Star Runner: Hidden Star

A project in Charlottesville, VA by Atlantis Studios

Status: Active

Star born Aurora Palmer battles dangers in interstellar space to save her friends here on Earth!
Backers: 5
Average Daily Pledges: $3
Average Pledge Per Backer: $17

Funding: $87 of $6,000
Dates: May 5th -> Jul 4th (60 days)
Project By: Atlantis Studios
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Latest News

Hidden Star Reward #3: The Exclusive Collector's Set!

May 29th - via:
As with every volume of the Star Runner Chronicles series, we release the full story in comic books for retail stores, a trade collection for book stores. Hidden Star is no exception! For a pledge of just $60 you can own all 200 pages of published... (Read More)

Creative Team Spotlight: Leo Cordeiro (Penciller)

May 23rd - via:
From the beginning of the epic Star Runner Chronicles, Brazilian art Leo Cordeiro has been there: designing the look and feel of the series' main characters, building the detailed world of Madision High School and Vanguard Base, and providing... (Read More)

Hidden Reward #2 -Graphic Novel Print Edition!

May 21st - via:
If you can make only one pledge, consider the $30 Hidden Star graphic novel print and digital edition reward!  This 112-page book is being designed to showcase the full story, behind-the-scene art, including concept designs, and cover art.  The... (Read More)

Putting the Finishing Touches on Hidden Star!

May 17th - via:
As this campaign picks up, we're also working on the final touches to colors, letters and book layout to make sure we hit our deadline of August 2024. The full, four book series is over 100 pages long, with cover art, concept art, and other... (Read More)

Hidden Star Reward #1: Four-Issue Collector's Set!

May 13th - via:
Thanks for your support for our first-ever Kickstarter campaign for the print release of Star Runner: Hidden Star. We're off to an exciting start! For a pledge of just $30, you can own the Kickstarter exclusive print Collector's Set of Hidden Star... (Read More)

The Characters of Hidden Star

May 10th - via:
Many of you have been readers of the Star Runner Chronicles since the first book was published three years ago. However, the main characters of the series have been through some changes since Fallen Star. Here's the update: Aurora: having learned the... (Read More)

The World of the Star Runner Chronicles

May 9th - via:
As we launch his campaign, we realize that the world of the Star Runner Chronicles might be new to many who are catching up on the series. Near the center of the Milky Way lies a planet known as the Homeworld, where an advanced civilization has ruled... (Read More)

The first-ever Star Runner Chronicles Kickstarter campaign!

May 6th - via:
Welcome to he Kickstarter campaign for HIDDEN STAR, the first ever campaign for a Star Runner Chronicles graphic novel series!   My name is James Watson, creator and writer of the series. Many of you may already be familiar with the series, now on... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!