The World at War: Europe
A project in Madrid, Spain by Headquarter Games000days
Funding Successful
A strategy boardgame covering the Second World War in Europe and North Africa for 1 to 3 players to be played from 1 to 8 hours
Backers: 217
Average Pledge Per Backer: €63
Funded: €13,704 of €13,500
Dates: Jun 6th -> Jul 1st (25 days)
Project By: Headquarter Games
Backers: 217
Average Pledge Per Backer: €63
Funded: €13,704 of €13,500
Dates: Jun 6th -> Jul 1st (25 days)
Project By: Headquarter Games
current pledge level
Last Updated: July 1 @ 13:03 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Thank you so much! and congratulations!!! - Muchas gracias y enhorabuena!!!
June 28th - via:
Hoy es un día especial para mi como diseñador, se hace realidad mi sueño de poder publicar mi primer diseño de un juego de mesa. Y ha sido gracias a mucho trabajo, mucho tiempo libre dedicado al proyecto y por supuesto a todos los patrocinadores... (Read More)
Updated shipping info - Actualizada la información de envío
June 22nd - via:
Hi all! We just updated the Shipping info table on the page to try to show you more accurate values before ending the campaign. Some of the values are displayed not as a range but as two different values separated by "-". This is in example to show... (Read More)
Manuales en español disponibles - Rulebooks in Spanish available
June 21st - via:
Hola a todos, lo prometido es deuda y aquí están disponibles los manuales del juego en español. Tanto las reglas como el libro de juego en formato no definitivo. Como hemos comentado más veces, durante la producción del juego se revisarían los... (Read More)
Componentes en español - Aclaramiento
June 17th - via:
Hi, this is a message to Spanish spoken people. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hola, muchos patrocinadores o interesados preguntan si el juego irá o no con todos sus... (Read More)
Video showing you the prototype - Vídeo mostrando el prototipo
June 13th - via:
Hi, today I want to show you with one video how the prototype looks like and what should contain the final version. I also wanted to explain how some of the main parts of the game, as the major country board. I hope this video helps you to know... (Read More)
Interview from "The Players Aid"
June 12th - via:
Hi all, today I just want to share with you the interview that Alexander from The Players Aid has published on their blog. On the interview I explain how I started on the hobby, the origins of this game, how it evolved to what it's right now and some... (Read More)
75% reached!!! - 75% alcanzado!!!
June 11th - via:
We reached 75%!!! Lets celebrate the new milestone with this new Kickstarter banner. Hemos alcanzado el 75%!!! Vamos a celebrar este nuevo hito con este nuevo banner de Kickstarter. (Read More)
New add-on - Nuevo add-on
June 9th - via:
Hi all, as some backers requested the way to add one (or more) items of The World at War: Europe to their current reward and Kickstarter platform just allow it through an add-on or changing your reward. So we just added it to the page to inform you... (Read More)
They look awesome together - Qué bien lucen juntos!
June 9th - via:
Invasions game from our friends from Wisdom Owl was just received last weekend. I want to share with you this amazing picture of both games together. You will also be able to compare box sizes and estimate how much space do you need on your shelves.... (Read More)
Página de la campaña en Español añadida
June 7th - via:
Hola a todos, Hemos puesto al inicio de la página de la campaña un enlace a la página en español del contenido de la campaña, para que aquellos que prefieran leer la lengua de Cervantes al inglés lo puedan hacer sin problemas. Este es el... (Read More)
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