Talk, Tarot & Tea: An Oracle Deck In A Hand-Painted Box

A project in Dublin, Ireland by Laura Seed

Status: Active

A vibrant 45 card oracle deck containing journal prompts, teas, crystals & angels and a 100 page guidebook in a hand-painted box.
Backers: 96
Average Daily Pledges: €219
Average Pledge Per Backer: €55

Funding: €5,251 of €2,000
Dates: May 9th -> Jun 6th (29 days)
Project By: Laura Seed
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Healing The Masculine & The Feminine Cards ✨

May 29th - via:
I wanted to share another two of my favourite cards which are the Healing The Feminine and The Healing The Masculine cards ✨✨✨  The masculine and feminine energies have always been so interesting for me because we in my opinion need both in... (Read More)

Where did the name Talk, Tarot & Tea come from?

May 27th - via:
I often get asked by people where the name of the deck came from so I wanted to talk a little bit about that on todays update. When I first started practicing tarot it was during the full moon or new moon when the energy was really potent. Myself and... (Read More)

My Favourite Cards - The 7 Chakras ✨✨

May 23rd - via:
The seven chakra cards were my favourite part to create in the deck. I chose yoga poses for each that represented ways to open that particular chakra and all together they make a beautiful colourful set. Each page has a little bit more detail about... (Read More)

✨ Early Bird on Boxes Ends May 20th ✨

May 17th - via:
Hey all, Just wanted to chat a little about the boxes today as the early bird pricing ends very soon. The early bird on the boxes is ending on May 20th at 6pm (GMT Time) This early bird will save you 15 euro (around 16 dollars) which is a big saving!... (Read More)

Card 1: Abundance ✨

May 15th - via:
Hey all! As part of sharing more of my process and vision with you guys I wanted to share a little more of a few of my favourite cards from the oracle deck. I had to of-course start with card 1 Abundance which is inspired by my own work around... (Read More)

We are FULLY FUNDED! ✨✨✨✨

May 11th - via:
I cannot believe I am writing this but we are fully funded within just 3 days!! I am so so glad I came back and did the campaign again and honestly I couldn't have done it without the support of all you wonderful backers.  You guys are amazing and... (Read More)

Incredible Start! We are already 78% Funded ✨✨

May 10th - via:
Just a quick update to say how incredibly grateful I am to all my backers so far! The amount of backers who have came back from not just my first but also my second campaign! With it nearly being fully funded after only 26 hours I am so excited to... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!