The Gorgon's Loch - Save your Souls, Defeat the Gorgon Queen

A project in Elstronwick, UK by Dan Grubb

Funding Successful

A fun, easy-to-learn, hard-to-master tabletop dungeon crawler for the whole family!
Backers: 213
Average Pledge Per Backer: £82

Funded: £17,405 of £15,900
Dates: Dec 1st -> Jan 30th (60 days)
Project By: Dan Grubb
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Last Updated: January 30 @ 15:13 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

We've made it and we couldn't have done it with you Adventurers! Take a bow!

January 30th - via:
The Gorgon's Loch is coming to a tabletop near soon very soon! Greetings for the final time Adventurers! Well, it's the final project update while the campaign is still live anyway, we're not finished chatting with you for a long while yet, fear... (Read More)


January 26th - via:
Thank you all so much for your continuing support of our Adventure! Greeting brave Adventurers, After 56 days of battling the Gorgon Queen's forces, and two years of planning, failure and relaunching, the Gorgon's Loch is go! This is a MASSIVE... (Read More)

With only 6 days to go we are RACING UP THE HOTLIST Adventurers, keep up the great work!

January 24th - via:
The Gorgon's Loch Kickstarter enters the final week! Greetings brave Adventurers, What an amazing last few days we've had! The project has been racing up the Kicktraq hotlist so far that, even though we've been live for 54 days, this morning we... (Read More)

SEVEN Creative Add-ons and TWO play throughs!

January 19th - via:
Greeting brave Adventurers! There are 11 days to go in our campaign! As we smash through the 50% funded barrier and our heroes forge onwards in their quest to defeat the Gorgon's Loch, it has come to our attention that there are one group of... (Read More)

Our own Queens are fleeing the dungeon, albeit temporarily!

January 14th - via:
Fly my pretties! FLY! Greeting Adventurers, Just a very quick update about this evening's play through and why I've take the reluctant decision to delay it until Saturday. Sorry to cause any disappointment. Gabi and Lacey (my wife and daughter) are... (Read More)

AMA (Ask Me Anything) with Dan and Penny!

January 11th - via:
Greetings brave Adventurers! Here is an hour long AMA session where Penny interviews me about all the various questions and queries that have arisen about the Gorgon's Loch since the first attempt to Kickstart it back in March. It's nice to be taken... (Read More)

A diary of yesterday's homebrew result - BEWARE SPOILERS!

January 8th - via:
Hello Adventurers! Last night I ran through a homebrew scenario written by Melodie Trudeaux called, 'Gladiator!'. At first, the scenario started reasonably slowly as I put the pieces together to create an elegant, spiral dungeon and then added all... (Read More)

A review of the Gorgon's Loch from board game reviewer Tom 'the Honest Meeple' Gorner

January 7th - via:
Greetings Adventurers! Here's a very quick update to share a lovely review from board game reviewer, blogger, volunteer, lifelong gamer and living legend Tom 'The Honest Meeple' Gorner. Tom was one of the brave Adventurers who came to AireCon back... (Read More)

Tomorrow's HOMEBREW scenario revealed and a SOLO play through of Dungeon 5 - Tipping the Balance!

January 6th - via:
Welcome Adventurers! Today I decided to run through acampaign from the Gorgon's Loch, Dungeon 5 - Tipping the Balance. This is another 'closed box to closed box' run through. I enjoy doing play throughs this way because it gives folks a clear... (Read More)

The UK is in full LOCH DOWN! We need to talk ... to our GAMER friends!

January 4th - via:
Goblin number 5 'Mambo' would like to remind you to please put your noses INSIDE your masks! Greetings brave Adventurers! I hope your week has started well. Here in the UK we have just been put into FULL LOCK DOWN because of the surging cases of... (Read More)

A SOLO play through of Dungeon 4 - Collector's Folly!

January 2nd - via:
Greetings Adventurers! Today I decided to run through an authentic campaign from the Gorgon's Loch, Dungeon 4 - Collector's Folly. By 'authentic' all I mean is that we use only the enemies stated in the campaign booklet and we shuffle both the enemy... (Read More)

2020 comes to an end, as does the 41% funded mark! Fantastic work so far Adventurers! Onwards to 2021!

January 1st - via:
Happy New Year Adventurers! Yesterday evening I ran through a very interesting fan-created scenario called, 'The Black Gem', written by Steph Wyeth. Along with the usual traps, dark enchantments, treasure and trickery of the Loch, the scenario... (Read More)

A run through of DUNGEON 3, a note on TRADING and the reveal of this week's HOMEBREW ADVENTURE!

December 28th - via:
Welcome Adventurers! Today I've been playing through another authentic dungeon crawl from the base game, this time Dungeon 3, 'The Three Stones'. Total setup time: 10 minutes Total play time: 60 minutes Characters: Ragnor Agathorn and Julius... (Read More)

A very quick update about this evening's stream!

December 24th - via:
Howdy Adventurers! Tonight I'll be playing through a fan-written scenario called 'the Golden Knight'. It's another tough one so I'm going to be playing with at least two characters. The adventure begins at 8pm GMT and is expected to last around an... (Read More)

Two IDENTICAL dungeons, two VERY different outcomes, two lessons in REPLAYABILITY!

December 22nd - via:
Greetings Adventurers! Today I filmed a run through of a random dungeon from the Gorgon's Loch. I rolled a single D6 to decide which of the 6 scenarios was chosen. The result was 'Ebony and Ivory', the first dungeon in the campaign. Next I chose the... (Read More)

A very quick 10 minute mini-dungeon adventure for you all to enjoy!

