Ghost Writer
A project in Hanover, NH by Mary Flanagan000days
Funding Successful
The word game of unfinished business
Backers: 1250
Average Pledge Per Backer: $27
Funded: $34,281 of $27,000
Dates: Mar 16th -> Apr 15th (31 days)
Project By: Mary Flanagan
Backers: 1250
Average Pledge Per Backer: $27
Funded: $34,281 of $27,000
Dates: Mar 16th -> Apr 15th (31 days)
Project By: Mary Flanagan
current pledge level
Last Updated: April 15 @ 21:02 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Thank You All!
April 15th - via:
Greetings mediums, With only a few hours left in the campaign, the whole Resonym team would like to thank you from the bottoms of our hearts for making Ghost Writer a reality! The end of the campaign is bittersweet; I'm excited to put my nose to... (Read More)
3 Days Left
April 12th - via:
Greetings mediums, We're well on our way to the first stretch goal—a foil box! As we rocket towards the end of the campaign, I have a couple of very important notes for you: Important Notes 1. We are not using a pledge manager for Ghost Writer.... (Read More)
And That's A Wrap
April 10th - via:
...wait no it's not! Thanks to every one of you, Ghost Writer is now FUNDED—we're going to make this game for you, for sure. But it's definitely not a wrap yet. Next up, some stretch goals! Stretch Goals The first 3 stretch goals I'm aiming for... (Read More)
One Week Left
April 8th - via:
Good evening mediums, We are heading into Ghost Writer's final week! The campaign is over at 9pm Eastern, one week from today. We only need 85 more backers to fund the game, so now is the perfect time to share Ghost Writer with your friends! Ghost... (Read More)
Almost There
April 5th - via:
Greetings mediums, We're over 85% funded, with just over 1 week left—welcome to all the new backers who got us there! I'm looking forward to this final week of the campaign, getting funded, and hitting some stretch goals! Upcoming Streams Join me... (Read More)
Over 20k!
April 2nd - via:
Greetings mediums, Mary here: I just wanted to welcome to all the new backers who are here because they saw Ghost Writer in the Kickstarter Games newsletter! Thanks so much, Kickstarter Games team for sharing the love! If you're just joining us (or... (Read More)
Ghost Writer Live Stream Tonight
April 1st - via:
Greetings mediums, Welcome to all the new backers! We're heading strong towards 2/3 funded with about 2 weeks left... and I have a lot of excellent news for everyone: Live Stream Tonight Don't miss my stream tonight where Spring and I are going to... (Read More)
The Third Week!
March 29th - via:
Good evening mediums, We're just about to hit the halfway point of the campaign—2 weeks left! Our team is feeling good about hitting the funding goal with all of your help, especially since we're over halfway funded! This Week's Streams We have... (Read More)
A Good Lookin Kickstarter
March 25th - via:
Hello friends, Thank you to all the new backers who joined our séance this week! Things have slowed down a bit for the middle of the campaign, which is completely normal, but it's been a good week for Ghost Writer! Ghost Writer in the Media Becca... (Read More)
Week Two: New Puzzle, Approaching 50%
March 22nd - via:
It's the start of week two, and we're almost at 50%! Thanks everyone for your amazing support so far—I'm confident we'll be able to make this game a reality at this rate! Ghost Writer in the Media There should be some exciting new coverage of Ghost... (Read More)
One Third There!
March 19th - via:
Welcome to all new backers, and thanks so much for being here! We blew past a third of the way to our goal, and we're rapidly approaching halfway complete. With your help, I'm confident that Ghost Writer will get funded! Get Involved We love hanging... (Read More)
Ghost Writer is a haunted party game mixture of Mysterium and Decrypto from Mechanica creators
March 17th - via:
In Ghost Writer, players become competing mediums both looking to uncover the mysteries of the afterlife by communing with the dead. However, as is often the case, the spirits work in strange ways and won’t tell the other players the answer outright. (Read More)
The First Day
March 16th - via:
..okay, so it's only been 6 hours since launch, but it's been a great first day for Ghost Writer anyway! Thanks for being on board everyone! Here's a bit of what happened: Kickoff Stream Thanks to everyone who attended our kickoff stream on Twitch!... (Read More)
Kickstarter Tabletop Alert: Spooky Spelling in 'Ghost Writer'
March 16th - via:
Ghost Writer is a word party game for 4 to 8 players, ages 13 and up, and takes about 15 minutes to play. It’s currently seeking funding on Kickstarter, with a pledge level of $25 for a copy of the game. The theme is based on a seance, with the “ghost” writing clues down one letter at a time, but the words and questions do not have any specific ties to the occult, so it’s up to you how much you want to play up the “talking to the dead” aspect if you’re playing with younger kids. Ghost Writer was designed by Mary Flanagan and Max Seidman and published by Resonym, with artwork by Spring Yu. (Read More)
#725 – Ghost Writer [Preview]
March 15th - via:
In Ghost Writer, you’re just trying to have a conversation. The problem is, one of you is dead. You need to prove that you’re the best medium and bridge the gap so that you can do whatever mediums do after that. However, other mediums want to prove they’re the best at channeling ghosts, so, naturally, a competition has emerged. You’ll have to do your best to interpret messages from the other side if you want to prove your worth. (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!