League of Infamy

A project in Nottingham, UK by Mantic Games

Funding Successful

League of Infamy is an occasionally co-operative dungeon crawler for 2-5 players where you take on the role of the despicable villains.
Backers: 1556
Average Pledge Per Backer: £90

Funded: £139,388 of £50,000
Dates: Oct 28th -> Nov 13th (16 days)
Project By: Mantic Games
miniaturescooperative gameboard gameadventureactiondungeon crawlermonstersfantasytabletop game +Suggest

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current pledge level
Last Updated: November 13 @ 13:01 -0500 GMT


of goal
funding period ended


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Trends are not projections.


of goal

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Latest News

New Villain UNLOCKED: Barthamus Crowe

November 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, Firstly greetings to those that joined the campaign yesterday. It's good to see new villains jumping on board before the end of the campaign. We've got just over 24 hours left, so please get out there and spread the word about... (Read More)

Cavern Dweller UNLOCKED! A message from Ronnie...

November 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, It’s Ronnie here. Boy, it’s been a tough weekend. Normally Saturday and Sunday are slow on campaigns, but we’ve never seen anything quite like yesterday. And it’s a real shame because we were starting to build some... (Read More)

New Villain: Alaia the Stalker UNLOCKED!

November 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, Hope you're all enjoying the weekend. We've got a quick update today to let you know about a very exciting Villain unlock. We know that we say every Villain is our favourite... but Alaia is definitely our favourite. Look at... (Read More)

New daily goal UNLOCKED! Who/what is the next villain?

November 9th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, Firstly, what hobby fun have you got planned this weekend? Secondly, it's time to see what today's daily unlock is! We've got two brand-new Title cards. Remember, Title cards are special achievements you can unlock which earn... (Read More)

Shreddin' Bhetee UNLOCKED! Check out the lunchtime live stream!

November 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, Apologies for the slightly later update today, but we've had a fun day meeting up with James and Sophie from Needy Cat Games for the live stream... more on that in a moment. It's now time for another one of our Daily Unlocks... (Read More)

Disorder cards UNLOCKED! Create a Title card! Big boss teaser!

November 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, We're back with another daily update! And today we've unlocked... Now, we don't want to belittle this achievement but we've unlocked a brand new Disorder card: Belittle. This is a particularly devious card, as you can steal... (Read More)

Primovantor Pilgrim heads to print! More FREE scenarios! Plus, it's Add-on Wednesday!

November 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, It’s time for our second Add-on Wednesday of the campaign. Just in case this is your first Mantic Kickstarter, every Wednesday we offer little optional extras that can be added to pledges and then selected in the pledge... (Read More)

New Villain UNLOCKED! We've got the wight stuff! Ask us anything live stream!

November 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, It's time for another one of our Daily Unlocks! And this time it's a cool new Kickstarter Exclusive Villain! Once mighty warrior-kings of ancient times, Wights are creatures entirely of the supernatural. Where mortal creatures... (Read More)

Tabletop Kickstarter Round-Up: November 6, 2019

November 6th - via: belloflostsouls.net
Comic book heroes, Vikings, bears, and a league of criminals are all available to back. Come check out this week's batch of crowdfunding highlights! (Read More)

Kickstarter Exclusive Herd Campaign UNLOCKED! Daily stretch goal UNLOCKED! New Villain INCOMING!

November 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, We've got a few exciting updates today! So let's get on with it! Firstly, thanks to everyone that liked the game on Boardgamegeek! We're now up to 110 likes but don't feel like you have to stop. With 100 likes on BGG, that... (Read More)

Today's daily unlock: 'Tin Can' Krink! Have you Herd about the new Kickstarter exclusive mini campaign?

November 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, We're back with our latest daily unlock - plus some exciting news about a brand-new, Kickstarter exclusive mini campaign starring The Herd! Find out how you can help unlock the this new campaign, later in the update. Anyway,... (Read More)

Daily Unlock! Live streams! Mystery Villain!

November 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, Hope you're having a great weekend. We had an amazing time at the Mantic Open Day yesterday - playing loads of games, having lots of fun and meeting some League of Infamy backers. The delightful James M. Hewitt was also... (Read More)

Mother Infernal Unlocked! Live streaming all day!

November 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, Welcome to the first of our daily unlocks. Starting from today we'll be unlocking a new Villain or new game upgrade every day until the end of the campaign. These daily unlocks will be on top of any funding stretch goals too -... (Read More)

Daily stretch goals incoming! Every day a new Villain or cards!

November 1st - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, We've had a really solid start to the campaign and we've been adding plenty to the pledges... but we always want MORE! More loot! More disorder! More skills! And, most importantly, more Villains! We realise things have been a... (Read More)

Villain Spotlight: Sharpclaw Gutpeeler

October 31st - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, We're continuing our preview of the core Villains today with a closer look at Sharpclaw Gutpeeler. What a charming name!  Since escaping from the slave pits of the Abyssal Dwarfs, the Ratkin have spread throughout Pannithor... (Read More)

An in-depth guide to how the Unseen Keep Master works...

