Dawn of Madness
A project in Los Angeles, CA by Diemension Games000days
Funding Successful
A 1-4 player story-driven cooperative game that is a true mind-shattering horror experience in a board game.
Backers: 8384
Average Pledge Per Backer: $150
Funded: $1,261,625 of $100,000
Dates: Nov 19th -> Dec 17th (29 days)
Project By: Diemension Games
Backers: 8384
Average Pledge Per Backer: $150
Funded: $1,261,625 of $100,000
Dates: Nov 19th -> Dec 17th (29 days)
Project By: Diemension Games
current pledge level
Last Updated: December 17 @ 18:01 -0500 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
The Clockmaker Expansion Unlocked and the Last Mongrel
December 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi guys! We're finally in the home stretch! So, we've come to a decision regarding the rest of the stretch goals for the Clockmaker expansion. We're thinking we may have about maxed out where we're going to hit in funding total, but we also don't... (Read More)
Welcome to All of Our New Backers! Contest Winners! Box News!
December 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey friends and Dawn of Madness family! First of all, a hearty "Hi there!" to all of our new backers who have joined us recently! We are so glad to have you with us! Welcome to the madhouse! We'll have some more info about the project for you in a... (Read More)
The Mongrels Arrive, and a Look at the Vivisections
December 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi Wanderers! Welcome to another day of madness! We're coming up on the final 48 hours for the campaign. Can you believe it? We still have some fun stuff for you before the end, though, so stay tuned! Speaking of staying tuned, I did another Live... (Read More)
Getting to Know Lynas the Priest, and a Very Special Core Unlock
December 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey there! After covering some of Catherine Little's story yesterday, I thought it would be good to cover another of our core Wanderers: Lynas Gershwin, the priest. Deep Dive: Lynas Gershwin Lynas Gershwin, the Priest "My name is Lynas Gershwin. I... (Read More)
Social Update, Anita's Book, and Metal Sentience Tokens
December 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey guys! I hope you had a great day. We've got some cool stuff today, so let's get going! (Also, if you're wanting some more story stuff and a deeper look into one of the Wanderers, be sure to check out the update I posted a few hours ago right... (Read More)
Getting to Know Catherine Little
December 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi everyone. Today I wanted to take you into the mind of one of our more deranged characters: the farmer, Catherine Little. Enjoy. =) Deep Dive: Catherine Little Meet Catherine Little, the farmer. "My name is Catherine Little. Before you get any... (Read More)
The Advent of the Mat, The Dice Pack Cometh, The Family Comes for a Visit, and Live Stream Recap
December 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey there, friends! It's another day of madness! Let's see what it's going to bring for us. First of all, we did another live stream yesterday! It was a ton of fun, and I wanted to thank everyone who joined me. We are likely going to do another one... (Read More)
Faces of the Sphere, Where We've Been, and a Live Stream Today
December 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Today I wanted to dive into one of the expansions we haven't talked about a whole lot before now. I also wanted to show you some of what's coming, and where we've been. And there's also details about the next live stream! So let's get to it! First,... (Read More)
Today's Unlocks and Exciting Gameplay Updates
December 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail, Wanderers! It's another glorious day for madness. First let's start with our daily unlocks! Today we unlocked 3 Traumatized Condition cards at the Core level, and 60 Coda cards for Anita at the Otherworld level. Today we unlocked 3... (Read More)
Social Goals Update, Voting on Boxes, and DoM Becomes (Mostly) KS Exclusive
December 9th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey friends! I hope you had a great weekend. We've got a pretty packed update for you today, so let's get into it! Memories of Stories Past Today in our daily unlocks we have unlocked 3 Traumatized Condition cards at the Core level, as well as 20... (Read More)
Through the Blocked Door, Live Stream Recap, and the Antagonist
December 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi, friend! I hope you had a great Saturday. For everyone who came to hang out with me on the live stream today, thanks so much! We had a blast, and covered a ton of ground. If you missed it, you can watch the recording below. I will say, it is two... (Read More)
Down into the Basement, a Certain Point of View, and the Next Livestream
December 7th - via: kickstarter.com
It's been an eventful couple of days. First we announced some major gameplay revisions (and asked for your help), then we revealed the free Deep Madness crossover, and then we unveiled a bunch of social stretch goals that will lead to some awesome... (Read More)
Having Fun with Social Stretch Goals
December 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Who's up for some social stretch goals? In recent days I was thinking, what could we do to have some more fun with this campaign? And then the answer hit me upside the head: we needed to make Masquerades out of mashed potatoes. If you've ever... (Read More)
The Psychiatrist's Prescription, the Personas Take Shape, and a Deep Madness Crossover!
December 6th - via: kickstarter.com
So we launched one big update a few hours ago (which, if you haven't read yet, you should check out here), but now we're back for Round Two! First up, let's see what your choices brought about in our psychiatry appointment! As some of you guessed,... (Read More)
The Art Book Arrives! And You Spoke, We Listened!
