Wasteland: A post-apocalyptic zombie survival strategy game!

A project in Pensacola, FL by OHMS Gaming

Funding Unsuccessful

Take this post apocalyptic survival strategy game for 2-4 players beyond the prototype with all new Art!
Backers: 41
Average Pledge Per Backer: $64

Funded: $2,642 of $5,000
Dates: Dec 13th -> Jan 29th (47 days)
Project By: OHMS Gaming
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Last Updated: May 28 @ 12:06 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

So long and thanks for all the support

January 31st - via: kickstarter.com
Hello backers!          No, we're not going anywhere - so this is not goodbye!  We want to say thanks for your support and patience during this KickStarter though. Despite not reaching our goal of $5000 we made it halfway! That’s pretty... (Read More)

Reward Updates

January 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Sorry for the back-to-back updates, but each really warranted its own...We have made some updates and changes to some of the reward levels.  Additionally we will be announcing goals for over funding this weekend!Updates:All pledges of $30 or more... (Read More)

Lucky Update #7

January 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Here it is Geeks & Geekettes! The Update you've all been anxiously awaiting! The RULES!! (Follow the link) Many Gremlins died to bring you this information. Their resolve to prevent this update was nothing short of legendary. It was akin to our... (Read More)

We're over the hill now!

January 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Alright... I'd like to begin this update with some much needed apologies. First and foremost we are sorry for falling off the edge of the world and this project being as quite as a ghost town for a couple weeks. Next we need to apologize for not... (Read More)

"What if" scenario & Box Contents!

December 19th - via: kickstarter.com
. (Picture @ GenCon 2011 running demos)     "What happens if the second project is not successfully funded?"  We have talked and debated over this topic long before launching this KickStarter (KS) project. Below are the highlights that will... (Read More)

Kickstarter v2.0 & Expansions

December 19th - via: kickstarter.com
    We were asked, “Will the second project have the same KickStarter promos or different?”, a more than valid question.  To explain briefly why that was asked - In case you missed it elsewhere this is the first of two of our KickStarter... (Read More)

Video Sneak Peak!

December 16th - via: kickstarter.com
So 'Propaganda and Misinformation' is really Keith's department, but I wanted to get something up here for everyone to see.Though this has the informational value of a bag of pretzles, I hope it serves as further proof that we are working on the next... (Read More)

Proper review link posted!

December 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello everyone! As the title suggests, the link to Rob's review of Wasteland is now up at MajorSpoilers.com! Take a look! Big egg hunters may get a sneak peak at something (I'll give you a hint though, they're rough - this is corrected in newer... (Read More)

Countdown to the Apocalypse - Day 2 of 46

December 14th - via: kickstarter.com
    The sense right before falling (in 'Inception' they called it the "kick").  A sensation similar to that of eagerly awaiting some test results...  (Now, I was referring to tests in school or some such - but run where you want with it)  Or... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!