Surrender to It.

A project in Nottingham, UK by The Actors Workshop Nottingham & Online

Funding Successful

Feature Film
Backers: 85
Average Pledge Per Backer: £62

Funded: £5,266 of £5,000
Dates: Jul 4th -> Aug 13th (41 days)
Project By: The Actors Workshop Nottingham & Online
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Last Updated: August 13 @ 19:12 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

We've hit our goal

August 7th - via:
We could not have done this without you! From all the cast and crew we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  We will still keep you updated throughout the process and we will individually respond to you based off the rewards you've requested. ... (Read More)


July 18th - via:
Check out these awesome storyboard images from Rikki Marr  (Read More)

Sara Bodinar, James Hutton and Owen Wardman

July 18th - via:
Sara Bodinar is a multi award-winning screenwriter and playwright. Her work has been produced around the world. She’s a staff writer at a number of London film studios, leads the Writers Room at the Nottingham Playhouse theatre and she is the... (Read More)


July 10th - via:
21 Backers: HUGE LOVE TO Emma, Lauren, Christy, Martin, Amanda, Anthony, Diana, Bryn, Johnny, John, Robin, Stu, Courtney, R, Sue, Alex, Sergey, Rachel, Danielle and Kate.  (Read More)

Moodboards/Costume design - Owen Wardman

July 9th - via:
 Check them out Find the link on Insta  Check them out Find the link on Insta  Check them out Find the link on Insta   Check them out Find the link on Insta  (Read More)

Some of the cast went on a recce weekend in Wales (Interview Links below via Instagram)

July 9th - via:
 Fletch   Alex   Matt   Danny   Clare   Joe   (Read More)

Chris Wetton

July 7th - via:
I fell in love with films at an early age. I was always a very visual person but when my brother took me to the cinema as a 7 or 8 year old boy, I was mesmerised by the whole experience and I have never really grown out of that. When I was old enough... (Read More)

BBC Radio Nottingham

July 7th - via:
You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play Replay with sound Play with sound 00:00 00:00  (Read More)

Hi! I'm Tim Bryn Smith, the writer and director of 'Surrender To It'

July 7th - via:
Thank you so much for supporting our movie. I'm really excited to be going on this journey with you and so grateful to have you as part of this project. The other day someone asked me to summarise the film in one sentence and without much... (Read More)

Thank you!

July 5th - via:
We've hit 400! We are absolutely thrilled to express our deepest gratitude for your generous support and backing of our Kickstarter campaign. Your belief in our project and willingness to contribute has made a significant impact on our journey, and... (Read More)

Follow us on Instagram!

July 4th - via:
You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play Replay with sound Play with sound 00:00 00:00  Instagram   (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!