The Great Race

A project in Vernon, France by François-Gilles RICARD

Funding Successful

We are in the thirties. Sitting behind the wheel of your half-track, you are going to enjoy the craziest human adventure.
Backers: 1204
Average Pledge Per Backer: €78

Funded: €94,101 of €20,000
Dates: Apr 21st -> May 12th (21 days)
Project By: François-Gilles RICARD
board gameadventure +Suggest

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current pledge level
Last Updated: May 12 @ 14:02 -0400 GMT


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funding period ended


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Latest News

To infinity and beyond

May 12th - via:
You're (hi)story makers. We have been working on this project for 10 years, we have been reflecting on it, we have been nourishing it with our passion, it is growing. It was born of passion, for a period almost forgotten. Citroën cruises have been a... (Read More)

Do you really want it ?

May 12th - via:
All right, you did it. You've accomplished the impossible. You reminded us that where there's a will, there's a way. When one sets out on an adventure, all the space available must be maximized. And in your box, there's no more room. So, to help you... (Read More)

The great story

May 11th - via:
An ArtBook with illustrations by François Launay. We are going to produce a digital booklet in printable PDF format you will discover : - the biographies of the heroes of "The Great Race"... - detailed description of the vehicles - the description... (Read More)

You're making history

May 11th - via:
With the end of the campaign in sight, it's time to look back on the crazy epic we lived together. More than a campaign, a journey Three weeks. That's long and that's short. That's how long it took us, together, to give birth to The Great Race. We... (Read More)

On the way to glory

May 11th - via:
A new game helper in your box. For those who love a challenge, a choice of 5 game configurations using the games modules will give flavour to your games. The cards are delivered in English and French and will be available in ready-to-print mode in... (Read More)

Ready for the final?

May 10th - via:
A new Stretch Goal has just been unlocked! A new memory aid to know the powers of the resource cards. These cards will be available in English and French, but also ready to print in Spanish, German, Italian and Dutch. A "Croisière Blanche" in... (Read More)

A providential help!

May 10th - via:
I don't believe it! A new Stretch Goal has just been unlocked! A little speechless memory aid to remember the phases of the game. The Centre-Asia Citroën expedition or "Croisière Jaune" The Asia board is for us the initial version of the game. It... (Read More)

The gazette becomes real

May 10th - via:
Congratulations, you will now be able to read the articles of the famous Joachim Jacquin in your seat. A large format on real newsprint will take you back to the 1930s. Bravo, vous allez désormais pouvoir lire les articles du Célèbre Joachim... (Read More)

Future competitors

May 10th - via:
The Great Race Channel Tonight The Great Race invites you to talk* with the creators of the game.  On the program, an online game, thanks to the Vassal module, you will be able to follow the game in streaming live on discord and/or you will have the... (Read More)

Society of Nations

May 9th - via:
The Stretch Goals releases are progressing very fast today! Your diplomatic tokens will carry the symbols of the nations. The British Crown The Belgian Lion The French Republic The Italian gearwheel The purple ribbon The Helvetia icon Les déblocages... (Read More)

History is speeding up!

May 9th - via:
Two new diplomatic cards to add to your deck! Thanks to the "diplomatic visa" card, you don't need to roll the die to leave a city. Deux nouvelles cartes diplomatiques pour ajouter à votre deck ! Grâce à la carte "visa diplomatique", vous n'avez... (Read More)

On the way to South America

May 9th - via:
Your race will never be the same again with this new module...  With diplomacy, the race takes on a new dimension. To leave a city, it will now be necessary to have up-to-date visas. You can pay to increase your influence. Or you can take your... (Read More)

The Right Stuff

May 8th - via:
A new hero joins the race Rob Vardaro can take the place of another team leader. Once a turn, when Rob decides to advance blindly, after revealing a tile for his advance, he has the right to refuse it and draw a second tile instead.   Rob Vardaro:... (Read More)

A race for history

May 7th - via:
130, you were 130 today voting for your crew and here are the results ! La gazette  2282 people were affected by this publication. On this occasion we unlock the entire wallpapers. Go to our site and download the wallpaper of your favorite team!... (Read More)

A dazzling finale

May 7th - via:
The tokens of your patronage extension are looking good. Each token represents a period coin from the crews' home countries. Who's going to win the race? To find out, you have until 8:00 pm (Paris time) to vote for your favorite team.  On Facebook,... (Read More)

A network of influence

May 6th - via:
You now have 2 cards to add to your deck when you play Patronage. The dandy allows you to advance your patronage marker an additional 2 positions when playing your financial assistants. Vous pouvez désormais ajouter 2 nouvelles cartes à votre deck... (Read More)

