RESISTOR Enamel Pins

A project in Pittsburgh, PA by Jeremy Burnich

Funding Successful

This pin is based on the symbol for electrical resistance. Subtly show your resistance to the "current" US President.
Backers: 260
Average Pledge Per Backer: $16

Funded: $4,119 of $1,200
Dates: Jan 23rd -> Feb 22nd (30 days)
Project By: Jeremy Burnich
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Last Updated: February 22 @ 20:45 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

Happy Presidents Day!

February 20th - via:
"They Let You Do It" by Lennart Gäbel Keep on resisting!   Jeremy P.S. - If you haven't seen it, here's a link to The Resistance Calendar.  You can search by city or topic to find a resistance event to attend.    (Read More)

Seven Days Remain

February 15th - via:
Inception Reality Totem I started this Kickstarter campaign on January 23d at around 9:30 PM EST because I wanted to create a symbol of resistance to the current occupant of the White House. Since then, there hasn’t been a single day where... (Read More)

Housekeeping + Add-ons + Something Really Cool

February 10th - via:
Housekeeping Update There’s just 12 days to go on this campaign and at this point I am pretty confident that I have the Kickstarter platform more or less figured out (thanks to my public library’s copy of “Kickstarter for Dummies.”) Since... (Read More)

15 Days Remaining and Over 286% Funded!

February 7th - via:
Thank you!  This Kickstarter campaign has surpassed my original goal three times.  I just did a tally and as it stands over 300 pins are set to be made!  That's the good news.  And there is no bad news as far as this particular campaign is... (Read More)

One Week In

February 1st - via:
Trump's Vision For America The current occupant of the White House is turning the United States into something I don't like. He's not just proposing a wall.  He's walling the country up. Shutting the world out and us in.  Every cabinet... (Read More)

Thoughts While Walking

January 30th - via:
My friend Scott Denton is a talented artist. He's also a sensitive and thoughtful soul.   He lives in New York and recently shared his thoughts on the current state of affairs caused by the unconstitutional and unnecessary edict released by the... (Read More)

Stretch Goal - T-Shirts

January 29th - via:
Since I started this campaign, I've had requests for t-shirts with the resistor symbol.  I really wanted to make sure the pins got fully funded before I added anything else.  Now that we are fully funded I've added some Resistor t-shirts in Black... (Read More)

Social Media and Resistance

January 29th - via:
DifferencesThis weekend people from all walks of life spontaneously came together to protest and resist the racist and unconstitutional edict promulgated by the current occupant of the White House.   If you went on Facebook around noon on Sunday... (Read More)

Good News & Disheartening News

January 28th - via:
I woke up this morning to see that after roughly 3 days of activity, the campaign to make resistor pins is now 75% funded! Thanks To You  You all know this is my first crowdsourcing campaign and I am humbled and proud that we have gotten so far in... (Read More)

Halfway there!

January 27th - via:
I just got an email from Kickstarter letting me know that the campaign just hit the halfway mark!  All in just three days!  Thank you to everyone who has pledged to support this campaign and have shared it.  This would not be at all possible with... (Read More)

Two days in and a quarter of the way there!

January 26th - via:
Thank you to everyone that has backed this project so far!  This is my first crowdfunding campaign and I am really excited that after just 2 days it is about a quarter of the way funded.   I added a second reward that I hope proves popular.  I am... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!