Bicycle® Black Widow ♣ Art Playing Cards Deck

A project in Richmond, VA by Jean LaBelle

Funding Unsuccessful

A unique Bicycle® Playing Cards Deck ~ designed by Jean LaBelle. The alluring beauty of the Black Widow. Manufactured by the USPCC.
Backers: 151
Average Pledge Per Backer: $21

Funded: $3,097 of $10,000
Dates: Jul 3rd -> Aug 10th (38 days)
Project By: Jean LaBelle
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Last Updated: August 10 @ 10:30 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Thank You...

August 10th - via:
I want to thank those of you who supported me on this project.  I've also appreciated all of the personal relations that I have had the opportunity to receive from many of you along the way.  I am sorry that we were not able to see this project... (Read More)

In the midst of the Project: Black Widow Playing Cards

July 28th - via:
Well, here we are deep into this 'spideresque' playing card deck project, and it still has a long way to go. However... I just want my supporters to know that even if this deck is NOT successful in this Kickstarter campaign... that my efforts to... (Read More)

Further Work on this Effort

July 18th - via:
Hello, Well, friends... it's been a wild beginning to my Black Widow deck... and will it be... I do not know.  Crazy.  To those of you who support me on this, as I said before, it does mean a lot to my work -- even if we don't make it!  It's a... (Read More)

From: Jean LaBelle to ALL

July 12th - via:
Hello, it's me... I've been taking away from the project for a small bit lately - due to my life of trying to make ends meet with other arts that I do, and pursue. I've been in and out of town and rather busy - but I am back here to put deep focus... (Read More)

New Addition to the Black Widow Project

July 6th - via:
I wanted to tell you that last night, I worked late on something new for the deck!  I have mentioned that my main focus on this project was the Deck itself - however, I do appreciate things that can enhance the overall excitement of a unique deck. ... (Read More)

New Update to the Black Widow deck from Jean

July 5th - via:
Hello friends, I am happy to tell you that I have just updated the project to include a new presentation of the Joker card.  Originally. I was going to do it as a 'symbol' sort of image in the shape of a widow.  But, through various input from... (Read More)

from: Jean with: Some Thoughts and Thanks to All of You

July 3rd - via:
I want to say Thank You to everyone who has helped to kick off the Black Widow deck.  Your early show of support is a huge benefit toward making this project a success.  I am very appreciative to all of you for being a part of it. I have had... (Read More)

The white Bicycle deck of the Black Widow

July 2nd - via:
Jean Labelle is an artist, a dreamer, an art and magic lover, someone that wanted to see a dream come true with a deck designed from the bottom of his heart, the Labelle “The Mystic deck. Unfortunately he couldn’t fund the project but I am sure we will see some day this deck printed. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!