Paw of Duty

A project in Baltimore, MD by Derrick Hwang

Status: Active

Command a kitty squad to regain control of a war-torn city.
Backers: 211
Average Daily Pledges: $383
Average Pledge Per Backer: $42

Funding: $8,813 of $1,500
Dates: Jun 4th -> Jul 4th (30 days)
Project By: Derrick Hwang
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Latest News

Unlocked Rewards - 500% Funded!

June 22nd - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)

Elite Upgrade Pack Unlocked

June 19th - via:
Elite Upgrade PackYou've unlocked the Elite Upgrade Pack for Paw of Duty! This includes two major upgrade paths: 1. War Room Edition - Exclusive Upgrade:All pledge holders of the War Room Edition will have 3 additional Tactic Cards added as... (Read More)

Upgrade Pack Unlocked

June 16th - via:
Upgrade PackYou've unlocked the first Upgrade Pack for Paw of Duty! This includes two upgrade paths: 1. War Room Edition - Exclusive Upgrades:All pledge holders of the War Room Edition will automatically receive the following enhancements: UV coating... (Read More)

New Units Unlocked - Merc & Deadeye

June 15th - via:
Ruffnecks, fall in!This latest unlocked stretch goal adds the final 2 Ruffneck units to everyone's copy of the game. A highly anticipated development in this raging theater of war, the fully assembled Ruffneck squad is now ready to move out on your... (Read More)

New Units Unlocked - Butch & Whisper

June 13th - via:
The next stretch goal has been unlocked, which adds 2 additional units to Paw of Duty! Butch rumbles along the battlefield and can suddenly Charge at enemy Kitties, knocking them out of position and possibly into mortal peril: Before the Great Kitty... (Read More)

New Units Unlocked - Fuse & Scout

June 11th - via:
You've unlocked the next stretch goal, which adds 2 more units to everyone's copy of the game! Fuse is a fun-sized aficionado of all things that go BOOM. Be sure to keep friendly units out of blast range when the chaotic Grrr-nade™ detonates, since... (Read More)

New Units Unlocked - Shadow & Ace

June 9th - via:
The next stretch goal has been unlocked, which adds the following reinforcement units to everyone's copy of the game! Shadow uses the Infiltrate ability to stealthily maneuver around the battlefield and excels at capturing key objectives, even when... (Read More)

War Room Edition Unlocked

June 9th - via:
War Room EditionYou've unlocked a limited reward tier for Paw of Duty called the "War Room Edition"!Paw of Duty - War Room EditionHere's a breakdown of what it includes: Full color print & play PDF files. All unlocked stretch goals. All... (Read More)

New Units Unlocked - Gunner & Chief

June 8th - via:
The next stretch goal has been unlocked, which adds 2 more units to Paw of Duty! Gunner's entrenched heavy arsenal can unleash a relentless barrage of gunfire at the rather steep cost of being immobile. Fortunately, the unique Redeployment ability... (Read More)

New Units Unlocked - Duke & Fang

June 7th - via:
The next stretch goal has been unlocked, which adds the following units to everyone's copy of the game! Duke uses the Howl ability to signal to friendly Kitties to move closer, or to lure enemy Kitties into a calculated ambush: Fang is a fearsome... (Read More)

New Units Unlocked - Akimbo & Warden

June 5th - via:
The second stretch goal has been unlocked, which adds 2 additional Ruffneck units to each copy of Paw of Duty! Akimbo and Warden are a perfect duo of offense and defense:  (Read More)

Stretch Goal Unlocked - Reinforcement Unit Pack!

June 5th - via:
The first stretch goal has been unlocked! This means that everyone will get 4 additional Ruffneck units with their copy of Paw of Duty! What are the Ruffneck Units?The Ruffnecks are a remnant of the City’s original occupying forces before the... (Read More)

Incredible Start! Paw of Duty is fully funded!

June 4th - via:
Hi everyone, Thank you all so much for an incredible start to the Paw of Duty campaign, we are FULLY FUNDED on the first day! This project would have never become a reality without your support. I'd also like to give a special shoutout to all of the... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!