Wishful Thinking #1-3: A fantasy brought down to reality.

A project in Greenville, SC by Jack Raines

Funding Unsuccessful

Jim's woken up on the wrong side of his lamp. Now, he freelances as a consultant aiming to get his clients EXACTLY what they wish for.
Backers: 83
Average Pledge Per Backer: $17

Funded: $1,386 of $2,600
Dates: Mar 14th -> Apr 13th (30 days)
Project By: Jack Raines
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Last Updated: April 13 @ 09:09 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

End of the Line!

April 12th - via: kickstarter.com
With just 13 hours to go I tell ya hwhat...it's looking like a relaunch is necessary.  That's fine by me though, as I'm absolutely delighted at the response Wishful Thinking has gotten.  Had I set out with my original goal of 1500, I'd say we... (Read More)

Giveaway Winner!

March 27th - via: kickstarter.com
I wanted to make an announcement on my newsletter too, but Mailchimp is being weird and won't work with me right now so this'll have to do.  Just a short update to announce the winner and thank y'all for the progress made on this campaign so far!... (Read More)

Winner announced at 10pm EST!

March 27th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey all, just updating to let y'all know I'll be announcing the winner for the giveaway late tonight around 10pm!   If you haven't already there's two things you can do to ensure you have the most chances to win.  Back a physical tier of Wishful... (Read More)

Monkeys Paw Giveaway Time!

March 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
I'm going to copy/paste the newsletter regarding the Monkeys Paw giveaway.  It's a long post detailing what the Monkeys Paw reward is, and how to enter the giveaway.  The tldr version is we're hosting a giveaway for a free Monkeys Paw commission... (Read More)

New Rewards Posted!

March 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey all, it looks like Cover C ended way earlier than I intended!  I woke up today to see the cover gone from KS, seeing as it was scheduled to end at 2am instead of 2pm.  That's fine though, as my mistake makes your gain!  I'm extending the... (Read More)

Thanks everyone for a great first day!

March 15th - via: kickstarter.com
The first day may not have set any Kickstarter records, but it set some personal records for me!  34 of y'all wanted to check up on how Jim's doing, and that's about half of the backers I got on my whole second campaign.   I was hoping for that... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!