A series of benefactors

May 6th - via:
Congratulations, you've just increased your chances of making more money! Patronage is a new module through which you will get bonuses for your financing actions.  For each meeple placed on funding location of your board, your patronage marker... (Read More)

An exceptional vehicle

May 5th - via:
This splendid Mercedes Eiger with golden grille is now yours ! Vous venez d'acquérir la splendide Mercedes Eiger avec sa calandre dorée. The end of the race is approaching. The interview with Lord Walledgrave tells us more about this curious... (Read More)

LOODO NINJA - Which Board Gaming Projects to Back on Kickstarter in May

May 5th - via:
Our expert Loodo Ninja takes a look at May Kickstarter projects including a board gaming table and some amazing games from well known creators. (Read More)

But who's Louis Chevy?

May 4th - via:
Louis Chevy wins 20F per lap Louis Chevy gagne 20F par tour Born in Switzerland, in Chaux-de-Fonds, on December 25, 1878, from a modest family, Louis attended a normal schooling and very early became interested in mechanics. At the age of 22, he... (Read More)

Meeting the artist

May 3rd - via:
A new Stretch Goal is reached. Swiss figures and tokens are now improved. Un nouveau Stretch Goal est atteint. Désormais les figurines et les jetons suisses sont améliorés. Do you know Alexandre Iacovleff ? Connaissez-vous Alexandre Iacovleff ?... (Read More)

Chevy is ready for the race

May 3rd - via:
A complete new crew has been added to your game! Un nouvel équipage complet vient enrichir votre jeu !  The Swiss crew can be used instead of the original crew. L'équipage suisse peut être utilisé à la place d'un équipage original.  (Read More)

the society of nations

May 2nd - via:
A new stretch goal is unlocked. From now on, the tokens for the order of passage and progression are in the colours of the national cocards . Un nouveau stretch goal est débloqué. Désormais les jetons d'ordre de tour et d'avancée sont aux... (Read More)

Who is Victor Point

May 2nd - via:
Perhaps you're wondering who Victor Point is? This Stretch Goal may seem trivial to you, but to us it is of great importance. Vous vous demandez peut-être qui est Victor Point ? Ce Stretch Goal peut vous sembler futile mais pour nous il revet une... (Read More)


May 1st - via:
We're not keen on thermo-formed storage systems. It's beautiful when you open the box the first time, everything seems to have its own place. But as soon as you store it on its side, or when you want to add things in it, it's chaos. Nous ne sommes... (Read More)

Forward to Italy

May 1st - via:
Keep sharing and liking with us. Gianni Martinetti's reputation is at stake! Continuer de partager et de liker avec nous. La réputation de Gianni Martinetti est en jeu !  Here's the link for Facebook  (Read More)

The Belgian Crew needs you !

May 1st - via:
A few days ago we discovered the first two drivers of this great adventure in an article by Marcel Jacquin. Jean Delatour revealed to us his taste for work well done and Leonard Van Hotten invited us to taste a beer the desert way. You've unlocked... (Read More)

Andean villages

April 30th - via:
These exclusive KS tiles can be permanently added to your "South America" field tile bag to enrich your playing experience. If you stop on one of these tiles you take advantage of its unique advantage. Ces tuiles exclusives KS peuvent êtres... (Read More)

It's already your project...

April 30th - via:
A big week has just gone by and it's an opportunity for us to take stock of the start of this campaign. And to try to answer all your questions. (Le texte de cette actualité est visible en français à la suite de l'anglais.)    The campaign ... (Read More)

African village

April 29th - via:
A new Stretch Goal is unlocked. It consists of 5 exclusive tiles that will put the player in front of a choice, continue to chart the course or stop and earn resources! Un nouveau Stretch Goal est débloqué. Il s'agit de 5 tuiles exclusives qui... (Read More)

The mysteries of the Congo

April 29th - via:
The Great Race needs you! On  the programme today is the unlocking of the wallpaper for the Belgian  crew. Will you be able to do as well as you did yesterday with the  Frenchman? Our Facebook topic is here, like it and share it. For 100 Likes you... (Read More)


April 28th - via:
New Stretch Goal unlocked a postal bag, intended to receive the cubes of the extension. Nouveau Stretch Goal débloqué un sac postal, destiné à recevoir les cubes de l'extension. Are you familiar with the Gradis mission? Connaissez-vous la mission... (Read More)