October 31st - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, As promised we've got a preview of how the Unseen Keep Master works in League of Infamy. Thanks very much to co-designer, James M. Hewitt for writing this in-depth preview of the rules and the design philosophy behind it. Over... (Read More)

Extra skill cards unlocked! Can you guess the next Villain?!

October 31st - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, Happy Halloween. How will you be celebrating this spooky occasion? We're just listening to Werewolves of London on repeat all day. Arguably the greatest spooky song of all time. No arguments. Anyway, enough of that! We've got... (Read More)

Our first Add-on Wednesday - resin heroes and villains

October 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, We're almost kicking down the door of the next stretch goal but, in the meantime, we'll open up our first Add-ons of the campaign. If you've never backed a Mantic campaign before, you'll know that on Wednesday we traditionally... (Read More)

Did someone ring the dinner bell? A new monster enters the fray...

October 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, We can hardly keep up with all the stretch goals being toppled today! Thanks again to everyone that has supported the campaign so far. Remember, keep sharing the project on social media and check the Kicktraq page to keep us... (Read More)

Villain Spotlight: Glum Slittercreep

October 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, While we're waiting for Greedyguts' pies to cook, we're back with another thrilling instalment of our Villain Spotlights! Today it's the turn of Glum Slittercreep. Not all those who join the League are willing volunteers. Glum... (Read More)

Something foul has been unlocked! Plus a sneak peek of an upcoming goal

October 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, Firstly, thanks to all the new Scoundrels that have joined the campaign today. It's great to see so many people jumping on board and helping to unlock even more awesome stretch goals. Talking of stretch goals, we've just... (Read More)

Odur has a howling good time! Time to get greedy...

October 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, What a night! While we were snoozing away and thinking about kidnapping baby drakons, you were busy smashing through the stretch goals. That's right, not one but TWO stretch goals have fallen overnight. Let's take a look,... (Read More)

Odur is so close, we can almost smell him!

October 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, Welcome to everyone that has joined the League today! It’s great to see so many returning backers and new ones too. We’re just over the 24 hour mark now and we’ve already unlocked a thief’s sack full of stretch goal.... (Read More)

Another stretch goal unlocked! We're howling with excitement

October 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, The stretch goals just keep on coming. The latest to be slayed, like an elf under Melantha's cruel blade, is some extra loot cards. These all-important cards can come in handy during the mission, or they'll help your overall... (Read More)

Villain Spotlight: Melantha Arveld

October 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, We're tantalisingly close to that next stretch but before we unlock another added extra, we wanted to kick off the first of our Villain Spotlights! Over the coming days, we'll be delving deep in the background of the core... (Read More)

More stretch goals bite the dust! Find out what's next...

October 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, We almost can't keep up with the stretch goals being smashed left, right and centre today. We're up to 11 extras added to pledges and we're not even at the 24 hour mark yet. Since our last update, we've just added: Three... (Read More)

Take a peek at the latest stretch goal!

October 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, Phew - we are rocketing through the stretch goals today. With the total now well over £105,000, we've added 10 new stretch goals to pledges. We're aiming to give backers a mix of new minis and new cards, which will add to the... (Read More)

Land ahoy! The Bo'sun is ready for action. Next, we're getting a little tribal...

October 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, Awesome news! The Bo'sun Villain has been unlocked and is ready for action. By the way, you can choose any combination of Villains when playing through a mission, so create your own ragtag crew of miscreants to venture through... (Read More)

Nok nok Nokken on the stretch goal's door...

October 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, To be honest, it's all been worth it just for this update title. Great news! The Nokken is now is unlocked for the Siren's Wrath expansion and the Master of Shadows pledge. The Nokken are water-based demons that can appear... (Read More)

More stretch goals bite the dust! What's coming next...?

October 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, What a fantastic first few hours. We've haven't even reached the 24-hour mark but we've already smashed through seven stretch goals faster than Sharpclaw hammering down a sanctuary door.  The latest goals to bite the dust... (Read More)

Gharka gets rowdy! Next up - who let the dogs out?

October 28th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, It's approaching 1am here in the UK but that isn't stopping the stretch goals from toppling. Since the last updated, you've added two more great goals to the pledge! That's two new skill cards (Dash and Nimble Fingers) plus... (Read More)

No need to be orcward about the next stretch goals!

October 28th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, It's great to see so many eager Villains out there. We've already unlocked THREE stretch goals and we've only been live a few hours. Here's a reminder of everything we've unlocked already. WHAT'S NEXT? The campaign mode is... (Read More)

Chitter joins the League! Our next goals are a HOOT!

October 28th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, Woah! This is going faster than the finger buffet at the annual League Luncheon. Great news Villains! Chitter has joined the crew and is ready to steal your gold… sorry, help get the job done. Up next, we’ve got some extra... (Read More)

And we are FUNDED! Who is that chittering in the corner?

October 28th - via: kickstarter.com
Salutations Scoundrels, Phew! Well that was quick. First up, thank to everyone that has backed so far. We’ve been working with Sophie and James at Needy Cat Games for a very long time on League of Infamy, so it’s great to finally see it being... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!