Kickstarter Highlights: ‘Fast Core’ World Book, Pirate STLs, & More

Come check out this week’s batch of crowdfunding and Kickstarter highlights–including RPGs and STLs!
The Game Master’s Compendium of Explosive Creation
Light up your creativity, whether you are playing DnD, PF, OSR, or any high fantasy TTRPG to come. Deeper characters more connected to richer worlds means better games and better stories. Click on this link to download a beta draft version with fully usable playtest material of two-page spreads for seven different archetypes.
HS Stencil System
There will be yet more of the very popular “Creature Feature” stencils, and an exciting new sub-range of organic style stencils to adorn your gaming monsters and beasties with, see below! (Edge-Monster stencils). There will also be more cool geometric patterns and after many requests, I have even added some HS camo patterns!
Scumcity – STL
Amid the seething streets of a run-down city, alien street gangs run amok, fighting running battles with the brutal cops charged with law enforcement. Miniatures and modular terrain await your printers, paint brushes, and games table!
The ScumCity Terrain Starter and Expansion sets use a modular building system of my own design, for printing on an FDM printer. It uses some simple mechanics based on the properties of FDM printed parts to click together without glue. It can be arranged and re-arranged into many different set-ups.
Vesper Project Galaxy Vol. 1
Gabriella’s Ghostly Graveyards is a tool for gamemasters. Over twenty cemeteries, graveyards, tombs, crypts, mausoleums, and burial grounds are detailed within. Each entry provides the GM with ideas that can be dropped into almost any fantasy campaign. This is not a collection of detailed locations and adventures. Instead, it is a toolkit of ideas waiting for your imagination to transform these concepts into exciting encounters for your next session.
Gammalitic Age: Future Warrior World Book
This week’s header image is from this campaign.
FAST Core was developed by Art of the Genre owner R. Scott Taylor over the past decade and was released in 2022. It is a multi-genre system that was created for easy use by the GM and cinematic combat for the players. It utilizes only a D10, and is based on 3 character ‘archetypes’, Combat, Academic, and Social, customizable with profession ‘kits’. You can see aspects of the system in the videos below.
Rum & Razing- STL
Welcome to Rum & Razing, great title right? Well, hang on tight, because you are in for the ride of your life with this swashbuckling campaign! As we sail through the high seas, we will print our way to adventure with awesome models that feature both historic and fantasy themes.
We all want to play pirates and have a bit of fun, so to that end and with Halloween coming up, we have created quite a few miniatures that are definitely very ‘cheeky’ and cool, but also get down and serious with the more historic elements So hopefully there will be something for all in this project. I hope you folks enjoy printing this, as much as I have designing and creating it. Have at you and let’s all have a blast with this campaign, arrrgg!