more about it at the end of... (Read More)
2 days left! Gaffer unlocked! Much wanted professional announced!
June 17th - via: kickstarter.com
These are the final days and our campaign progress is accelerating! Thanks to all of you for backing and spreading the word about Hollywood! Every effort helps! We have less than $10,000 to reach in remaining 2 days. Getting to $45,000 to unlock... (Read More)
Brazilian Portuguese rules available for download!
June 17th - via: kickstarter.com
We now have Brazilian Portuguese rules available for download! We are very grateful to one of our backers - Paulo Ricardo Correia da Silva for preparing this translation. Please download Brazilian Portuguese rules by clicking the picture below:... (Read More)
Interview with Nikolay Pegasov designer of Hollywood: Make Your Own Blockbuster
June 16th - via: todayinboardgames.com
Today’s interview is with Nikolay Pegasov designer of Hollywood: Make Your Own Blockbuster which is on Kickstarter now! Hollywood Box IsometricGive us an overview of your game and how it's played. Hollywood is a fast family game with simultaneous moves. It's based on a combination of card draft, auction, and set collection mechanics. A set of cards which you collect is your blockbuster. A blockbuster contains 3-9 cards. (Read More)
Final days of our campaign! Powerful Location Scout unlocked, more stretch goals coming!
June 15th - via: kickstarter.com
We are now entering the final days of Hollywood campaign with only 3 days to go! We'd like to quote one of our great backers, J-F Audy on current situation: "We are so close to the next stretch goal! If we can get to 35K before the 48 hours... (Read More)
Hollywood: Make Your Own Blockbuster – Conviértete en un director de cine
June 15th - via: blog.egdgames.com
¡Bienvenidos a Hollywood! — ¡donde se cumplen sueños y nacen estrellas! ¿Alguna vez deseaste poder rodar la película perfecta? “Hollywood: Make Your Own Blockbuster” te permite recrear esa fantasía. (Read More)
Hollywood reached 30K, player aid cards unlocked, new stretch goals ahead!
June 13th - via: kickstarter.com
We passed another milestone. Hollywood is funded at $30,000! Your support does have a very noticeable effect. We still have a way to $45,000 but now we have much better chances to get there. It’s possible if you spread the word about Hollywood... (Read More)
The Magnificent Return of Actor/Actress!
June 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Before we move to Actor/Actress, we want to say a few words about Festival Madness. As we already wrote, a whole new Festival Deck is coming to Hollywood as a stretch goal at $45k! We have announced Festival Madness stretch goal just a few hours ago... (Read More)
Ultimate stretch goal at 45K: Festival Madness!
June 11th - via: kickstarter.com
We interrupt this broadcast to bring you an important message! Festival Madness is upon us! With this ultimate stretch goal we want to bring the most requested features: events and festivals. Idea for this deck appeared after we read your comments.... (Read More)
Hollywood Spanish rules are available for download!
June 9th - via: kickstarter.com
This is a short update with excellent news for our Spanish speaking backers. Rules of Hollywood were translated to Spanish language by Miguel Viñas. We’ve added the link to our Kickstarter page and you can also download the PDF file with Hollywood... (Read More)
Actor-Actress unlocked!
June 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Another strong Star card is added to Hollywood! Actor/Actress stretch goal is unlocked! What’s the deal with the question mark? As you may know, we’ve decided to change the art for Actor/Actress after we've listened to your feedback. We had some... (Read More)
Two brand new cards from The Other Side!
June 6th - via: kickstarter.com
We have some cool new art ready to show you! The art for Controversial Director and Producer’s Girlfriend is done. Our artist was inspired by your great ideas. John GT and Don Riddle: leopard print that you asked for is in the game! Both of these... (Read More)
Director of Photography unlocked!
June 4th - via: kickstarter.com
We have a new Star card in Hollywood – Director of Photography! As you may know, the idea for this card was suggested by you – Hollywood’s backers. It is possible that we will do other stretch goal cards based on backers’ feedback. We already... (Read More)
Reddit AMA with Nikolay Pegasov
June 4th - via: kickstarter.com
A quick heads up about today's event. You have a lot of great ideas and suggestions. Here is the most fun way to communicate with Hollywood's author directly and live! Nikolay Pegasov, author of Hollywood will do AMA on Reddit today, June 4th. This... (Read More)
And there was much singing and rejoicing in Hollywood! Singer stretch goal unlocked!
June 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
We keep unlocking stretch goal cards! Please welcome the Singer! Singer’s effect is simple but powerful: all your coins on cards count as award symbols as well! Coin values don't matter, you just count all coin symbols on your cards. For example,... (Read More)
Method Acting Teacher unlocked, Singer and Mystery goal announced, and more!
June 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
We have a lot of exciting news for you today! Method Acting Teacher unlocked! It’s never too late to learn! Method Acting Teacher stretch goal is unlocked! Method Acting Teacher is a powerful card that can help you to get huge box office. If you... (Read More)
Sneak peak: Card art from the Hollywood game
June 3rd - via: geeknative.com
Hollywood is a board game by Russian designer Nikolay Pegasov. The game has done very well and is now expanding with an international version. (Read More)
The time has come. Feel the power of The Other Side of Hollywood!
June 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
We have already unlocked a lot of stretch goals and added 14 cards to the base game. We are grateful to all of you for support and great ideas! Some of your suggestions are already being implemented and worked on. Now, as we have promised, we are... (Read More)
Hollywood - NVS Gameplays - Kickstarter Preview! - Impressions - Is it it's own Blockbuster?
