Big Bad Con 2018
A project in Walnut Creek, CA by Sean Nittner000days
Funding Successful
Big Bad Con is a tabletop and live action gaming convention built on great games and a welcoming community. Join us October 11-14!
Backers: 355
Average Pledge Per Backer: $90
Funded: $32,041 of $5,000
Dates: May 29th -> Jul 1st (33 days)
Project By: Sean Nittner
Backers: 355
Average Pledge Per Backer: $90
Funded: $32,041 of $5,000
Dates: May 29th -> Jul 1st (33 days)
Project By: Sean Nittner
current pledge level
Last Updated: July 1 @ 03:02 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Success! We've done it!
July 1st - via:
Huzzah! We've done it. We've not only funded but we've hit everyone one of our stretch goals and we're bringing some amazing guests out to join us! Thank you for all you generous support. We literally couldn't have done this without you! What to... (Read More)
The Champion Responds
June 26th - via:
What’s this? A challenge you say? Ryan Ossum, the champion belt holder (and purchaser mind you, he bought it off eBay) gives his response to our new contender Alex Roberts. Grab your popcorn. (Read More)
Our Online Community
June 22nd - via:
Last year we opened up a Big Bad Con Discord server for our attendees and fans to connect with each other, plan meals, look for players for pick-up games, and find out more about the con and the rad people attending. Discord is also a way to stay in... (Read More)
A New Challenger Approaches
June 11th - via:
Unprecedented! Unbelievable! UNPOSSIBLE! Remember Ryan Ossum proclaiming himself the four-year running champion fundraiser for Doctors without Borders at the Tell Me About Your Character Booth? Remember when he invited anyone to try and take the... (Read More)
Big Bad World
June 8th - via:
After Big Bad Con’s community standards had been out for a while and were displayed all over the con, we realized that while they set a good baseline for acceptable practices, they didn’t actively encourage the kind of welcoming behavior that we... (Read More)
Big Bad Teens and Outreach
June 6th - via:
Teen players are the future of Big Bad Con and the future of our gaming communities. For years my own kids worked with me to help set up the con, volunteered at the reg desk, and pitched in wherever they could. I was so happy to offer them a seat at... (Read More)
Pronoun Ribbons and Pins
June 4th - via:
Inspired by, in 2016 we added pronun ribbons to our badges. It’s a simple step that we hope will help prevent mis-gendering and create a welcome environment to all attendees. Even more visible and shinier than pronoun ribbons are... (Read More)
Tell Me About Your Character
May 31st - via:
In 2015 we opened the Tell Me About Your Character booth, a “doctor is in” booth where Big Bad Con attendees can go on and on (and on) about their favorite character, gaming session, rules mechanics, or any other gaming related topic they’re... (Read More)
Private Game Rooms
May 30th - via:
Private game rooms are the best. You can play music, decorate the room, change the lighting, turn the television into a giant monitor, enjoy your game undisturbed by noise from other tables, order room service, divide the space up, run two connected... (Read More)
Our Scholarship Program
May 29th - via:
We’ve funded! Not only did we fund in record time, we’ve already achieved several stretch goals. Thank you all so, so much for your generous contributions!In this post I want to talk about our scholarship fund! Inspired by organizations like Con... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!