Cybersecurity Careers Guide Book

A project in Toronto, Canada by Kim Crawley

Status: Active

Certifications, Colleges, and Getting Experience
Backers: 72
Average Daily Pledges: $59 CAD
Average Pledge Per Backer: $46 CAD

Funding: $3,317 CAD of $2,000 CAD
Dates: Dec 17th -> Feb 11th (57 days)
Project By: Kim Crawley
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$3,317 CAD

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Last Updated: 36 minutes ago


of goal

$3,376 CAD

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of goal

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Latest News

159% funded, and a sneak peek of some completed chapters

February 4th - via:
Wow! We're 159% funded. Thank you so much to each and every one of you lovely backers. We still have a week to go, February 11th is the deadline of the Kickstarter. We could still reach the audiobook stretch goal. So please, please, please, share the... (Read More)

Full audio from yesterday's event, via YouTube, Soundcloud, and direct download

January 29th - via:
It was a great pleasure to see many of you attend my Q & A event for the Ultimate Cybersecurity Careers Guide book yesterday! You had so many great questions about my writing process, which certs to get, and whether or not schools and... (Read More)

After a rollercoaster funding week, now we're 122% funded!

January 27th - via:
A week ago, the Kickstarter for my upcoming book the Ultimate Cybersecurity Careers Guide hit the 100% funded goal. I was so relieved. With a few weeks to go, my eyes were on the audiobook stretch goal. Then someone withdrew their $200 backing, and... (Read More)

Zoom event next week, let's chat and reach the audiobook stretch goal!

January 22nd - via:
So this week, I have been enjoying the reality of the Ultimate Cybersecurity Careers Guide being over 100% baseline funded. Thank you so much to all of you for making that happen! This update is a reminder that next Tuesday, January 28th (early 29th... (Read More)

OMG, we're funded.

January 20th - via:
So as of this morning on January 20th, our Kickstarter campaign is officially funded. I only promoted in earnest since 2025 began, so it took about three weeks to fundraise $2000 CAD. Incredible. If I was with you lovely backers in person, I would... (Read More)

89% funded, and Zoom event on January 28th

January 17th - via:
Thank you to all of our wonderful backers! We're 89% funded now. The Kickstarter campaign is running until February 11th. So it's possible that we can reach our stretch goal. If the first $6000 CAD stretch goal is met, there will be an audiobook and... (Read More)

75% funded, sample chapter complete, and help from Akylade

January 14th - via:
Hello wonderful backers! We now have more backers than ever before. A week ago, our Kickstarter was about 45% funded, and now it's about 75% funded. That's absolutely amazing. Although we launched on December 18th, I didn't start promoting it in... (Read More)

Can I name hundreds of cybersecurity certs in under 4 minutes? (Plus, we're almost 50% funded!)

January 7th - via:
Thank you to all of my beloved backers! We are nearly 50% funded, with over a month (February 11th) to go. Of course, ideally, I'd love for us to reach our stretch goals of an audiobook and non-English eBook too. Yesterday I made a mildly amusing... (Read More)

Barely any promo, and 33% funded already. Thank you so much!

January 2nd - via:
Happy New Year 2025 to all of my wonderful backers! Quite frankly, over the course of Christmas and New Years, I have worked on writing my book. But I have done very little promotion of the Kickstarter because I figured Kickstarters don't get much... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!