‘Root: The Roleplaying Game’ – “Ruins and Expeditions” Adds Dungeons and Delves and Monsters

A new expansion for Root: The Roleplaying Game, titled Ruins and Expeditions adds playbooks, monsters, and dungeons to the critter based RPG.
“Ruins & Expeditions” is a new expansion for the incredible Root: The Roleplaying Game, Kickstarting now. If you didn’t know there was a Root RPG, it is absolutely based on the game of Woodland conquest. You play as Vagabonds, and just like in the board game, you wander from Clearing to Clearing doing all sorts of adventuring stuff; getting caught up in a messy war, saving people from the Marquis de Cat, punching birds. You know, Root stuff.
And now, Magpie Games wants to take it even further with a new Kickstarter for “Ruins & Expeditions”. This expansion will add dungeons to the game, where you can find artifacts and treasures and all sorts of danger. Dangers like the brand new monsters introduced, conveniently enough, in the same book.
Root “Ruins & Expeditions” – Now There’s Giant Insect Monsters in the Forest
A new expansion is always exciting. GMs will love the rules for building out ruins, which include rules for delving deep within the earth to find lost treasure. Classic RPG stuff. But there’s more than just dungeon crawls. Two more factions are added to the game, the Marauder factions of the Hundreds and the Keepers in Iron.
But most exciting for players, is likely to be the four new playbooks included in the set:
“Ruins & Expeditions expands the list of vagabond playbooks to include four new archetypes:
The Dealer: You Traffic in important items, relics, artifacts, and more. But you aren’t just putting money away for a rainy day; you’ve got an empire to build!
The Hunter: The Woodland turns to you when a clearing is plagued by frightening monsters. But when the battle is over, you know the denizens could never trust one as dangerous as you.
The Gourmand: You’ve tasted what the world has to offer…and you want more! In fact you can’t wit to share your own creations with the entire Woodland, one meal at a time.
The Scourge: You have been wronged by someone powerful, left for dead by your nemesis after they took everything from you. Now you pursue justice for yourself and others, no matter the cost.”
Advertisement– Root: “Ruins & Expeditions”
The book will also detail new two new clearings, Longbarrow Crag and Pricklegrass Marsh. You’ll also find rules for dangerous monsters as well, including giant fish, swarms of huge dragonflies, ants. There’s a whole bestiary full of vicious foes with monstrous abilities and new GM moves to spice things up.
And as part of the Kickstarter, you can also snag a st of faction-themed dice from Fanroll. There are ten sets all in all, snap up your favorite as part of this Kickstarter.
Happy adventuring!