The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls

A project in San Jose, CA by Edmund McMillen

Funding Successful

The official Binding of Isaac multiplayer card game, about sacrifice, betrayal and hoarding.
Backers: 38333
Average Pledge Per Backer: $69

Funded: $2,650,693 of $50,000
Dates: Jun 27th -> Jul 27th (30 days)
Project By: Edmund McMillen
card game +Suggest

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current pledge level
Last Updated: July 27 @ 03:02 -0400 GMT


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funding period ended


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Latest News

[COMING SOON] Edmund McMillen Reveals Kickstarter For The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls Expansion

April 6th - via:
Creator Edmund McMillen says crowdfunded expansion will include content from Repentance, and is prepared for impromptu, chaotic stretch goals. According to McMillen, Requiem is almost the size of the original base Four Souls game, and will add numerous cards with references to enemies, items, bosses, and other scenarios from The Binding of Isaac that Four Souls didn't get to include the first time around. (Read More)

The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls is now available at retail

August 9th - via:
The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls, the card game version of the popular Binding of Isaac series that had a wildly successful Kickstarter, is now available for purchase at Target stores nationwide. (Read More)

TENTACCOLADE Awards - Best Kickstarter Tabletop Games of 2018

January 3rd - via:
2018 was full of surprises, huge projects and changes on tabletop gaming related Kickstarter sections. Some creators appeared out of nowhere, others lost popularity and some rose to power, by completely obliterating the competition. Today we (Read More)

Join us for this party tonight + IMPORTANT UPDATES

July 27th - via:
Hey all :) Join us online on our livestream as the Kickstarter comes to an end at midnight. Here's the link if you haven't subscribed to it: IMPORTANT UPDATES (Also read below to... (Read More)

The Binding of Isaac Card Game Four Souls Celebrates Huge Success on Kickstarter

July 27th - via:
The Kickstarter campaign for The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls card game comes to an end having reached an amazing $2.5 million. (Read More)

GOLD BOX REVEALED + all the updates till now!

July 26th - via:
Here's the near final render of the actual Gold Box, which is a Kickstarter exclusive only. We will never sell this box again because it's so special and we want to appreciate all of you that have supported this Kickstarter -- by pledging and by... (Read More)

Massive production update + Epic Recap

July 25th - via:
It's been a busy few weeks with both the production and development work happening at a rapid pace. Before we close the campaign in less than 48 hours, we want to show you guys as many things as possible, either as mockups or real physical samples.... (Read More)

Matt Chats: Indie Games Titan Ed McMillen on Cards, Kickstarter, and the Enduring Binding of Isaac

July 24th - via:
I never liked randomly generated video games. While most games I play (like Mario titles) don (Read More)


July 21st - via:
This AMAZING poster by Alex Pardee has now officially been unlocked and added to The Hoarder tier (and above)!  Alex killed it with this one, anyone already getting The Hoarder tier will automatically get this poster, and if you haven't upgraded to... (Read More)

Binding of Isaac Card Game Raises $1.5 Million on Kickstarter

July 20th - via:
Binding of Isaac has proved that crowdfunding is still alive and well. In just two weeks, the card game has earned approximately $1.5 million in funding. (Read More)

The Void has been unlocked

July 18th - via:
THE BLOAT IS DEAD and you guys unlocked the void! #fuckthebloat With the Bloat dead, you enter the portal... you feel a strange sense of deja vu, as time starts to bend... everything looks white and sticky. this will be your final resting place, get... (Read More)

July 18th - via:
The card game campaign of "The Binding of Isaac" surpassed its initial $50,000 goal just hours after it was launched, ensuring its Kickstarter success. With its huge fan base, the game (Read More)

Special Tom Bunk artwork unlocked!

July 15th - via:
You guys unlocked the Tom Bunk (Garbage Pail Kids, Mad Magazine ) post card for placing tons of posters in your local game shops.  So, we are now including a Binding of Isaac themed post card in all game boxes!  Tom Bunk is a personal hero of mine... (Read More)

Eden Unlocked + Gameplay Livestream + Surprises!

