Rumored Lands
A project in Burbank, CA by Arlin000days
Funding Successful
current pledge level
Last Updated: March 21 @ 10:03 -0400 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
Update - added international shipping!
March 11th - via:
Hello everyone! Kris and I just got back from visiting family and are ready to get back to work on Rumored Lands. We saw the zine exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum and it got us hyped to make more zines! Thank you to everyone for helping us reach our... (Read More)
Quick update!
March 1st - via:
Hello everyone! We have reached a few more stretch goals since the last update. Thank you!!! We can't wait to make some items and creatures for these lands. We got some messages about international shipping and that is something we are looking... (Read More)
Another stretch goal unlocked! and Extra copies of Rumored Lands add-on!
February 21st - via:
We reached our second stretch goal! Random encounter tables for each zine. Thank you! We will write up some interesting encounters that are strange and unique to each map. Creatures, People, mysterious happenings around the lands! These will be... (Read More)
February 20th - via:
Funded in 2 hours! Wow! I was so nervous about launching this Kickstarter that I couldn't sleep and woke up at 4am to make sure everything was ready to go, and now it's already been funded! Thank you so, so much! Kris and I are excited to share... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!