Dressini - healthy, delicious and vegan tahini dressings

A project in London, UK by Exceedingly Vegan

Funding Successful

A healthy and ground-breaking plant-based range of vibrant tahini dressings that are versatile, packed with flavour and rich in calcium
Backers: 170
Average Pledge Per Backer: £39

Funded: £6,550 of £5,000
Dates: Jan 23rd -> Mar 4th (40 days)
Project By: Exceedingly Vegan
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Last Updated: March 4 @ 04:01 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

Last few hours!!!

March 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
These are the final few hours! Our campaign ends tomorrow morning 9am GMT. This is the last update before the end of the campaign! So don't miss out! And thanks again for everyone who's been with us on our journey so far, you are awesome!!! You'll... (Read More)

21 hours left!!!

March 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
This is it, , less than a day left (21 hours) until the end of our campaign! Don't miss out on our amazingly versatile dressings! And thank you so much for everyone who has supported us so far! We jump for joy every time we get a new backer, we... (Read More)

This is the final countdown!!!

March 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
We have less than 2 more days left until our Kickstarter campaign ends! So make sure you don't miss out getting your hands on our amazing tahini dressings before it's too late. Our campaign ends Monday morning 9am! And a big thank you to everyone who... (Read More)

Manufacturers meeting happened!

February 28th - via: kickstarter.com
We visited our manufacturer recently talking about production, shipping etc! So amazing! This is getting real now, we can't wait to get our dressings produced, we are buzzing with excitement! Only 3 more days before our campaign ends! If you haven't... (Read More)

Thank you!!!

February 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us! You are amazing! We made it, we reached our minimum goal! But we have still 6 more days to go and the more we achieve the quicker we will be able to get our Dressini dressings to you! Thank you!!!... (Read More)

Behind the scenes - watch funny Kickstarter video outtakes!

February 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
We had so much fun filming our Kickstarter video! haha What do you think? And thank you so much for everyone who has supported us so far!  (Read More)

75% funded - the finishing line is in sight!

February 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you all for your support! Please continue to share it with your friends ;-)  (Read More)

We are also delivering to Canada now!

February 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Bonjour and hello Canada! We have exciting news: due to high demand we are now also delivering our dressings to Canada!   (Read More)

50% funded! You are awesome!

February 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
Yayy, we are now 50% funded! So exciting! Thank you so much! After just over a week we have now reached half of our goal!  (Read More)

Use Dressini dressings in soups as well

February 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
It's so cold out there at the moment so we thought we also show that you can use our versatile dressings in hot dishes too. We made a warming carrot soup and our mixed herb and roasted garlic dressing really enhance this hearty meal. And  even... (Read More)

We have reached 40% funding in our first week!

January 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you sooo much for everyone who has supported us so far! We didn't realise what an emotional rollercoaster this would be and we appreciate every single help from you! Now after a week we are at 40% funding which is amazing! So a big thank you to... (Read More)

London pickup now available!

January 27th - via: kickstarter.com
London pickup for the three bottles of tahini dressings is now available if you select the 'The London Pickup Trio of Friends' rewards. Enjoy! tahini dressing London pickup available  (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!