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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/06 15:46:42
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Regular Dakkanaut
New Red Alert by Richard Borg on Kickstarter now!
Richard Borg heads into Space in this exciting new Commands & Colours board game – including two complete fleets of plastic starships (92 models)!
RED ALERT allows two to six players to duke it out in Space on an epic sized 1320mm by 1015mm crease proof fabric battle mat using the opposing fleets of the Commonwealth Alliance and Rebel Confederation: battleships, cruisers, and destroyers, backed up by long-range fighters and the Fleet Commander’s all-important flagship.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/06 16:20:45
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Longtime Dakkanaut
I've really wanted a space fleet combat miniatures game. And this is one powered by Richard Borg's C&C and produced by PSC? Backed!
Plenty of free stuff in the stretch goals, and the optional buys seem to be pretty decent expansions.
Only minor niggle is that the only difference between the two sides' ships are color.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/06 16:23:27
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Powerful Phoenix Lord
Love the C&C system. very fun, enough depth, and is always enjoyabel. No interest in this particular game, but I hope it does well. I need to play Great War more often!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/06 16:34:10
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Legendary Master of the Chapter
I'm in, although I may drop of none of the other designs makes it into the game. Right now, there are only four types of spaceship cloned to make two fleets.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/06 17:04:46
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Foxy Wildborne
Worth a look at less than 1 GBP per ship.
And we'll want to have ships sooner or later, the guy who wrote Gaslands is also writing a space fleet game.
Posters on ignore list: 36
40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.
Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/06 17:23:39
Subject: Re:PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Longtime Dakkanaut
As much as I love the C&C system, it is really starting to feel like Richard Borg is a one trick pony. It's a good trick though. I adored BattleLore.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/06 17:35:53
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Dankhold Troggoth
Everything looks great except the ships themselves
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/06 17:41:15
Subject: Re:PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Regular Dakkanaut
"C&C Red Alert", I'm disappointed that it has nothing to do with Command & Conquier.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/06 17:41:37
Subject: Re:PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Longtime Dakkanaut
Sqorgar wrote:As much as I love the C&C system, it is really starting to feel like Richard Borg is a one trick pony. It's a good trick though. I adored BattleLore. C&C seems like the kind of ruleset that's generic enough that you can use it for almost anything, and flexible enough that you can attach enough chrome to the rules to make each ruleset at least distinct enough. Sometimes it doesn't seem to go far enough (Battlecry and Memoir 44 are pretty generic, although in Memoir 44's case it probably helps), but C&C Ancients and Napoleonics are pretty much univerally praised. It's a case of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/06/06 17:42:08
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/06 17:47:26
Subject: Re:PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Raging Rat Ogre
Samko wrote:"C&C Red Alert", I'm disappointed that it has nothing to do with Command & Conquier. Yes, the thought of Plastic Soldier Company twinned with Westwood's videogame titles of yore had my pulse racing there for a second. Oh well.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/06/06 17:47:35
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/06 17:50:49
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Dankhold Troggoth
I had the same thought on Command & Conquer, coupling the abbreviation "C&C" with a game called "Red Alert" is really confusing!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/06 19:16:53
Subject: Re:PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience
Haha yes me too.
Then on second reading I thought "something to do with Star Trek and Borg invasion"?
Third reading a little bit disappointed, but this does look like good fun! Nice to see that it has broken through the pledge target already and is now chasing stretch goals.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/06 21:34:05
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Longtime Dakkanaut
This. Ship designs just aren't doing anything for me. That said I'll need to watch some gameplay videos later, wonder if it's worth picking up just for the game and replacing the ships with minis I do like. Unfortunately, there's only about a gazillion different ship manufacturer's out there, and they only make ships in about a thousand different scales, so choices are limited and finding replacements will be extremely difficult.
*Looks in closet at the 2 dozen different spaceship games he already owns*
Yup. Extremely difficult, nigh impossible, finding replacements.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/06 22:33:32
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Legendary Master of the Chapter
I'm happy with them. They have that generic space-submarine look that works for 90% of sci fi settings.
On the other hand, t fighters look so much like 40k's Thunderbolt fighters that I might have trouble seeing them as anything else.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/07 03:50:38
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
The New Miss Macross!
I was going to say that the name was confusing given the recent release of the Red Alert Star Trek minis rules for the RPG but the C&C RA confusion takes the cake!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/07 06:03:13
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Otiose in a Niche
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/07 07:42:38
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer
Another starship game? Using battlelore-like rules? Whelp, I'm sunk...
It never ends well |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/07 08:01:16
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Ork-Hunting Inquisitorial Xenokiller
More than 2 players? I am interested?
Oh it's Memoir 44 in space. I am less interested.
Not really a 2-6 player game. More a 2 player game with somewhat tacked on rules for more.
TO of Death Before Dishonour - A Warhammer 40k Tournament with a focus on great battles between well painted, thematic armies on tables with full terrain.