Social Stretch Goals

April 28th - via:
The Great Race needs you! The road is long and full of pitfalls, but you have already proved how effective members of the expedition you are. Today, we're going to ask even more of you! We are counting on you to make The Great Race known. And in... (Read More)


April 28th - via:
With "la postale" you will have to pick and carry postal packages to cities (red package to red city) If yo success you'll get an amount of 30F for the delivery. But beware, a package on board must be delivered before choosing a new one. You'll need... (Read More)


April 27th - via:
The new tiles and the associated map show microclimate situations. The player who enters the tile must roll a dice to find out what the weather conditions are. The weather may be mild on the tile while the storm is raging around it, or the... (Read More)


April 27th - via:
A new type of card to add to your deck. The barometer card is played during a driving action and allows you to avoid weather hazards.  Un nouveau type de carte à ajouter à votre deck. La carte baromètre se joue durant une action de conduite et... (Read More)


April 27th - via:
You may have noticed, there's another Platypus on KS? We love their project and we wish them great success. You can see their project here:  (Read More)

When fiction meets reality...

April 26th - via:
We found our inspiration in history. The "Black Cruise" took place in 1924 and was highly publicized at the time. It was a time when programmed obsolescence did not yet exist. And what better proof than crossing a continent from one end to the other... (Read More)

Storm warning

April 26th - via:
On the road the terrain is not the only difficulty. Rain, wind and heat turn a ride into a real journey. Sur la route le terrain n'est pas la seule difficulté. La pluie, le vent, la chaleur transforment une ballade en véritable périple. The... (Read More)

2 Stretch goals are unlocked

April 25th - via:
2 new cards to add to your deck The paddock card allows you to change one of its gauges when you are in a city. La carte paddock permet de modifier une de ses jauges lorsque l'on est dans une ville. The elegant vehicle of the suffragettes P17 BELINDA... (Read More)

En voiture Simone !

April 25th - via:
Simone De Forêt and her Suffragettes crew have an incredible capacity for organisation! During the bivouac phase, she wins an extra card after all the other players have chosen their card. Simone De Forêt et son équipage de Suffragettes a une... (Read More)

Mechanical geniuses

April 24th - via:
2 New Stretch goals ! you'll be able to strategically improve or reduce your fuel/engine/chassis gauges. This is a crucial choice to make before the start. For example: I can spend my money to have my vehicle upgraded, but with empty pockets or I can... (Read More)

Thanks to our translators

April 24th - via:
We are grateful to: Alberto, Yannick, Evelyne, Robin, Mona, Ben, Dessi and Miguel... Thanks to them the translations are in progress: This is the spirit of a collaborative platform! (Read More)


April 23rd - via:
2 Stretch goals are unlock ! Gianni Martinetti is a mechanical genius. He likes an engine to run like clockwork. Once a turn he can repair its mechanics. Gianni Martinetti est un génie de la mécanique. Il aime qu'un moteur tourne comme une horloge.... (Read More)

May the force be with Leonard Van Hotten

April 23rd - via:
A new stretch goal is unlock ! Leonard Van Hotten is a skilful negotiator and a fine diplomat. Wherever he goes, he's always well received. Leonard always draws at least two resource cards when entering a city. Leonard Van Hotten est un habile... (Read More)

The Royal Navy to the rescue

April 23rd - via:
Sir Andrew Walledgrave is a Stretchgoal that just got unblocked. Sir Andrew has many contacts in the Royal Navy. He has great facilities to take the boat and avoid problems. He can save 50F for one sea trip per tour. Sir Andrew possède de nombreux... (Read More)

Thank you for your support and all you've done.

April 23rd - via:
You've unlocked a new stretch goal! Jean Delatour : He already knows the way since he was part of the Citroën Central Africa expedition. So he can do a reconnaissance per turn by unveiling 2 new tiles on the map. Jean Delatour : Il connaît déjà... (Read More)

Suffragettes defend their cause

April 22nd - via:
Among all the crews of The Great Race there is one that arouses curiosity if not passion: suffragettes. This name evokes a political, social struggle for the recognition of women's right to self-determination. If the legitimacy of this fight is not... (Read More)

Belgians arrive in force

April 22nd - via:
Belgians now in 3D!  (Read More)

2 stretch goals are unlocked!

April 22nd - via:
French and English are growing!  (Read More)

How do I add the "dual" add-on if I already contribute to the core-box?

April 22nd - via:
You can change your reward just select the all-in reward instead of the core box  (Read More)

Our Swiss friends will be able to enter the race!

April 22nd - via:
The shipping will be 12 €! We will refund the difference for those who have already pledged. You will see the Swiss entering the great race later in the campaign!  (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!