80’s Adventures, Brandon Sanderson Roleplaying, and More Are on Kickstarter Now

This week’s Kickstarters waiting for your support include ‘SLA BORG’, ‘Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere‘, and more.
Come check out this week’s batch of crowdfunding and Kickstarter highlights – including board games, RPGs, and STLs!
80’s Adventures – D&D 5E Supplement & Adventure Modules
Dive into the vibrant world of ’80s Adventures, a captivating supplement packed with exciting new content to enhance your 5E game. Discover nostalgically thrilling adventures, new subclasses for every class, and a treasure trove of fully-illustrated magic items, monsters, spells, and player options.
This book is packed with player-specific content and character options to make your adventures totally epic. ‘80s Adventures gives each class a new subclass that reflects an iconic 1980s archetype, such as the Ghost Hunter Ranger, the Way of the Crane Monk, or the Relic Hunter Rogue!
So You’ve Been Cursed – 30 Minute Board Game for 0-2 Playesr
It happens, in the wizarding business. Occupational hazard.
It is also the only logical explanation. At first, it looked like that feast last night must have caused the headache and the heartburn…
But then, you noticed the bones spread around the house, the blood stains on the walls, and the clumps of hair spread around the laboratory.
It did not help that the town crier passed by your house, announcing the missing sheep from Scott’s farm, the gouged-out stonework at the town hall, the missing merchant from across town.
So, there is a monster running around town at night, terrorizing the villagers and what’s worse, eating them. Oh, and the monster is you.
But no need to despair! There is a cure! Maybe!
Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere – Tabletop RPG
In 2023, Dragonsteel Entertainment and Brotherwise Games announced the Stormlight™ tabletop roleplaying game, set in the acclaimed epic fantasy world of the Stormlight Archive. But there’s always another secret, and Stormlight was just the beginning…
The Cosmere® Roleplaying Game is a new system that encompasses the entire universe of Brandon Sanderson’s best-selling novels. This original RPG launches in 2025 with the Stormlight World Guide, Stormlight Handbook, and Stormlight Stonewalkers™ Adventure. It expands to include Mistborn® in 2026, with a steady rollout of new worlds and adventures for years to come!
This is a living RPG that will grow as Brandon Sanderson expands the universe of Cosmere novels, designed to tell standalone stories in each setting or sweeping Worldhopper™ campaigns that move between different planets.
Starscape – Found-Family Space Adventures
After four years of development and playtesting, Golden Lasso Games is thrilled to present Starscape. With your help we will produce a stunning, full-color, 200+ page core book filled with amazing art and layout that is out of this world!
Starscape, a sci-fi tabletop roleplaying game where you are part of a starship crew journeying through space, bonding through adversity, and becoming a found-family. You build your ship and crew, then play to find out if your characters trust each other enough to unite for a shared purpose, or if your differences and the challenges of living in space drive you apart.
Individual game sessions usually focus on exploration, overcoming obstacles, or facing threats, but long-term the stories are about how the crew’s trust in each other changes over the course of your travels.
Starscape is inspired by episodic science fiction stories, like Star Trek, Farscape, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5, and the book A Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers.
The Perilous Void – Content Generation Tools for any Sci-Fi RPG
This campaign will fund the writing and art for a gaming supplement intended for use with any science fiction tabletop RPG.
The Perilous Void will be a 160-page, 5.5″ x 8.5″ fully-illustrated book packed with content generation tools to cover everything from the galactic level down to the personalities of individual NPCs. The tables provided rely entirely on d10 and d100 rolls.
This book’s predecessor, The Perilous Wilds, has sold over 18,000 copies (print and PDF combined) to date. Although it included optional rules for Dungeon World, The Perilous Wilds found most use among people who played other fantasy RPGs. In recognition of this, The Perilous Void does not reference or expand on any particular rules system; instead, it’s designed to supplement the science fiction role-playing game of your choice.
SLA BORG – SLA Industries Roleplaying with MÖRK BORG Rules
SLA Borg (pronounced Sler Berg) is an alternate perspective of the role-playing game SLA Industries, as seen by a group of drunken morons who think they’re an Operative squad. Just go with it; we know it’s odd.
“No it’s not, you idiot. It’s pronounced Slay Borg.”
The RPG is an A5 book with loads of pages and characters and adventures and rules and stuff. Like all our SLA stuff, it’s written by our in-house team. Including the original (from the 1990s) creators of SLA Industries. If you’re hoping for a conversion of SLA Industries with simplified MÖRK BORG rules, this ain’t it. This is much, much worse than that…
We hope you like kebabs!