Journey to Ecrya: An adventure board game
A project in Leipzig, Germany by Ecrya Games000days
Funding Successful
A fantasy roleplay adventure for 2-4 players with switching GM. Choose your hero and decide their fate with each encounter.
Backers: 235
Average Pledge Per Backer: €48
Funded: €11,324 of €10,000
Dates: May 6th -> Jun 7th (32 days)
Project By: Ecrya Games
Backers: 235
Average Pledge Per Backer: €48
Funded: €11,324 of €10,000
Dates: May 6th -> Jun 7th (32 days)
Project By: Ecrya Games
current pledge level
Last Updated: June 7 @ 14:07 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
We reached our funding goal//Stretch goals & community goals
June 6th - via:
We did it, guys! Journey to Ecrya has reached its funding goal! That means: the game will be printed and you get your very own copy of our very first game. We are super happy and want to thank every single one of you who supports our project! You... (Read More)
Last 45 hours! - the Game Master, Community Goals, the Art of Ecrya
June 5th - via:
Greetings, Travellers! Are you as excited as we are? It's 45 hours left and just a mere 18% to go for us to reach our goal! Share with your friends, spread the word and help us make this happen! :) As the "day of reckoning" is approaching, we want... (Read More)
Stretch Goals - Give Away - Meet Hero Sil'zah
June 1st - via:
Attention, dear Travelers! Only 5 more days to go. We are super thankful for your amazing support! The campaign is at 72% currently, and we just need one last big push to reach the goal. So, spread the word, share, help us make this happen and get... (Read More)
Our board set up, component details and Hero Vala Shieldbreaker
May 26th - via:
Greetings Travellers! We haven't done an update in a couple of days, so this one will be a bit longer! Scroll halfway through for the german translation (bitte etwa bis zur Mitte scrollen für die deutsche Übersetzung)! First of all, to any of you... (Read More)
Journey to Ecrya is a Project you'll Love ;)
May 21st - via:
Hello guys! In this update we want to show you another hero spotlight, a new review we got, and most importantly... let you know we were chosen as a Project we Love by KS. We can't believe Kickstarter noticed our project and we're super proud to be... (Read More)
50% reached - with a funds breakdown
May 17th - via:
Weee! We reached 50%! A huge thanks to each and every one of you! Thank you for believing in us and our game. :) There is still the second half of our goal to go, so spread the news, tell your friends. Help us make JtE a reality! Meanwhile, we... (Read More)
Playthrough video & meet hero Sarlith Zalos
May 14th - via:
(Deutsche Übersetzung unten - German translation below) Jessica and I played a short round of JtE last night (with a little technical hick-up on TTS' end) :D We explain a lot of how the game works this time, so it took us a bit longer than usual.... (Read More)
Stories of Ecrya I
May 12th - via:
(Deutsche Übersetzung unten - German translation below) We're nearly at 50 % 🤩 We are so grateful for each and every one of you guys who pledges! To celebrate this, we are announcing another community goal: Also, we just need 14 more shares to... (Read More)
New review and development insight
May 9th - via:
(Deutsche Übersetzung unten - German translation below) Exciting news! Weekly Game Night played with our prototype and shares some thoughts over on their Instagram: As for what we’re... (Read More)
24 hours - 100 Backers - 35% funded!
May 7th - via:
(Deutsche Übersetzung unten - German translation below) The numbers above are a reason to celebrate! We made amazing progress already, but those aren't just numbers - they mark the beginning of an extraordinary journey - our Journey to Ecrya! :) We... (Read More)
A journey begins - thanks to all of YOU!
May 7th - via:
Fellow Adventurers, We raised 25% in just 12 hours! 🤩 We’re off to a great start! Thank you so much for believing in us. We couldn’t have done this without you! Keep on spreading the word so we can reach the goal as soon as possible! Have you... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!