Layered collar Kimono Shirt / Japanese 和 Mode & easy-wearing
A project in Nikko, Japan by Takahiro Sato000days
Funding Successful
Easy kimono style as daily outfit/ Shirt with joy of traditional kimono/ Unisex design / Made in Japan / Italian design award winner
Backers: 63
Average Pledge Per Backer: ¥23702
Funded: ¥1,493,209 of ¥100,000
Dates: Jul 8th -> Aug 15th (38 days)
Project By: Takahiro Sato
Backers: 63
Average Pledge Per Backer: ¥23702
Funded: ¥1,493,209 of ¥100,000
Dates: Jul 8th -> Aug 15th (38 days)
Project By: Takahiro Sato
current pledge level
Last Updated: August 15 @ 11:11 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
[Remind] Today is end day for order KASANE / 本日オーダー最終日!
August 14th - via:
※日本語は下部にございます Hello, this is Designer Tak writing. Today is last day for crowdfunding about shirt II “KASANE”. Please keep in mind, today means Japan time so 15th August 23:59 (UTC +09:00) ! This is first time for... (Read More)
【Left 50 hours】Will be end in 15th August. 【残り約50時間】
August 13th - via:
※日本語は下部にございます Hello everyone, it's Designer Tak. My project will end in 15th August in Japantime. Now most popular pledge is ”【15%OFF】Super EarlyBird | KASANE shirt” 10,098 JPY(+shipping) Next, "【20%0FF】Set... (Read More)
Shipping list / 発送対応国のご案内
August 9th - via:
※日本語は下部にございます Hello and thank you so much for you Backers and everyone who have interests on my project. It's Designer Tak. I receive contact about delivery country several times so I write a list for shipping in this... (Read More)
【8 days left / 残り8日】Style variation ② / バリエーションとスタイルの紹介②
August 7th - via:
※日本語は下部にございます Hello , this is Designer Tak. My project over 900% , thank you so much! Japanese crowdfunding also finished with over 1200% goal!! Like as last update, today I introduce style variation including Lace Collar... (Read More)
Color variation & styles / カラーバリエーションとスタイルのご紹介
July 30th - via:
※日本語は下部にございます Hello, it's designer Tak. Thank you so much for your great support Backers and also everyone having interests on my project. My clothes is "what you choose for yourself" , not "what you dress up for someone... (Read More)
#The Clothes For People Who Love Kimono / #着物を愛する人のための洋服
July 23rd - via:
※日本語は下部にございます Hello, It's Designer Tak. Thank you backers and everyone having interests on my clothes, Today, I introduce my brand. <INDEX> ・#The Clothes For People Who Love Kimono ・#Design Loved By... (Read More)
Check this update if you can't see in previous one / 前回のアップデートで動画が見られなかった方はコチラをご覧下さい
July 16th - via:
※ If it doesn't show Youtube, please watch it via below link ※Youtubeが表示されない方は下記のURLよりご覧ください (Read More)
KASANE shirt in Video / KASANEシャツを動画でチェック
July 16th - via:
※日本語は下部にございます Hello everyone! It's Designer Tak. Thank you so much for your support. Today, I introduce a video. Creators/Artisans loves KUDEN. They wear Samurai Mode Series = Next Kimono as they like. Artisans Love KUDEN ... (Read More)
Worry about size ? / サイズにお悩みの方はお気軽にご相談下さい
July 13th - via:
※日本語は下部にございます Hello Backers, it's Designer Tak. Thank you so much for your support! Some customer asks me about size so I introduce our concierge service. My clothes, Next Kimono is very original so size chart is too. If... (Read More)
Thank you for reaching 100% GOAL & I add new pledge for Canada / 100%ゴール達成ありがとうございます!カナダ向けのプレッジを追加しました
July 12th - via:
※日本語は下部にございます。 Hello everyone, Backers. Thank you so much for your support, my project reaches 100% Goal! It's just a beginning, I want more people to enjoy the clothes for people love kimono. I'm honor and happy if my... (Read More)
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