Eldfall Chronicles: Northern Wind

A project in Ljubljana, Slovenia by Freecompany

Funding Successful

An epic adventure featuring deep tactical combat, dungeon crawl, and premium miniatures. Hunt the haunting and save the Empire!
Backers: 1380
Average Pledge Per Backer: €192

Funded: €265,153 of €27,500
Dates: Jun 20th -> Jul 13th (24 days)
Project By: Freecompany
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Last Updated: July 13 @ 14:02 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

CAMPAIGN ENDING on 13th July, at 8 PM CEST (2 PM EST)!

July 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey!  Are you ready for the final day?  ⌛️The campaign will end tomorrow, 13th July, at 8 PM CEST (2 PM EST). ⌛️ This couldn't have happened without you, so thank you a thousand times for supporting Eldfall Chronicles! We feel this campaign... (Read More)

LAST HOURS! / New SG Unlocked! Our Process and Design!

July 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey! Time for a quick reminder that the Eldfall Chronicles: Northern Wind Kickstarter campaign is in its final hours! Thank you for backing EC:NW and being a part of this incredible journey!  Your support is making this possible. ⌛️The campaign... (Read More)

Social Goals Unlocked! / Lore / Nekomata & Komainu pack / Art Print Poll

July 9th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey there!  I hope you're having a lovely weekend! It's time for a new update. This time, we'll delve into the Social Unlocks and lastly, we invite you to participate in choosing the Art Prints for the add-on.  You have successfully unlocked all... (Read More)

16th SG: Komainu / Daily Unlocks and New Add-ons / Social Unlocks!

July 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello, brave one! We are in the final week of the campaign! Let’s first take a look at what has unlocked in the past couple of days. Don’t forget to check out Social Unlocks at the end of this Update! The last time you unlocked the Nekomata, and... (Read More)

Demo Quest Playthrough/15th Stretch Goal Smashed! / New Add-ons / Player Map

July 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey there! We Smashed Another Stretch Goal Yesterday!  You guys unlocked the Nekomata miniature and its cards! A vicious enemy or a lovely familiar? The Mini and cards are included in Core Pledge and above. "The Nekomata are known to be mischievous... (Read More)

Light & Dark Heroes/Multi-stage Boss Fight/Romance, & Gameplay!

July 1st - via: kickstarter.com
Hey! I hope you're having a great weekend! Let's unravel the recent developments and unlocks, and uncover their intricate inner workings!   Hero Paths - Light & Dark / Leveling In the last two days, we unlocked the Light and Dark hero paths!... (Read More)

13th Stretch Goal Smashed! New Hero - Chanra! & More

June 28th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey there! A lot happened in the past 2 days.  We breached 200k and unlocked the 13th Stretch Goal!  "A large Oni for all! " The unlocked 200.000€ Stretch Goal is an Oni Yaksha – a stage of the Oni evolution in between the Marauder and Rasetsu.... (Read More)

Sankokushin X Eldfall Chronicles Collaboration /Live Stream! /How to Change Your Pledge or Add Items Guide

June 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey! Today was a blast! We're making a short update on today's events. We had an epic, highly anticipated announcement on the live steam.  SANKOKUSHIN  X  ELDFALL CHRONICLES COLLAB!  💥❤️In collaboration with Axis Mundi, we released the... (Read More)

LIVE STREAM ON MONDAY - collaboration reveal/ Mascot name poll / Daily Unlock breakdowns

June 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey! I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday and weekend! LIVE STREAM 🎇👹We will have a special announcement during the live stream!👹🎇 We will host a live stream tomorrow, Monday, at 8 PM CEST (2PM EST). We’ll introduce the team, answer... (Read More)

12 Stretch Goals! The Goblin Shaman / Weak Point Mechanic!

June 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Caladians! We Unlocked 12 Stretch Goals! The latest one, the Goblin Shaman, is a doozy! miniature is in sculpting, the art is not final (it's a sketch) Shamans and Warchiefs are evolved forms of Goblins, colloquially referred to as Hobgoblins in... (Read More)

LAST HOURS OF EARLY BIRD! 11 Stretch Goals Slayed!/Goblin Expansion/Riftspawn Expansion/LIVE STREAMS/MINI PICS/VIDEOS!

June 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Caladians! Today was another excellent day! We smashed another SG in the past hours!  But first, we are approaching the last hours of the EARLY BIRD. It will close at 4PM CEST (10 AM EST). LIVE STREAM ON MONDAY Second, we will be showing you... (Read More)

150.000€ SMASHED! We Just Unlocked the 10th Stretch Goal, the Cursed Monk!

June 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Hark ye, dear peoples of Calad! Thank you all for a fantastic first day that closed about 9 hours ago with already around 130.000€ funded!  We are going strong; we just unlocked the 10th Stretch Goal at 150:000€! Let's look at what we unlocked... (Read More)

100.000€! Stretch Goals 4, 5 and 6 - the BIG one UNLOCKED!

June 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Guys! We just smashed the 100.000€ mark!  Just amazing! Thanks so much for all of your support, love, and excitement! :D Here's the 4,5 and 6 Stretch Goal breakdown: 4th Stretch Goal: Additional Equipment to Take on your journey! This SG gives... (Read More)


June 20th - via: kickstarter.com
We just unlocked the first, second, and third Stretch Goal! This is faster than we expected. Thank you so so much! We needed some time to prepare the graphical material, but here they are! :) Note that all cards Stretch Goals will have special... (Read More)


June 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!  We funded in only 29 minutes, and it only gets better from here! We couldn’t have done it without you! We are so excited, we are at a loss for words! At this pace, we’ll start unlocking Stretch Goals... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!