July 12th - via:
Eden Unlocked You guys beat The Chest! What a long battle! But is it over? Well thats really up to you... I must attain at least one of your souls to unlock the door to THE BLUE WOMB! Today is the big day, who will be the first to haunt me? Oh also... (Read More)

The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls Kickstarter breaks $1 million

July 11th - via:
The Kickstarter campaign for The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls, the card game set in the Binding of Isaac universe, has smashed its original target - 20 times over. The game, which has been developed by original series creator Edmund McMillen, has earned over $1.1 million with more than two weeks of campaigning left. That's not too surprising, as Four Souls hit its original $50,000 goal within 90 minutes of going live. It's been steadily growing since then, and many stretch goals - which McMillen has turned into a series of IRL minigames for fans of the series - have already been completed. At time of writing, the campaign has earned a total of $1,168,808, with 15 days left to back it. (Read More)

Double Trap -- 2 Games + 2 Game Mats!

July 10th - via:
 The “double trap” tier is now available! 2 gold boxes, 2 giant 4 player play mats at a discounted price! ( as per some of your requests) Hope you guys like the update, especially those of you looking to split shipping costs outside of the US!... (Read More)

Binding of Isaac Card Game Kickstarter Already Earned Over $1 Million

July 10th - via:
From game creator Edmund McMillen of Super Meat Boy and The Binding of Isaac fame, The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls is a multiplayer card game that just went live on Kickstarter on June 27. With an initial goal set of raising $50,000, the project has now blown past that with the total amount pledged being $1,141,363 at the time this is written. (Read More)

Official Binding of Isaac Figures + Epic Roundup

July 9th - via:
It feels amazing to finally show off these really awesome figures. As some of you know, it's been a personal dream of mine to have professional Binding of Isaac figures made, I've tried to do short run, handmade ones in the past but these really... (Read More)

July 9th - via:
The game has three 100-card decks  (Read More)

Print this now!

July 8th - via:
Thanks to everyone for helping spread the word about Binding of Isaac: 4 Souls! Many of you were at Anime Expo with handmade posters and flyers and that was awesome! We've also put one together for you, just in case you want something handy. Print... (Read More)

$1MM in just over a week! (Surprise unlock inside)

July 7th - via:
We hit $1,000,000!!!!  You guys unlocked the Stained Glass sticker!!  This semi transparent sticker will now be included in all game boxes! Thanks so much for spreading the word! And we did it in just over week! So much more to come, please help... (Read More)

The Soul of Guppy is here

July 7th - via:
You guys cleared The Cathedral and look what you unlocked... The Soul of Guppy has appeared in the basement! The Soul of Guppy is a "transformation" or the best way to do something like it. The first person to gain 2 guppy themed items while playing... (Read More)

Mystery Box tier is sold out!

July 7th - via:
Just 20 of these exclusive boxes --- all gone within two days! There might be some more exclusive tiers coming soon, but only for a limited time.  (Read More)


July 6th - via:
We heard and read all your comments and feedback, and have been working to find a solution for international duties and taxes. And we have found a solid expediter! That means you wont be paying additional duties or taxes when your order arrives.... (Read More)

'No family' livestream at 4pm today!

July 4th - via:
Happy 4th, everyone! Going live at 4pm today to talk about the Kickstarter, answer questions and maybe even announce something special. Have no family to spend the day with? See us at 4pm.  (Read More)

Wait, what did we unlock today?

July 3rd - via:
The dark room is complete! this time we must ascend to the cathedral.. a place of piece and harmony... oh yeah you also unlocked something kinda horrible! The Cursed Chest has appeared in the basement! The Cursed Chest is another random happening in... (Read More)

1600% funded -- Thank you + surprise Q&A

July 2nd - via:
Thank you everyone for helping us cross one more milestone.  Join us on the Official Binding of Isaac Instagram (@officialbindingofisaac) tomorrow for a quick Q&A. Details coming soon!  (Read More)

What is Alex Pardee making for The Binding of Isaac: 4 Souls?

July 1st - via:
The amazing @alexpardee just sent something mind blowing for the Kickstarter... here’s a tiny little taste of it. More news on it Wednesday!  (Read More)

PSA for Isaac fans!

July 1st - via:
If you guys have any other suggestions for tiers, or extras or just must have Isaac swag we are forgetting please tell us, we want to make this KS an ode to Isaac and the fans and we are trying out best to give as much as we can without losing money... (Read More)

You have descended to the Dark Room...

July 1st - via:
Are you ready for the challenge!? I believe in you! For the blindfold challenge, no seeds! no cheats, no mod tools. but a friend can help by telling you where to go. Once you enter the caves the challenge is complete!  (Read More)

Sheoul Unlocked! New Card Added To All Games!

July 1st - via:
The "Devil Deal" is now unlocked and will be included in all game boxes as part of our stretch goals. That's 8 additional cards added and a few stickers, the further we go and the more people back the project the more will be added... time to enter... (Read More)

Help complete Sheoul!

