EMOTIV INSIGHT: Optimize your brain fitness & performance
A project in San Francisco, CA by Tan Le000days
Funding Successful
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Last Updated: September 16 @ 00:30 -0400 GMT
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Latest News
Thank You!! We Did It!
September 15th - via: kickstarter.com
45 days...and we've reached the end of our campaign. We are thrilled by how amazing this experience has been and are extremely happy to have had the chance to meet each and everyone of you that wrote in and shared comments. THANK YOU, to all of you... (Read More)
Because Of You!
September 14th - via: kickstarter.com
WOW! THIS IS INCREDIBLE! YOU ARE INCREDIBLE! 44 days ago, we set our mission to empower individuals to understand their own brain and accelerate brain research globally into motion with the launch of this Kickstarter campaign for Emotiv... (Read More)
2 Days to Go!
September 13th - via: kickstarter.com
We’re almost there! With only 2 days left, and $100,000 shy of our $1.5M goal, we’re so close to making Emotiv Insight, with the 3-axis Magnetometer, a reality! We want to make sure that everyone who signed up for an Emotiv Insight receives... (Read More)
Countdown 3 Days to Go- Last Weekend Push!
September 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi everyone! With just 3 days to go until the Kickstarter campaign ends, we are getting very excited to see whether we can hit the final $1.5 million stretch goal. It’s going to be tight! Remember, if we manage to stretch past this goal, all... (Read More)
Beer & Mind Control
September 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Developer Spotlight: Hellocomputer & Thingking It’s a well-known fact that drinking beer affects our brain. South African beer company, Castle Lite, puts a twist on this idea with a brilliant promotion: it lets drinkers control beer with their... (Read More)
Second Stretch Goal Reached! 3D Brain Visualizer.
September 10th - via: kickstarter.com
At the top of our lungs, we're screaming, "Thank you!" We couldn't have made it this far without each and everyone of you. Your enthusiasm, energy, and passion has helped push Emotiv Insight along every step of the way! We think you're awesome!... (Read More)
Meet the Team
September 9th - via: kickstarter.com
The Man Behind the Science: Dr Geoff MackellarKnown to many as gmac on the Emotiv Forums, Dr Geoff Mackellar is the CTO of Emotiv Lifesciences and CEO of Emotiv Research. Based in Sydney, Australia, Geoff leads up the research and development... (Read More)
Testimonial: Drue Kataoka
September 9th - via: kickstarter.com
“The EMOTIV INSIGHT is a game-changing device that will transform the role of EEG, moving it from an obscure medical procedure to a meaningful and even necessary part of everyday life. A whole new world of applications will open up and evolve into... (Read More)
Developer Spotlight: Varier Design & B-Reel
September 7th - via: kickstarter.com
The Developers from B-Reel teamed up with Scandinavian furniture brand Varier and Oslo agency DIST Creative to create fabric designs based on brain waves. B-Reel used Emotiv’s EPOC to measure the brain waves of three children using Varier's... (Read More)
Cora Lovio & Roslyn McCoy
September 6th - via: kickstarter.com
It is our pleasure to introduce you to two profoundly inspiring women, Cora Lovio and her caretaker, Roslyn McCoy. Diagnosed as clinically "semi-vegetative" after a car accident when she was 18 years old, Cora is interacting with the world in the... (Read More)
Meet The Team
September 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Tan Le: Make It Matter “If you think there is any other chance of surviving in a reasonable, meaningful way, you wouldn’t choose such a difficult path and venture into the unknown,” said Tan of the journey she made, age four, with her mother... (Read More)
It's Official! We're Adding Windows Phone Support
September 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Over the past few weeks, we’ve received a lot of messages and comments from our backer community requesting support for Windows Phone. We didn’t want to over promise and under deliver, so we held off from making any announcements. Today, we... (Read More)
Announcing Third Stretch Goal: Add A 3-Axis Magnetometer To The Emotiv Insight
September 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
We have been thrilled with the response to our Second Stretch Goal to incorporate two new features into the Emotiv Insight Extender at no additional cost! With only 12 days to go, we are delighted to add another Stretch Goal at $1.5M to enhance the... (Read More)
Top 5 Kickstarter Projects topping the charts and getting the community in action
September 3rd - via: startups.fm
Kickstarter as a platform has its own beauty and is a niche community that has been supporting insanely creative projects across the planet. Currently Kickstarter is also reaching out to Canada, Australia and New Zealand. This has been one of Kickstarter’s major expansion plans. Last year Kickstarter rolled out in the UK as well. Kickstarter evangelists say that more than the money it is the community that helps in a product sustainability. The way projects gets feedback from backers is like a real time market survey. This loop helps in better execution and obviously building something that people love. They literally put money where their mouth is. Here are some awesome projects which we thought needs a mention. (Read More)
