The Ratcatcher - Solo Adventure board game
A project in Melbourne, AU by Platypus Industries000days
Funding Successful
Featuring: action selection, a little resource management, upgradable characters, each game is varied & very challenging.
Backers: 2502
Average Pledge Per Backer: $57 AUD
Funded: $143,095 AUD of $34,105 AUD
Dates: Apr 14th -> May 12th (28 days)
Project By: Platypus Industries
Backers: 2502
Average Pledge Per Backer: $57 AUD
Funded: $143,095 AUD of $34,105 AUD
Dates: Apr 14th -> May 12th (28 days)
Project By: Platypus Industries
$143,095 AUD
current pledge level
Last Updated: May 12 @ 10:01 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
So long and thanks for all the ... magic cheese?
May 12th - via:
It's over, but it's also just the beginning! So firstly to the Thank you's, To you to all my family, my partner (who is the only person more valuable then magic cheese) who has put up with my ludicrous game creation ideas, to my kids who have had... (Read More)
125K Unlock - It's magical!
May 11th - via:
Magical times! GIMME THE CHEESE! So here we are Ratcatcher's, less then 24hrs remain and you've smashed the last remaining stretch goal! What else can I say but THANK YOU. I've dreamed of the game getting to a stage where it can have all the... (Read More)
LAST 48 HOURS... So this is how it ends.
May 10th - via:
The end is nigh! House Keeping Just a gentle reminder to all of you fine Ratcatchers (as you will not receive the automated 48hr email), that the Kickstarter adventure will move onto its next stage in approximately 48hrs. The Kickstarter will end... (Read More)
May 8th - via:
Unbelievable, 100K & a New Nemesis Rat Unearthly rage! Nemesis Rat - Abyssal Rat This incarnation is a result of egregious theft. The magic used to create the Magic Cheese was taken from another place. A place where powerful beings dwelled.... (Read More)
So we have a NEW Peculiar Rat and more!
May 7th - via:
We have a winner! Now the mystery is solved And the winner is.... Rodentodendron .... 21 votes Naked Mole Rat .... 22 Votes Hydrat & Ratplicant equal on ... 34 AND THAT MEANS.. The new Mascot Rat and to be included in the Core set for... (Read More)
Unlock 89K! - Frosted Dice
May 6th - via:
How COOL are these dice! (Below) an image of the finish that is going to now be applied to the 10 x attack dice in the core set. The dice will still be standard pipped dice. Sample ONLY - Components show for reference only PICK A MASCOT - Ends... (Read More)
Unlock 84K - Our very own mascot Rat!
May 4th - via:
Mascot unlock... but what is it? If you haven't already heard, The Mascot selection Round 2 is continuing, Time to make THE choice Hydra Rat Ratplicant Rhodentodendron Burrower Rat/Naked mole rat Rat-o-nine Tails YOU MUST CHOSE! +1 to you... (Read More)
That's defiantly Peculiar!
May 3rd - via:
TIME TO CHOSE The Mascot Round 2 ! Hydra Rat Ratplicant Rhodentodendron Burrower Rat/Naked mole rat Rat-o-nine Tails OK TIME to pick! +1 to you favourite, the Rat with the highest votes by then end of: 7th May 11:59pm Melbourne AEST (GMT+10) Sadly... (Read More)
Stretch Goal Unlocked 80K, Rat Sack Upgrade
May 2nd - via:
A Snazzy Sack Now more mature and with some rebelious ink work the Rat Sack is now upgraded for all copies of The Ratcatcher. PROGRESS REPORT Rulebook: The new Rulebook is uploaded and should now be the only copy you see. I have also opened up... (Read More)
Unlock 76K - Ratzalcoatl has been summoned
April 30th - via:
The black magic of magic cheese Another unlock so soon! Wow. Ok so this little pest has found a way to combine some dark magical energies with the wonderous magics of the Magic cheese... the consequences could be dire for those nearby. Up... (Read More)
A New Ratcatcher is here! 72K Goal UNLOCKED!
April 29th - via:
Things just got serious! Welcome to the fray; Guild Master Horace A veteran of the great war has returned home to brie to find little glory in day to day life. Taking on the simple roll as a Ratcatcher it wasn't long before his resolve and tactical... (Read More)
Unlock 67K - HARD MODE Starter Township Card.