July 1st - via:
We still need a few more pictures of you worshiping the dark lord, and a few more videos of you interrupting people to tell them about Isaac (as respectfully as possible). think outside the box, there are creative ways around this one... almost... (Read More)

Completed tasks = big bonuses!

July 1st - via:
Have you guys been sending your submissions for the unlock levels? Anytime a level is achieved, a new bonus is unlocked and added to all games! Make sure you are sending your submissions to @edwardmcmillen on Twitter. There might be some retweets in... (Read More)

Guppy giveaway!

June 30th - via:
Danielle is doing a give away for a hand made guppy plush on the official Binding of Isaac Instagram, you all should join in ;) Follow for constant updates @officialbindingofisaac  (Read More)

Up for a mystery box?

June 30th - via:
How would you guys feel about a high tier that featured a mystery box full of retired toys/boxed games/stickers and a bunch of random stuff Ed finds in the garage!? It would probably be limited to 20 and be the highest tier so far...  (Read More)

Is a solo mode coming?

June 30th - via:
For those wondering, Ed is still working on a solitaire mode and a true co-op mode for the game.. We will post detailed info once he is 100% ... 90% sure true co-op will work perfectly :)  (Read More)

Double Trouble explained

June 30th - via:
For those of you asking, the Double Trouble tier comes with twice everything in the $35 tier. We came up with this for those looking to buy it with a friend, especially those outside the US, so that you can split shipping. So, the tier comes with 2... (Read More)

So close to unlocking the next level...

June 30th - via:
Looks like we still need 2 more Isaac window post-it’s and 7 (polite) public interruptions ... will update the visuals soon!  (Read More)

We have new tiers!

June 30th - via:
UPDATE! We heard and read all the comments and messages and we have added a few new tiers in response to the most common questions. First, we added DOUBLE TROUBLE, a pack of 2 gold boxes, at a slight discount & reduced shipping outside of the US,... (Read More)

Sticking something in the box to celebrate 10,000 backers!

June 29th - via:
For hitting 10k backers (in less than 3 days!) you've unlocked something sticky, STICKERS! EVERYONE who got a copy of the game will now also get a little set of stickers of the 4 OG characters! The more backers we get the more we can pack into those... (Read More)

The Binding Of Isaac Is Getting Its Own Card Game Thanks To Kickstarter Success

June 28th - via:
Yesterday saw the launch of a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign from Edmund McMillen - one of the super-talented minds behind Super Meat Boy and The Binding of Isaac - for a brand new card game based on the world of that latter top-down dungeon crawler - and it's already been completely funded. Using basic mechanics from the game, The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls has 2-4 players taking turns playing loot cards and using items to kill monsters that yield more items, loot, and sometimes souls. The first player to end their turn with four souls is the winner. According to the crowdfunding page, "cooperation, barter, and betrayal is encouraged". (Read More)

Binding of Isaac Card Game Kickstarter Stretch Goals Build Community

June 28th - via:
Funding a Kickstarter is already a big accomplishment (and a big undertaking). It (Read More)

The Binding Of Isaac: Four Souls Kickstarter Launches And Surpasses Its Goal

June 28th - via:
The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls card game has launched on Kickstarter, has already surpassed its goals and is expected to ship in November 2018. (Read More)

This is fast, Level #2 Unlocked!

June 27th - via:
Eve has appeared in the basement! The new necromancer of the bunch, I've modded her curse for "graveyard shenanigans. She's the one character that can interact with discard piles and she can be a bitch... I love her. Both Eve & The Curse have... (Read More)

Level #1 has been unlocked!

June 27th - via:
Samson and Blood Lust Cards Samson has appeared in the basement! with almost 6k backers, and tons of pictures of you crying, we have cleared the basement stretch goal and unlocked 2 new cards that will be included in all tiers of the Kickstarter... (Read More)

Livestream at 12noon PST!

June 27th - via:
Less than an hour and 15 mins to go. Testing livestream stuff now. Get in there with your questions.  (Read More)

100% FUNDED in 1.5 HOURS

June 27th - via:
Ok we hit the goal in an hour 15ish min. Holy shit... so I had some stretch goals done and I’ll try and get the first wave up but I didn’t expect this so, I gotta sleep and all that but check the page and there should be some stretch goal unlocks... (Read More)

June 27th - via:

The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls Is a New Card Game from Edmund McMillen

June 27th - via:
Edmund McMillen is making a Binding of Isaac card game because he wants to, and it sounds awesome. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!