December 21st - via:
Greetings Adventurers! Firstly, we are closing in on £6000 with 40 days to go! That's a magnificent total so far, thank you all so much for your continuing efforts promoting the campaign to your friends and families, it's clearly working! Now,... (Read More)

A replay of the Loch's second Dungeon, following accidental shenanigans last week!

December 18th - via:
Howdy Adventurers! Along with getting battered by the snow in the US, battered by wind and rain here in the UK and battered by a variety of slimy enemies in the Loch, we've all had an eventful week haven't we? I think it's fair to say the US has had... (Read More)

Tonight at 8pm GMT our brave adventurers head into the Loch once more, this time searching for REVENGE!

December 17th - via:
Greetings Adventurers! After last night's devastating defeat at the hands of the Gorgon Queen's forces (and a couple of new enemies in the form of a Globber and some Globblings), the Adventurers are raring to go into battle once more with this... (Read More)

A live stream upgrade and a tsunami of homebrew scenarios!

December 15th - via:
Hi Adventurers! Over the past week I've received dozens of homebrew scenario ideas, thank you so much for sending them in, the whole team is really enjoying them. From nests of dragons clawing for freedom to wildly out of control gelatinous blobs,... (Read More)

Want to help us spread the word? Here's our PRESS PACK!

December 13th - via:
Join our Press Pack and get access to all our promotional materials! Hi Adventurers, Many of you have been kindly asking what you can do to help us increase the range of our promotional and marketing activities. The best thing you can do? Tell your... (Read More)

The Gorgon Queen has identified some LIVE PLAY THROUGH shenanigans and she's NOT happy!

December 13th - via:
Happy Sunday Adventurers! Every week we'll be running a live gaming session at 8pm GMT on Thursday over on Twitch TV. However, this coming Thursday's session is a little different. The session we're running is a replay of a previous session where... (Read More)

How DO the Kickstarter ADD-ONs work? Here's how!

December 12th - via:
You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play Replay with sound Play with sound 00:00 00:00 Greetings Adventurers! Many of you have been asking how to get your hands on the new ADD-ONs we're offering, such as the dice tray and two... (Read More)

Two retail pledge levels added, along with some add-ons for everyone!

December 12th - via:
Greetings brave Adventurers! We are approaching the one-third funded stage of the campaign! Amazing work everyone! As some of our board game cafe owning fans have requested, we have added a couple of Retailer Only pledges and, so that no Adventurer... (Read More)

We're live at 8pm GMT with our first view-suggested dungeon scenario!

December 10th - via:
Greetings Adventurers! This evening we will be showing off the power of the Storm system to create an entirely new scenario, with some completely new rules to abide by and a totally different win condition to any of the other Gorgon's Loch... (Read More)

30% Funded! Thank you Adventurers!

December 9th - via:
Magnus Underhill is most pleased with our progress! Getting to the first 30% of any campaign is a tough battle and you have all helped us get to this crucial point. Thank you Adventurers! Now is not the time to relax but to forge ahead and cement... (Read More)

Creative types! Help us create a scenario and we'll play it LIVE on stream!

December 7th - via:
Greetings Adventurers! Following the success of yesterday's play through on Twitch TV, we are going to stream a live play through at least once a week, creating our own dungeon challenges along the way. As such, we'd love you to get involved and... (Read More)

A live run through of Dungeon 5 today on Twitch TV saw Dan killed in action ... by his Mum!

December 6th - via:
Greeting Adventurers! My Mother Penny and I played through scenario 5 today, chosen at random during a live Twitch stream. The video above is one short highlight from an action packed dungeon crawl that featured Death, Reincarnation, TWO Lycan... (Read More)

We are well on our way Adventurers!

December 5th - via:
Hi folks! At the time of posting, we are at £4248 of our £15900 target, a darn healthy 26.7% of our initial goal! Awesome. Thanks to everyone who has backed us so far and a warm welcome to our new backers! Just a very quick update this evening as... (Read More)

£4000, a hungry computer and a reprieve from the Dice Gods!

December 4th - via:
Hi everyone, Dan here! The HUGE news today is that thanks to your help spreading the word and telling your friends and family about this project, we've just broken through the £4000 barrier, bringing us to an extremely healthy 25% funded!... (Read More)

We're flying up Kicktraq's HOTLIST and you can help us stay there!

December 3rd - via:
Hi everyone, A very quick update to let you know that the Gorgon's Loch project is currently (as of 1:30pm GMT) sitting at number FIVE on Kicktraq's treasured 'HOT LIST'! This means that thousands of folks are getting to see the project more often.... (Read More)

The Gorgon's Loch - Save your Souls, Defeat the Gorgon Queen Kickstarter Spotlight

December 3rd - via:
The Gorgon's Loch is a fun, quickstart, easy-to-learn, hard-to-master, dungeon adventure board game for the whole family. The Gorgon's Loch will be live on KICKSTARTER until Sat, January 30 2021 12:00 PM PST, and has a funding goal of $21,285. (Read More)

The Queen's dungeon is launched! THANK YOU!

December 2nd - via:
Hi everybody! Day one is over and just a couple of hours after launching we hit 20% funded! Amazing. Thank you all! We hope you enjoyed the launch stream last night. For those of you who missed it, here's the link. (Dan didn't realise he was on mute... (Read More)

The Gorgon's Loch Tabletop Game Seeks Funding on Kickstarter

November 30th - via:
Aiming at attracting new players to the world of board and tabletop gaming by providing an exciting and easy-to-play board game that’s also stimulating and hard-to-master, “The Gorgon's Loch” uses the STORM system, a simple gaming system based on six-sided dice. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!