SOVIET KITCHEN UNLEASHED* - colorful coop cooking cardgame
A project in Dresden, Germany by HYBR Games000days
Funding Successful
A cardgame about throwing colorful stuff in a meat grinder while trying not to kill anyone.
Backers: 619
Average Pledge Per Backer: €24
Funded: €14,691 of €8,500
Dates: Jul 2nd -> Jul 23rd (21 days)
Project By: HYBR Games
Backers: 619
Average Pledge Per Backer: €24
Funded: €14,691 of €8,500
Dates: Jul 2nd -> Jul 23rd (21 days)
Project By: HYBR Games
current pledge level
Last Updated: July 23 @ 06:01 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
2 more Stretchgoals unlocked!! 14 000€ - 500 Actions of love!
July 22nd - via:
Wow! It's the last hours and you give everything! You've unlocked 2 more stretchgoals! You showed so much love to us - unbelievable <3 and the good news: We love you too!! And we want to share it with everyone! Soviet Kitchen Unleashed will be... (Read More)
Less than 24 hours left! // Nur noch wenige Stunden!
July 22nd - via:
The campaign is nearly over! Only a few hours left. If there’s this one friend you wanted to show the game to or you wanted to give it to as a present... or simply troll your stepmother because her cooking is terrible… - Now is the moment to do... (Read More)
10 000€ - Stretchgoal Unlocked! Stretchgoal freigeschaltet!
July 18th - via:
With a team of 420 amazing comrades we’ve reached 10 000€! Thanks to everyone for voting for his favourite challenge mode! :) 74% of you preferred DECKBUILDING and as we’re carrying out a democratic campaign here, this is what you get!... (Read More)
VOTING! New Challenge Mode ahead and you choose! // Stimme ab, für einen Herausforderungsmodus!
July 13th - via:
Dear Comrades, there's a great stretchgoal ahead! We'd like to know what to develop for you! Resources are limited but if (when!) we hit 10.000€ we will contribute a Timed or Deckbuilder Mode, playable in Challenge Mode, against the Highscore! I... (Read More)
FUNDED! Just before halftime! Kurz vor der Halbzeit FINANZIERT!
July 12th - via:
14655 minutes later… and we are 356 backers! from 12 countries at least, (We didn’t count yet!) who funded 8500€ and something! YOU ARE THE MOST AMAZING COMRADES WE COULD EVER HOPE FOR! EVERRR!❤️ HAVE SOME CHAMPANSKOYE WITH US AND... (Read More)
July 9th - via:
Dear comrades, The campaign is running steady and we are 300 comrades from all over the world already! You’ve gathered more than 7000€ - 85% of the the funding goal. That’s a huge amount of money! Thank you very much already! All together, we... (Read More)
The selected culinary specialities of Soviet cuisine - Die kulinarische Vielfalt der Sowjetischen Cuisine
July 6th - via:
Dear friends of Soviet Kitchen, the last week was an awesome ride! Thank you so much for supporting our project! But we are not there yet. We still need you! Share the heck out of it. Show this game to one friend who has a strange sympathy for... (Read More)
The bigger half of an almost evenly cut pizza: 52%! Unbelievable!
July 3rd - via:
Dear friends of Soviet Kitchen, THANK YOU for 52% funding in less than 24 hours of the camapign running! We would never have thought that this campaign would have such a pace, but it's wonderful. Thank you! We are still working on one or the other... (Read More)
Unbelievable! Krassomatiko! 100 backer in 5h!
July 2nd - via:
You are amazing! We are overwhelmed! We just reached 100 supporters. 100 beautiful human beings giving us their trust, liking the idea of Soviet Kitchen, joining our journey! :) The project is more than 25% funded. That's more than we expected for... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!