Create 3D Objects Using the Power of Your Brain
August 31st - via: kickstarter.com
It’s the weekend and time for family! Stimulate your child’s creativity and explore the fun your kids can have with Emotiv technology. Thinker Thing created an educational outreach program and exhibition based on their invention that allows... (Read More)
Brain Fitness Matters with SharpBrains
August 30th - via: kickstarter.com
“Why do we often invest so little time to understand and maintain our most precious asset, our human brain? It's high time for a new mindset and new toolkit, combining the latest evidence with the latest technology." -Alvaro Fernandez, CEO &... (Read More)
Emotiv Insight + Burnstar
August 29th - via: kickstarter.com
We’re pumped to announce a new collaboration with Nerve Software to bring our backers integrated game play of Burnstar with the Emotiv Insight! Burnstar is a fun and frenetic action puzzle PC game to test your skill and accuracy. Nerve Software,... (Read More)
Fostering Innovation in Young Minds- The Think Tank
August 28th - via: kickstarter.com
What do the neural correlates of excitement look like? Put an Emotiv headset on any Think Tank team member to find out. What are they excited about? Inspiring the next generation of neuroscientists and psychologists aboard their lab-on-wheels: The... (Read More)
A New Interactive Experience For The Emotiv Insight
August 27th - via: kickstarter.com
We are proud to announce that we have partnered with San Francisco-based illustration, concept art & development studio, Massive Black, to bring an exciting experience to the Emotiv Insight. We are working together to integrate the Emotiv Insight... (Read More)
Announcing Second Stretch Goal: Add Two New Features To Insight Extender
August 26th - via: kickstarter.com
We are excited to announce our second stretch goal at $1,250,000 to incorporate two new features into the Emotiv Insight Extender at no additional cost. We will add a microSD card reader so you can log your data continuously and upload later, even... (Read More)
Thanks a MILLION! We did it. You did it!
August 24th - via: kickstarter.com
We are overwhelmed with appreciation to our community for your support. Thank you for making this a reality for us. We were hopeful of reaching the $1M stretch goal, but, actually achieving it is incredible! Thanks to all of you, all Emotiv Insights... (Read More)
Brain & the City
August 24th - via: kickstarter.com
How does the space you are in affect the way you feel? Researchers Panos Mavros, Jenny Roe, Peter Aspinall, and Richard Coyne published an article in the British Journal of Sports Medicine outlining results from a study using Emotiv’s first... (Read More)
Sneak Peek at the Emotiv Insight Mobile App
August 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
We’re very excited to unveil some early screenshots of our mobile application to help you track your cognitive performance. When you receive your Emotiv Insight, you’ll be able to download a free mobile app (Android/iOS) that measures, tracks and... (Read More)
What can you do with Emotiv Insight: Part 3 Performance Metrics
August 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
You’ve seen how the Emotiv Insight can be used to move objects with your thoughts or control an avatar more intuitively with your facial expressions. But, the Emotiv Insight is not just a brain computer interface. We've spent a lot time building... (Read More)
What you can do with Emotiv Insight: Part 2 Facial Expressions
August 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Today, we’ll cover how the Emotiv Insight interprets your facial expressions as the second installment in our series on what you can do with the Emotiv Insight. Emotiv Insight detects activity from muscle signals around your face and head. Most EEG... (Read More)
What you can do with Emotiv Insight - Part 1 Mental Commands
August 20th - via: kickstarter.com
In this next series of updates, we’re focusing on what you can do with the Emotiv Insight. Today, we’d like to start from the beginning with setting up a user profile and how to use the Emotiv Insight for Mental Commands. User ProfileWhen you... (Read More)
New Reward Tiers: Insight Extender Expandable Battery Pack
August 19th - via: kickstarter.com
We’ve been listening to community feedback over the past weeks and have been hard at work developing new features to make the Emotiv Insight even more compelling. We are thrilled to announce that we’re building what we think will be an essential... (Read More)
Emotiv Insight + WigWag
August 17th - via: kickstarter.com
We are thrilled to announce a new partnership with fellow Kickstarter, WigWag! You'll love this update if you want to make your environment listen, react & talk to you: deploy sensors in your home - then make simple rules which make stuff... (Read More)
Slick “Stealth” Color Option For The Emotiv Insight Unveiled
August 15th - via: kickstarter.com
We are excited to unveil the Emotiv Insight in a new Stealth color option and additional reward tiers to give Kickstarter backers the chance to get your hands on these first, before general release. What color will you choose? We are less than... (Read More)
A US team at Boston Children's Hospital say EEG traces could offer a diagnostic test for Autism.
