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Burning Lands is a brutal new FPS set in Vietnam

Burning Lands is a brutal new FPS set in Vietnam

A new FPS looks brutal in its setting of Vietnam

A Kickstarter has been launched for a new first-person shooter set during the events of the Vietnam war. The funding goal of AUS$78,000 has already been smashed as the total currently sits at AUD$173,750 with 20 days to go.

Burning Lands is set during the Vietnam conflict and will be a "tactical multiplayer first-person shooter" created by a team in Sydney, Australia. The first goal for the Kickstarter is to beat $110,000 and launch the game on Steam's Early Access system.

Burning Lands will explore Vietnam, a war not featured in Call of Duty, the biggest multiplayer war shooter

According to the game's Kickstarter page, Burning Lands is described as "A tactical combined arms warfare game promoting deep cooperation between players, amplified by the use of positional VOIP, vehicles and features designed to help teammates share situational awareness."

Burning Lands feels a lot like Ground War game modes of Call of Duty, or the large-scale fighting of Battlefield as the game is explained as featuring "60 player" teams "segmented into squads and role organisation that ensures that individual players and small groups have a unique way to contribute to the overall team effort."

While the game feels inspired by the multiplayer shooters we're already playing, there seems to be a higher sense of realism with Burning Lands as the game will feature more realistic ballistics and damage to players. This means bullets will lose trajectory or speed, and players are more likely to die to a few rounds, rather than it taking half a magazine of rounds.

With specialist roles it seems every player will need to fill a role within their mini squad, likely falling into the classes we're used to seeing, like sniper or medic.

As the Kickstarter has already broken the target of AUS$110,000 you can wishlist the game on Steam now. Further goals will unlock features for the game, such as dismemberment, amphibious vehicles and flamethrowers.

Featured Image Credit: Zero Hour Interactive

Topics: Steam, PC

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