Search Operators

Let's Get Fancy!

This feature is in beta. Please let us know if you experience any issues
Search operators are query words or symbols that perform special actions in our search. These operators allow you to find what you're looking for quickly and accurately, and you can use multiple operators together to perform complex searches.

Want to see how many "potato salad" copy-cat projects there are? It's easy! All you need to do is a quick search for is:active goal:<1000 backers:<100 (link), or don't want to see "potato salad"-like projects in the category you love? Try: is:active in:"tabletop games" goal:>1000 (link).

Here are a few more operators. Give it a spin!
Operator Definition Examples


[Special Conditions]
Used to specify a project state Example: deck is:closed
Meaning: find all projects that are closed with the keyword "deck"

Example: miniatures is:active is:successful
Meaning: find all "miniatures" projects that are active and are already funded

[Special Conditions]
cancelled - the project is cancelled by the project owner (or on rare occasions, Kickstarter)
suspended - the project was suspended by Kickstarter
deleted - the project was deleted by Kickstarter
soclose - The project is within 80% of goal
dmca - the project was suspended by Kickstarter for a DMCA violation
in:"<multi-word category>"
Used to specify a category Categories that have multiple words must be surrounded in quotes. A maximum of 3 categories can be defined.

Example: in:comics
Meaning: Show all projects that have ever been in the "comics" category

Example: in:"tabletop games" is:closed
Meaning: Show all closed projects in the "tabletop games" category
goal:<switch><value> Used to specify a goal range Example: goal:>15000
Meaning: Show all projects that have a goal greater than $15,000

Example: goal:>12000 goal:<22000
Meaning: Show all projects with goals between $12k and $22k

[valid switches]
= :: (assumed), (ex: goal:=100000, or goal:100000)
> :: (ex: goal:>1000)
< :: (ex: goal:<1000)
pledged:<switch><value> Used to specify a pledged range Example: pledged:>15000
Meaning: Show all projects that have a pledged amount greater than $15,000

Example: pledged:>12000 pledged:<22000
Meaning: Show all projects with pledged amounts between $12k and $22k

[valid switches]
= :: (assumed), (ex: pledged:=100000, or pledged:100000)
> :: (ex: pledged:>1000)
< :: (ex: pledged:<1000)
backers:<switch><value> Used to specify a backer count range Example: backers:>1000
Meaning: Show all projects that have a backer count greater than 1000

Example: backers:>1000 backers:<2000
Meaning: Show all projects with a backer count between 1000 and 2000

[valid switches]
= :: (assumed), (ex: backers:=100000, or backers:100000)
> :: (ex: backers:>1000)
< :: (ex: backers:<1000)

If you have any suggestions, just let us know by sending us feedback on our contact form.