August 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Caroline Hattersley of The National Autistic Society said: "We welcome any research that may help us to understand autism better and improve diagnosis times for those with the condition. While further testing of EEG scans is still required, any tools... (Read More)
Where Science And Art Meet: Measuring The Magic Of Mutual Gaze
August 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Supporting Marina Abramović and Suzanne Dikker’s work as they explore the intersection between art and science has been a wonderful and inspiring experience for us. In this real-time brain installation and science experiment, the audience takes... (Read More)
The Experience of Pure Thought
August 13th - via: kickstarter.com
We had the pleasure of meeting Gary Flake this year at TED. In addition to being President and CEO of Clipboard and a former Technical Fellow at Microsoft, Gary is also TED 2013’s top Focused Mind. He blew us away with his high score on our Focus... (Read More)
Developer Spotlight: Eye Tracking & EEG For Neuromarketing & Applied Neurosciences
August 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Eye tracking leader SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI) and neurotechnology pioneer, Emotiv, offer an integrated, plug and play solution for neuromarketing and applied neurosciences with the Emotiv EPOC EEG Neuroheadset. Combined information about the... (Read More)
More Early Bird Research & Developer Editions Added!
August 11th - via: kickstarter.com
We are very excited by the additional capabilities possible at the achievement of our one million dollar stretch goal. We continue to listen to our community through the comments and forum posts and are just as anxious as you are to reach this... (Read More)
Developer How-To Sneak Peek: Key Bindings
August 10th - via: kickstarter.com
The Emotiv Insight allows you to control a keyboard using bindings and emulation software. In short, users can map detections (such as facial expressions or mental commands) to specific keys or keystrokes. The software packaged with the headset... (Read More)
Made With Love
August 9th - via: kickstarter.com
We’re proud to be participating in the Health Innovation Summit in San Francisco today brought to you by Rock Health! “Rock Health is the first seed accelerator for digital health startups. They’ve created an ecosystem of passionate... (Read More)
Developer Spotlight: Brain Painting With Braintone Art
August 8th - via: kickstarter.com
We've been working with developers worldwide on amazing applications since the beginning. To understand what the possibilities are, we're featuring a few independent developers who have built not only inspiring applications but also great businesses,... (Read More)
Announcing First Stretch Goal: 6-axis inertial sensor
August 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you to all of you, our backers and our community, for taking the time to share your feedback, suggestions and for voting for the features you’d like added to the Emotiv Insight. We are delighted to set a new stretch goal at one million... (Read More)
Testimonials: what others are saying about the Emotiv Insight
August 6th - via: kickstarter.com
We think it's important that in addition to our own enthusiasm for the Emotiv Insight, you also hear from others. Over the coming weeks, you'll hear from innovators, influencers and thought leaders who will express their thoughts on the Emotiv... (Read More)
Get your brain in shape with Emotiv Insight headset
August 6th - via: news.cnet.com
Emotiv's latest EEG headset has dry sensors so you can slap it on and start monitoring your attention levels and stress. (Read More)
"You have a mind. You can create." - MindTunes
August 5th - via: kickstarter.com
“We believe there's a creator in everyone of us. All you need are the means to get it out there, for everyone to see.” - MindTunes & Smirnoff Did you know the soundtrack to our Kickstarter video, Mindtunes, is a track created by Andy, Jo and... (Read More)
4 Days In, 400% of Goal, and the Emotiv Insight Forum is Live!
August 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
We're only 4 days in and are already over 400% of our funding goal! We are thrilled with all the great ideas that you, our community and backers, have been contributing – we're intently listening to everyone's comments and ideas, and our team has... (Read More)
National Geographic Covers Emotiv Insight!
August 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
"Our brain controls what we think, feel, and do, but scientists have a limited capability to watch it at work outside the lab. 2013 National Geographic Emerging Explorer Tan Le hopes to change that while, in the process, fighting neurological... (Read More)
EMOTIV INSIGHT EEG for Gaming, Meditation, Self-Criticism Sessions, Now on Kickstarter; Interview with Tan Le, Founder and CEO
August 2nd - via: medgadget.com
Emotiv Lifesciences, one of the leading companies trying to introduce electroencephalography (EEG) for consumer use, has unveiled its next generation headset and is now raising money on Kickstarter to fund its commercialization. The EMOTIV INSIGHT is a slicker, lighter device compared to the company’s previous products and features a 5 channel EEG plus two reference sensors, wireless connectivity, and new electrodes that don’t require a gel or any other wetting. (Read More)
August 1st - via: kickstarter.com
The amount of support we’ve received is amazing – reaching our goal in a just over 2 hours is just mind blowing, WOW! A big THANK YOU to every Backer who stepped up early to get our campaign funded! We’re very humbled and overwhelmed by it... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!