June 2nd - via: boardgamegeek.com
I check out the game Hollywood by (The Executives) at Hobby World. Think you've got the prowess for making movies? Think you can draw cards and arrange them in a preset pattern? Think you can perform simple addition? Well, then good for you! That's the first step to recovery. But what really matters is what I think, doesn't it? NO?!?! Ok, well, then you'll never know whether this game's a-walkin' down the red carpet, or goin' straight to your local VHS bargain bin! Oh, and you're a poopy-head too! (Read More)
Hollywood - NVS Gameplays - Kickstarter Preview! - Overview & Rules - How to be FAMOUS!
June 2nd - via: boardgamegeek.com
I check out the game Hollywood by (The Executives) at Hobby World. Ever dreamed of making your own movie? Ever dreamed that the movie you did make never got shown to anyone, and that your dignity was still in tact? Ever wanted a crack at being the mastermind behind this summer's blockbuster hit? Well, I can help you with one of those issues for sure. I can explain how to put cards in a certain order so that you have everything for a make-believe movie! And isn't make-believe what movies are all about anyways? Sure they are . . . sure they are. (Read More)
Lawyer unlocked!
May 31st - via: kickstarter.com
Now we are talking! Lawyers are unleashed, uh, we mean unlocked. Hollywood is becoming much more intense! The Lawyer must be played at a special game phase (Production Stage), named “Crew Activites”. It’s just before everyone begins to lay out... (Read More)
Actor-Director stretch goal is now unlocked!
May 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Woot! We keep knocking down stretch goals! Actor-Director is unlocked! That did not take too long! Actor-Director is now added to every Kickstarter edition copy of Hollywood. Actor/Director is a star card and… Well, he comes right after... (Read More)
Hollywood: Make Your Own Blockbuster
May 29th - via: boardandgames.com
We have a look at the rule book of Hollywood: Make Your Own Blockbuster to see what the game has to offer. (Read More)
Actress-Director unlocked, Mystery Man revealed and more!
May 28th - via: kickstarter.com
A fresh new stretch goal is now unlocked! Actress-Director joins Hollywood movie-making team! With this unlocked stretch goal, we are adding two different Actress/Director cards (same art but different card properties). Actress/Director is a Star... (Read More)
Get ready to become the MOVIE LEGEND!
May 27th - via: kickstarter.com
With this update, we are introducing new pledge level: MOVIE LEGEND. Some of you asked us for it! At this pledge level our artist will draw a card with your likeness. Now you can become one of Hollywood’s best! Every copy of Hollywood will have a... (Read More)
Second Unit Directors are here. Stretch Goals became closer!
May 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Hollywood continues to grow! We have just unlocked the first “classic” stretch goal – Second Unit Director (first overall unlocked stretch goal was lovely PR Specialist). SECOND UNIT DIRECTOR: UNLOCKED! Second Unit Directors will help you to... (Read More)
Critical Preview - Hollywood
May 26th - via: critshappen.net
Last year, we shared a review on World of Tanks, from Hobby World. It was an exciting and unique deck building game that we still are enjoying getting to the table. Today, Hobby World is enjoying success with a new type of card game, Hollywood! (Read More)
HOT NEWS! We got awesome review and two interviews, PnP pledge and Essen delivery!
May 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hi movie fans! In our first update we linked a great video review by Tox. Do you like it? It does a good job of showing Hollywood’s game mechanics and is very detailed. Now Tox posted his review on BoardGameGeek. Please thumb it up if you find... (Read More)
Hollywood Kickstarter avatars have arrived!
May 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Our funding goal is reached. Now is the perfect time to spread the word about Hollywood across Kickstarter! Star actors and actresses are playing their best roles in front of cameras; best directors are shooting movies of their dreams. Hollywood... (Read More)
May 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
It’s happening! International edition of Hollywood will become real! Thank you for your trust in our game. We will do everything (and more!) to make sure that Hollywood lives to your expectations. We’d like to thank the board gaming community... (Read More)
Meet the designer ... Nikolay Pegasov
May 22nd - via: boardandgames.com
Are you done waiting for the new Star Wars movie? Do you feel you have it in you to make a sequel to the Matrix? Do you think you can do a better job than placing Harrison Ford in a flying refrigerator during a nuclear explosion? (Read More)
Lovely PR Specialist Unlocked!
May 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Unbelievable!!! Social Stretch Goal is unlocked in just one day after Hollywood was launched on Kickstarter and just in 4 hours after we’ve asked you to help our cute PR Specialist! Your efforts made it happen. You guys are great! Thank you! PR... (Read More)
More Reviews for Hollywood!
May 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Hi everyone! First and foremost we would like to thank all of you for the amazing support of Hollywood! Less than 24 hours have passed and we are already getting very close to the funding goal. We hope that Hollywood will cross that mark very soon... (Read More)
Casual Game Crowdfunding: Hollywood, Evolution, and Kart Racing
May 21st - via: casualgamerevolution.com
Time for the monthly Kickstarter roundup! May brings us several new card games, as well as the first in a new line from an established gaming company (North Star Games). A popular game from Russia is seeking an English release, and a new racing game mixes things up with a map-building mechanic. (Read More)
Dale Yu: Review of Hollywood
May 20th - via: opinionatedgamers.com
Hobby World is a newer publisher that is bringing Russian designed games to the American market. Previously, the Opinionated Gamers have looked at a few of their other games including Desktopia and Septikon. Thus far, while some of these games haven’t been particularly my style – I have found them to be well produced and professionally done. (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!