Burlesque - Adult Video Game

A project in Bishop Auckland, UK by Maid Games

Funding Successful

Can you become the new manager of a Burlesque dance troupe, turn the show around to make it a success in this NSFW game.
Backers: 830
Average Pledge Per Backer: £48

Funded: £39,568 of £10,000
Dates: May 2nd -> May 31st (30 days)
Project By: Maid Games
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Last Updated: May 31 @ 15:02 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Final Hours...

May 29th - via: kickstarter.com
We have now moved past the final 48 hours of the campaign and wow what a ride it has been so far and in the past few hours we even reached our next secret stretch goal... This goal adds a hairdresser to the game in the form of Amelia who can cut your... (Read More)

Physical Reward Details

May 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
With a little over a week left of the campaign before we come to an end we wanted to give some details about all the physical rewards available on the campaign and how they will be provided. Below you can see more info on the following items:... (Read More)

Final Mousepad Design

May 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Today we are happy to reveal the final mousepad design of our dancing girls mousepad! For the first time ever our manufacturers have confirmed that they will be able to create a completely nude mousepad for you all to enjoy. Though shown censored... (Read More)

Second Major Milestone

May 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Today, with two weeks left of the campaign, we have achieved another of our major milestones for the game, bringing the campaign to over 300% in total funding! This goal adds some sexy bonus events and supernatural goings on with the Demon that is... (Read More)

Early Bird Ends

May 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Wow, it has already been one week since the campaign started, which means all of our early bird reward tiers have now ended. But in this time we have done well to unlock a series of stretch goals... Our early bird tiers were the £140+ tiers that... (Read More)

Second Secret Revealed...

May 8th - via: kickstarter.com
The time has come for a new reveal for the campaign with our second secret, unlocking additional content, this time in the form of Eloise... Eloise has another bouncing bosom for inclusion in the game, this time adding one of the backing dancers to... (Read More)

Last Chance Bundles

May 5th - via: kickstarter.com
The first 48 hours of the campaign has now come to a close and wow what a start we have had, reaching our primary goal and our first major milestone and taking us half way to our next secret reveal. But also this means our early bird option for a... (Read More)

Major Milestone Achieved

May 4th - via: kickstarter.com
A new day begins and with it comes the completion of our second stretch goal and first major milestone, brining us to over 200% funding already! This goal adds a range of different content to the game, first of all it unlocks new adult sex scenes... (Read More)

First Secret Reveal...

May 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
What a night, as we lay asleep the campaign kept moving and so now we have reached the first secret goal of the campaign, unlocking additional content for the game, in the form of Roxxie... Roxxie's beautiful, bountiful bosom is now in the game,... (Read More)

Primary Goal Achieved!

May 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Wow, a great start to the campaign, reaching the primary goal not just in the first day, but in the first few hours... Thank you all for the support! The base goal will allow us to create story events, adult events, intimate events, sex scenes and... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!