Prohibitionists - the card game about taking out the Mob
A project in Fresno, CA by Ed Turner000days
Funding Successful
current pledge level
Last Updated: February 16 @ 10:05 -0500 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
Stay safe out there, Prohibitionists
February 16th - via:
And there we have it. Agents of the Prohibition Bureau, all 267 solid citizens, you have brought Prohibitionists to life. Thanks, sincerely. There's not much else to say; you can check out the timeline update for general information about what... (Read More)
The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre
February 14th - via:
On this day in 1929, seven members and associates of Bugs Moran’s North Side Gang were lured into a Chicago parking garage, where they met the business end of a couple Tommy guns in the hands of unknown assailants in police uniforms. It was a... (Read More)
Boring Update!
February 11th - via:
Hey there solid citizens, I gotta be straight with you on this one: this is gonna be a boring update. Sorry about that, but it’s important to make sure the post-campaign timeline gets hashed out, and so here I am to hash. So let’s get the one... (Read More)
Let's get treacherous...
February 9th - via:
Hello there, solid citizens. And a very special hello too all you not-so-solid citizens who have been itching for the opportunity to turn on your friends, because the Traitor is now officially going to come with every copy of Prohibitionists! That's... (Read More)
A Few Week Three Updates
February 6th - via:
Good morning solid citizens! It's been a few days since I yapped at you last, so I thought I'd give you a couple updates as to the going-on going on this last week. The Boss's Box is Real First of all, would you look at what we have here? Not... (Read More)
On Boxes and Secrets
February 2nd - via:
Okay solid citizens, rise and shine and don't forget your booties 'cause it's cold out there today! It’s Sunday the 2nd of February, giving us exactly two weeks left in the campaign. We’ve reached our funding goal, we’ve added a bonus boss, and... (Read More)
The Mastermind Has Come to Lake City!
January 31st - via:
Just a quick update agents: we've checked our intel and collected the evidence and interviewed our stoolpigeons (and tallied up our Social Stretch Goal Score) and the facts are indisputable: The Mastermind, the sixth and final potential Boss, will be... (Read More)
Let's Talk About That Traitor
January 31st - via:
Good morning solid citizens! And what a morning it is! We've hit our funding goal, and with two weeks left in the campaign we are well on our way to seeing those no-good mobsters driven out of Lake City for good. Or we would be, if I knew I could... (Read More)
A Celebratory Update with Absolutely No Secrets at the End
January 29th - via:
Holy smokes, solid citizens, it’s finally happened. If the big number on the upper right is to be believed, Prohibitionists is officially funded, with 123 backers (collectively pledging for over 135 actual copies of the game) and 18 days left to go... (Read More)
Meet the Prohibitionists
January 27th - via:
Well well well, looks like we’re just a rat’s whisker away from 90% funded. Certainly can’t complain about those numbers; thanks as always to you fine people for backing and spreading the word. You're makin' me feel all warm and fuzzy on the... (Read More)
One Week Update, Nostalgia, and Box Art
January 24th - via:
Good morning solid citizens! We are one week into the campaign, and have passed our 80% funded point. Hot crackers, that's a fine place to be. And with almost a hundred backers in our corner, too! Here at Prohibitionists HQ, our hearts are fit to... (Read More)
Meet the Bosses
January 21st - via:
Good morning solid citizens! Exciting times here at the Prohibition Bureau; with the 66% funded point in our rearview, we’ve got high hopes for the rest of the campaign—but don’t too cocky agents, because getting a copy of Prohibitionists is... (Read More)
Day 2 and Social Stretch Goals
January 18th - via:
Good afternoon solid citizens! We're on day 2 of the campaign, and the halfway point is already in our sights! That kind of opening energy surely has the mob on edge… with so many lovers of law out there, the Boss is as good as doomed! “But... (Read More)
Welcome to the team, Prohibitionists!
January 17th - via:
One hundred years ago today, the United States began enforcing the Volstead Act. The 18th Amendment had been in place for a while, but the Volstead Act was the actual law that kicked off America's experiment with Prohibition. If Wikipedia is to be... (Read More)
Prohibitionists - Kickstarter Preview
November 14th - via:
Prohibitionists Board Game Review - Numbers on cards, with a splash of the hard stuff. (Read More)
Prohibitionists Rules and Instructions
October 24th - via:
Get ready to learn how to play the card game Prohibitionists. We have the official game rules and instructions to help you get started. (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!