Kiitos - strategy word game.
A project in Levin, NZ by Matthew Thredgold000days
Funding Successful
Kiitos - Outwit with Cleverness - a game by Matthew Thredgold
Backers: 334
Average Pledge Per Backer: $37 NZD
Funded: $12,360 NZD of $1,500 NZD
Dates: Apr 7th -> May 5th (28 days)
Project By: Matthew Thredgold
Backers: 334
Average Pledge Per Backer: $37 NZD
Funded: $12,360 NZD of $1,500 NZD
Dates: Apr 7th -> May 5th (28 days)
Project By: Matthew Thredgold
+Suggest$12,360 NZD
current pledge level
Last Updated: May 5 @ 02:02 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Te Reo Māori and other words in Kiitos
May 2nd - via:
Hi everybody and welcome to another Kiitos nerdy word game update. We are into the final 3 days of the campaign, and a whole bunch of new backers have come on board since the last update. I am super stoked once again, and thankful to all of you have... (Read More)
Inventive Plays
April 29th - via:
Thanks to all the new backers who've backed Kiitos. It's great to have you along. There's just five days of the campaign left to go. If you have word gaming friends and family who you think might enjoy playing Kiitos, then please do tell them about... (Read More)
Vexillological vexations
April 25th - via:
Thanks to all the new backers for coming on board. It is great to have you. I've been using these updates for some word game nerdiness to help convey some of the "emergent fun" that Kiitos can provide, that a simple mechanical telling of the rules... (Read More)
When is a word not a word?
April 23rd - via:
A big Kiitos to all my new backers. It's great to have you on board. I use these updates to introduce a little bit more of the gameplay of Kiitos. This update is about challenging. Challenging is one of the strengths of the design of Kiitos, and I... (Read More)
The Psychology of Kiitos
April 21st - via:
The halfway point of the Kiitos campaign has been passed and there are now more than 200 backers. Thank-you to all of the backers old and new. I am rather pleased with how it is going. One thing that is in motion is that our manufacturers in China... (Read More)
Chucking it over the fence
April 18th - via:
First up thanks to all the new backers of Kiitos. It's great to be reaching people all over the English speaking world (and a few from beyond too). Welcome aboard. This update is about "Chucking it over the fence". It hasn't been uncommon for new... (Read More)
Why Kiitos doesn't need an exchange rule
April 15th - via:
Firstly thank-you to all the new backers (and all the previous backers too). It is quite heartening that the Kiitos campaign is ticking along in the mid-campaign lull. I'm grateful to you all. This is a quick design note: Why Kiitos doesn't need an... (Read More)
Quick update - a fun new Kiitos review from Rowdy with a Chance of Meeples
April 10th - via:
Once again thanks to the new backers who've come on board since the last update. Q. What does a grumpy cat, the Ghostbusters, Mario and Risk Astley have in common? A. This new (and entertaining) review from Sean and Dee, the Rowdy Meeps, who say some... (Read More)
Kiitos featured on the Dice Men Cometh podcast
April 10th - via:
Firstly welcome to all the new backers of Kiitos. Thanks for your support. I had the opportunity to have an afternoon nap this Good Friday and I woke up to some lovely chaos. My infant daughter had pulled every saucepan and frypan out of a kitchen... (Read More)
100 backers is in the rear-view mirror
April 8th - via:
Thanks to all the new backers who've come on board today. It feels good to pass the 100 backers mark in a bit over 24 hours. Please do spread the word about Kiitos to your word game loving friends and family. For those of you wanting to scratch a... (Read More)
Successfully funded on the first night !!!
April 7th - via:
Thanks (or Kiitos) to everyone who has backed or followed Kiitos so far. It is satisfying that all the hard work put into Kiitos since I came up with the idea for the game back in August 2018 has come to the near-fruition of the Kickstarter funding... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!