April 27th - via:
Make it Harder! Sick of only winning sometimes? Now you can win the game even less! The Alternative Start Card offers players a tougher start to the game. It also gives the Rats a leg up with extra spawns (9 rats minimum on the starting township)... (Read More)
Stretch goal number 10 is 63K, UNLOCKED!
April 24th - via:
Do you smell that? Is it eucalyptus... Death from Above! Deceding from above the Drop Rat is a true threat to even the veteran Ratcatcher. This particularly nasty peculiar rat is not to be underestimated. Be aware and keep you eyes on the trees. ... (Read More)
Stretch Goal Unlocked 59k - Game Box Matte Finish
April 21st - via:
A little touch of luxury in a Rat filled world. The smooth & luxurious Matte finish will now coat the game box. PROGRESS REPORT Tabletop Simulator - All the main issues seem to be fixed. I will update the one or two minor items ASAP. Please let... (Read More)
Stretch Goal Unlocked 55K - The Rategiest! Boo!
April 20th - via:
A scary, scary unlock - A Rategiest has appeared. PROGRESS REPORT Tabletop Simulator - All the main issues seem to be fixed. I will update the one or two minor items ASAP. Please let me know if there is anything I have missed. Shipping chart... (Read More)
Stretch Goal Unlocked 51K - NEW Ratcatcher: Sister Constantine.
April 19th - via:
Save the Holy Cheese, with the newest Ratcatcher: Sister Constantine. The kingdom of Brie takes it's love for cheese to a whole new level. Industries & Culture revolve around the production, refinement, sales & consumption of cheese. So it... (Read More)
Stretch Goal Unlock 48K: Game box Insert Unlocked
April 18th - via:
Get Organised! example render only Making storage of the aweosome quality components so much easier. Every copy of The Ratcatcher, Solo Adventure will now have a custom moulded plastic insert. The design includes: Storage for the 3d Rat Cage... (Read More)
Stretch Goal Unlocked 45K - Patient Zero
April 17th - via:
Peculiar Rat: Patient Zero Unlocked It's just a sniffle, right? This little guy started life as a pretty disgusting plague rat. But my Twin Daughters were not keen, so they came up with the concept of this fella. I much prefer him, he has a bucket... (Read More)
Unleash the Maw - 42K Stretch Goal Unlocked
April 16th - via:
The much anticipated Nemesis Unlock is here! He looks kinda hungry? Wow, This unlock see's us with over 120% funded & over 750 amazing Backers! So I think, this unlock is VERY well earned by all of you. The Maw Nemesis token, Nemesis board... (Read More)
Another Stretch goal bits the dust! And a monstrosity lurks...
April 16th - via:
UNLOCK - "Farm Zone" Township cards What a great job folks! I love being able to offer you some of the goodies that will make the game shine. 3 more more new Township Cards,These cards will not only increase the variably in your Township, but... (Read More)
First Stretch Goal Unlocked!
April 15th - via:
UNLOCK - "Backer Rat" Peculiar Rat He looks like he's having so much fun! This is a trend I could get used to. Congratulations backers you have successfully unlocked the first of many Stretch goals. The "Backer Rat" Peculiar Rat, Card and token... (Read More)
Funded Already!
April 15th - via:
Holy moly! 🎉 🎉 🎉 We are 100% funded! It's so amazing, stupendous, mind blowing! All the hardwork, late nights, research, development, iteration, concepts, got me to the beginning of this Kickstarter campaign. And then with you, my... (Read More)
First 24 Hours
April 15th - via:
Has it seriously only been 24 hours since launch?!? There has been so much going on, at least for the team behind the scenes. Did I expect to be this far along, no, I mean I'd hoped of course, but first time creators can often have a tough... (Read More)
Group Pledge Option - Now Available
April 15th - via:
I've been contacted by a fair few keen backers who think one copy of the game just isn't enough! The solution, The HORDE pledge! That's Over 380 Ratples! At this moment I'm still awaiting confirmation on EU shipping prices. I hope to have them up... (Read More)
Welcome Aboard Backers
April 14th - via:
Welcome One & All Welcome aboard Backers to the Adventure that is the Ratcatcher, Kickstarter Campaign. Core Set Aim: To run a clean and easy campaign. As a first time creator, we at Platypus Industries are seeking to keep the campaign concise... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!