Read the blog at: |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/14 18:52:05
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Longtime Dakkanaut
Oh, cool. So, one of the requests/complaints from backers was that the two fleets were the same ships, just in two colors. Looks like they've decided to use ship designs for a third fleet and replace the Confederation's ships.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/06/14 18:52:23
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/14 21:21:07
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer
Nice, though the back of the rule book did lampshade the fact both sides had the same models - “As history writes, the only difference between the Commonwealth Alliance and Rebel Confederation ships was the colour of their fleets”
It never ends well |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/14 22:29:12
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
More space games is good, but the ships don't grab me. DFC is my next space game buy.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/15 11:33:30
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Pious Warrior Priest
Looks a little too generic, with something like this they should probably go for build-your-own modular ship kits and a ruleset to support it.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/15 15:03:06
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Nurgle Chosen Marine on a Palanquin
Looks like they did mak the fleets different, but there are only large images of one ship and a space station. Show us the ALL ships up close!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/22 13:01:21
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Regular Dakkanaut
Another Friday treat with more early unlocked stretch goals!
Its Friday, the sun is shining and England are still in the World Cup!
So, I have decided to give all our lovely backers a treat and have early unlocked THREE more stretch goals
Everyone now gets an additional free Commonwealth cruiser squadron (3 ships and bases), an additional free Confederation cruiser squadron (3 ships and bases) and an extra unit markers pack for all their extra squadron stretch goals (a Kickstarter exclusive)
So, including the core game, that's 127 ship models - 35 of which are Kickstarter freebies! That does not include any of the discounted optional buy carrier and dreadnought escalation packs
Lets get those exclusive silver dice, extra battleship squadrons and the Meteor Storm escalation pack unlocked before the campaign ends 26 June!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/25 12:38:31
Subject: Re:PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Regular Dakkanaut
As a big thank you to all our lovely backers who have made this our biggest funded Kickstarter to date, I have unlocked the last 3 stretch goals to add free extra Commonwealth and Battleship squadrons plus the Meteor Storm escalation pack (msrp GBP 13).
So, with the Kickstarter exclusive extra silver Admiral's dice unlocked yesterday that gives a total of SEVENTEEN unlocked stretch goals and a heap of free swag.
Everyone now gets an additional free Commonwealth battleship squadron (3 ships and bases), an additional free Confederation battleship squadron (3 ships and bases)
So, including the core game, that's 133 ship models - 41 of which are Kickstarter freebies! That does not include any of the discounted optional buy carrier and dreadnought escalation packs.
For a standard Admiral's pledge of GBP 90 that's GBP 164 worth of products plus an extra 41 free ships models and a set of exclusive silver Admiral's dice.
So, to recap what every backer will receive:-
Core game with 2 different design fleets
FREE Vice Admiral Escalation Pack (worth GBP 18)
FREE Logistics and Space Platform Escalation Pack (worth GBP 20)
FREE Space Rift Escalation Pack (worth GBP 13)
FREE extra Confederation Fighter squadron ( KS exclusive)
FREE extra Commonwealth Fighter squadron ( KS exclusive)
FREE extra Confederation Destroyer squadron ( KS exclusive)
FREE extra Commonwealth Destroyer squadron ( KS exclusive)
FREE extra Confederation Cruiser squadron ( KS exclusive)
FREE extra Commonwealth Cruiser squadron ( KS exclusive)
FREE extra unit markers pack ( KS exclusive)
FREE additional set of silver Admiral's dice (( KS exclusive)
FREE extra Confederation Battleship squadron ( KS exclusive)
FREE extra Commonwealth Battleship squadron ( KS exclusive)
FREE Meteor Storm Escalation Pack (worth GBP 13)
Ends tomorrow 26th June at 1pm UK time, don't miss out!:-
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/06/25 12:42:56
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/26 04:02:24
Subject: PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Dankhold Troggoth
8 hours to go... and quite tempting! Value definitely looks to be there now, the only thing holding me back is that I'm just not sure how much replayability a two-faction space game would really have.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/06/26 04:02:45
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2018/06/27 09:50:44
Subject: Re:PSC Games: Red Alert - Space Fleet Warfare by Richard Borg
Regular Dakkanaut
Red Alert Kickstarter - late pledge open for one week only!
For one week only (to span end-of-month pay days!), we're offering those who missed the Kickstarter campaign an opportunity to come on board and grab the same freebies as our Kickstarter backers. Be quick though - after that we'll be downgrading the offer!
A total of SEVENTEEN unlocked stretch goals and a heap of free swag.
So, including the core game, that's 133 ship models - 41 of which are Kickstarter freebies! That does not include any of the discounted optional buy carrier and dreadnought escalation packs.
For a standard Admiral's pledge of GBP 90 that's GBP 164 worth of products plus an extra 41 free ships models and a set of exclusive silver Admiral's dice.
So, to recap what every backer will receive:-
Core game with 2 different design fleets
FREE Vice Admiral Escalation Pack (worth GBP 18)
FREE Logistics and Space Platform Escalation Pack (worth GBP 20)
FREE Space Rift Escalation Pack (worth GBP 13)
FREE extra Confederation Fighter squadron ( KS exclusive)
FREE extra Commonwealth Fighter squadron ( KS exclusive)
FREE extra Confederation Destroyer squadron ( KS exclusive)
FREE extra Commonwealth Destroyer squadron ( KS exclusive)
FREE extra Confederation Cruiser squadron ( KS exclusive)
FREE extra Commonwealth Cruiser squadron ( KS exclusive)
FREE extra unit markers pack ( KS exclusive)
FREE additional set of silver Admiral's dice (( KS exclusive)
FREE extra Confederation Battleship squadron ( KS exclusive)
FREE extra Commonwealth Battleship squadron ( KS exclusive)
FREE Space Rift Escalation Pack (worth GBP 13)