2024 Crokinole Board Season 8: Mahagony or Beech + Cases

A project in Springville, UT by Seth Hiatt

Funding Successful

We are back for our 8th Crokinole Project, this fan favorite will include all the best of prior projects plus wax with every board!
Backers: 5762
Average Pledge Per Backer: $130

Funded: $748,041 of $5,000
Dates: May 14th -> Jun 5th (22 days)
Project By: Seth Hiatt
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Last Updated: June 5 @ 12:03 -0400 GMT


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June 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
Final 48 Hours!We are in the final 48 hours of the campaign and are so excited for the nearly $700k and 5,300+ backers already!  With the final 48 hours we usually see a lot of new backers coming in who have been on the fence, so WELCOME to all of... (Read More)

Wave 2 Rewards Opening! No more Wave 1 Boards

May 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Wave 2 Opening Today!We have carefully been tracking the Wave 1 totals on the 2nd tab HERE and with what we have available now we will have allocated 4,915 of our 5,000 Wave 1 boards.  We want to leave the last 85 unsold for any damage or any... (Read More)

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May 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
$500 K Raised in a Week!!Yes we actually recieved half a million dollars in pledges from more than 3600 backers in the first 7 days of the campaign!  We are overwhelmed with the amazing support and confidence you all have placed in us.  Thanks to... (Read More)

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May 20th - via: kickstarter.com
 Wave 1 Ending Soon!It is Day 6 and we have 4,023 of our available 5,000 WAVE 1 pledged for. We expect to need to launch Wave 2 in the next few days as we run out! You can check the total number of pledges allocated on tab 2 of THIS sheet. We will... (Read More)

South Africa Shipping

May 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Incredible!In just three days, we've surpassed our largest campaign ever. This is going better than we ever imagined it would. Thank you to all of you who are sharing this around on Facebook and other social media platforms. I'm starting to think... (Read More)

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May 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Day 2 UpdateWe are just so excited at the response this campaign has had after just 48 hours!  We honestly thought the total project would be around where we are right now after 2 days, so we are beyond excited!  Thank you all for your support and... (Read More)

24 Hours In... WOW.. Just Wow!

May 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Day 1 Complete!Our 2020 and 2022 campaigns both did over $350,000 so we had HOPED this campaign would do around that amount, but based on our first 24 hours it seems like this project will likely blow those numbers away! We are so amazingly grateful... (Read More)

Funded in Just 2 Minutes!

May 14th - via: kickstarter.com
We knew this campaign was going to launch like a rocket, but funding in 2 minutes is unbelievable! So many people have been messaging us and begging us to launch this because Crokinole is one of the most timeless games ever created and we love being... (Read More)

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