The Ministry Initiative - Steampunk Role-Playing & Fiction
A project in Washington, NJ by Brennan Taylor000days
Funding Successful
A new steampunk anthology and RPG from The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences!
Backers: 674
Average Pledge Per Backer: $45
Funded: $30,480 of $20,000
Dates: May 15th -> Jun 15th (32 days)
Project By: Brennan Taylor
Backers: 674
Average Pledge Per Backer: $45
Funded: $30,480 of $20,000
Dates: May 15th -> Jun 15th (32 days)
Project By: Brennan Taylor
current pledge level
Last Updated: June 16 @ 00:01 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
In the Final Hour
June 15th - via:
We have one stretch goal left. Good people, is this possible in less than an hour? We certainly hope so. Stretch Goal 05: $31,500.00: The Ministry Protocol anthology -- PJ Schnyder A new story for the Ministry Protocol anthology by PJ Schnyder,... (Read More)
The Final 7 Hours
June 15th - via:
We've reached the 3rd stretch goal and will now have The Ministry Initiative RPG Expansion for Villains entitled ROGUES GALLERY: THE MINISTRY'S MOST WANTED to be authored by Peter Woodworth! Our next stretch goal is: Stretch Goal 04: $30,000.00 The... (Read More)
Meet the Genius Behind the Villains Supplement
June 15th - via:
Dear Kickstarter friends and supporters, we have a message from the genius behind the conception of Stretch Goal 03: ROGUES GALLERY: THE MINISTRY'S MOST WANTED, the Villains Supplement to be authored by Peter Woodworth. (Read More)
Stretch Goal 02: Reached!
June 14th - via:
Thank you so much to everyone for helping us reach our second stretch goal! At this time, every Backer at the $150 reward level and up will be receiving a set of 4 custom steampunk Fudge dice to play The Ministry Initiative RPG. We'll be posting... (Read More)
Add-Ons: Print Anthology and/or RPG
June 13th - via:
We're in the final days of the Kickstarter Project and wanted to be sure that Backers have the option to add an additional print copy of either the Ministry Protocol anthology or The Ministry Initiative RPG to any reward level, or purchase extra... (Read More)
Stretch Goals: Updates and New!
June 11th - via:
Congratulations, friends, we have reached our first Stretch Goal! Karina Cooper will be joining the Ministry Protocol anthology with an original tale to add within the world of the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences. Thank you! We are very excited to... (Read More)
Mission Accomplished! The Ministry Initiative is Funded!
June 11th - via:
Thank you, friends, for your support in this steampunk endeavor. We here at The Ministry Initiative are beside ourselves with excitement! However, the Kickstarter has 4 days left and we have Stretch Goals to achieve. Please keep boosting the signal... (Read More)
J.R. Blackwell and PJ Schnyder interviewed by Gaming as Women
June 10th - via:
Our writers for The Ministry Initiative RPG were recently interviewed by Gaming as Women. J.R. Blackwell is the ENnie-award winning author of Shelter in Place and Court/Ship, a Fate Core supplement. PJ Schnyder is the author of the PRISM award... (Read More)
Why Fate?
June 9th - via:
The Ministry Initiative RPG is being run on a system called Fate Core. While we could have designed an entirely original system for the game, we decided to go with Fate Core for three reasons: Fate is easy to learn, centers on character and flexible... (Read More)
New Reward Level!
June 7th - via:
Several have requested a new reward level between $200 and $1000. We've delivered: The Ministry Collection $300 Reward LevelYou will receive: PRINT copies of both the Ministry Initiative and the Ministry Protocol anthology a custom Ministry dice bag... (Read More)
Thank You, from Tee Morris
June 6th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
New Stretch Goals
June 6th - via:
We're approaching the final week of the Kickstarter, friends. As added incentive to finish strong, our project team has finalized the next two stretch goals to give you all new incentive. Stretch Goal 02: $25000.00 Custom Steampunk DiceEvery Backer... (Read More)
A Few Words from Our Team Part 2: J.R. Blackwell
June 3rd - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
Teaser 2 from the Ministry Initiative Team
June 1st - via:
Here's some key insight into The Ministry Initiative RPG from game designer, J.R. Blackwell. Backers will be receiving a link to the full interview video shortly. Don't wait and don't miss anything! Become a Backer and join the Ministry Initiative.... (Read More)
Add-ons - Available Now
May 31st - via:
We've received many requests for the ability to add to your reward levels and the project team has put together this list of add-ons in response. We hope you enjoy them! Follow these steps to receive an Add-on: Click on the blue "Manage Your... (Read More)
Stretch Goal 01 and New Reward Levels
May 29th - via:
Dear friends, we've got the first of several new offerings for you: A new $150 reward level: ADVANCED plus AUDIO All the rewards from the Advanced Initiative & Protocol level as well as the full collection of Tales from the Archives... (Read More)
The Ministry Blog Hop!
May 26th - via:
Stretch goals, add-ons, new reward levels...the Ministry Initiative project team is hard at work planning all of these and ironing out the details. We'll have updates on those soon. In the meantime, we've got a fun blog hop going until Wednesday,... (Read More)
A Few Words from Our Team Part 1: Brennan Taylor
May 23rd - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
A Teaser from the Ministry Initiative Team
May 22nd - via:
Exclusive content... Behind the scenes insight... We've promised these things and more to our Backers. Here's a taste of some of the exclusive perks our Backers enjoy -- a preview of our interview of Galileo Games owner, Brennan Taylor. Backers... (Read More)
What's Next for Our Agents?
May 21st - via:
Hello! We are incredibly excited to see that we are now over 30% funded. Sincere thanks to all of our backers, you are truly incredible. But there is still quite the ways to go and so much more in store for you all! We hope you will all stop back... (Read More)
Welcome to the Ministry Initiative!
May 17th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!