December 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi guys! We're going to try two updates today, as we have a lot to cover and want to make sure you see it all. First of all, we wanted to announce an add-on that has been one of our most requested add-ons of the campaign. That's right, the art... (Read More)
The Psychiatric Treatment, New Gameplay Video, and the Wall Becomes Flesh
December 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey guys! Today we've got ANOTHER playthrough video! This one's from Bairnt, and it, too, is fantastic. Bairnt's newest video is a good addition to Lance's last video, and you should check it out. Kickstarter still isn't showing embedded videos, so,... (Read More)
The Videos Have Landed!
December 4th - via: kickstarter.com
(NOTE: So, as of this writing, now that we have playthrough videos done Kickstarter has developed a bug that won't show embedded videos. LOL! How's that for irony?) They're here, guys. After a journey through the proverbial desert, suddenly we have a... (Read More)
Encountering the Family, Devoured by Frailty, and Diving Into Encounters
December 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hi there, guys! How's your day so far? I wanted to start off this update by discussing the playthrough video that I'm making with you. I was really pushing to have it done for this update, but try as I might it just isn't quite there. Having said... (Read More)
The Standee Gameplay Expansion, Daily Unlocks, and World Shards
December 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Welcome back, Wanderers! I hope your weekend was a good one. I have some news today that I thought was impossible at this point. But here it is anyway. So why don't we get into that straightaway? The Standee Gameplay Expansion They told me it... (Read More)
OnTabletop, Emergence of Worlds, Domains, and Shaping the Future of DoM!
December 1st - via: kickstarter.com
Hi all! It's been another great day over here in Kickstarter-land. Perhaps it's been (unsurprisingly) a little slower than the last couple of days, but it's been impressive nonetheless! In fact, we unlocked another new stretch goal! One more stretch... (Read More)
More Stretch Goals Down, The Sentinels Wake, The Portal Takes Form, and Studying Sentience
November 30th - via: kickstarter.com
You guys are simply amazing. Thank you so much to everyone who jumped on one of the Gameplay All-In levels, whether you're new here or you've been with us from the start. We appreciate you more than you know. We unlocked five more stretch goals... (Read More)
PSA: Black Friday Deal Still Ongoing!
November 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi guys! I just wanted to give you all a bit of a "public service announcement." In case you missed the last update or two, our Black Friday Gameplay All-In is still available for another 13 hours. If you hadn't gotten a chance to take a look at it... (Read More)
The Numina Revealed! Stretch Goals Unlocked! Today's Unlocks! And More!
November 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Well it has been an absolutely mad day for Dawn of Madness! Wow! You guys are amazing. We had hoped we'd be able to get some traction today, but I don't think we ever expected the response that you guys gave us. Thank you so much! So what all did we... (Read More)
The Poll Closes Early! New BF Deal! (Important Update!)
November 28th - via: kickstarter.com
The crazy rollercoaster continues! WHEEEEEE! =D Are you having fun yet? (If you're not yet, you will be soon.) Okay. After we started the poll (which was overwhelmingly for Option 2), we saw that some people raised some very valid concerns about... (Read More)
A Poll Regarding This Weekend
November 28th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi everyone! So, in case you hadn't noticed, it's been kind of a crazy start to Thanksgiving over here. First of all, thank you so much to everyone who upgraded to an All-In! We are so grateful to you! You guys have pushed the funding for this... (Read More)
We Just Broke Kickstarter
November 28th - via: kickstarter.com
So... we just broke Kickstarter, guys. Luckily it's back up and running now, but we know a lot of you didn't get it when you thought you did. So, we're going to do another run of $288. We can't increase the number of pledges because this thing is... (Read More)
Anita Begins, Cary's Grand Reveal, the All-In Launch, and Happy Thanksgiving!
November 28th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi guys! It is upon us! Can you feel it? In less than an hour at 9am PST we will launch the All-In pledge at two different levels: the $288 level and the $313 level. Now, we did make a change to the $313 level. We know that this whole thing has upset... (Read More)
Loodo Ninja - Top 6 Games to Back on Kickstarter - November and December 2019
November 28th - via: kick.agency
Loodo Ninja presents 6 gboard game reccomendations with active campaigns. From small budget title to colossal adventure games. (Read More)
The Last Masquerade, The Ins and Outs of the All-In, Let's Live Stream Again, and More!
November 27th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey friends! I hope you all have big plans for the rest of this week, whether you're celebrating in the US or just enjoying yourself in your own home country. Speaking of celebrations and such, we've seen quite a few questions on the All-In offer we... (Read More)
Dig A Fantasy Grave And Open Schrödinger's Box In The Latest Tabletop Gaming News
November 27th - via: gizmodo.com.au
Welcome back to Gaming Shelf, Gizmodo's regular column all about board games and tabletop roleplaying games. It’s heading towards the holiday season, meaning there will be plenty of time to enjoy (or escape) the family with board game nights. (Read More)
Freedom is a Masquerade, A Peek at the Future, Mordecai's Return, and Our First Video!
November 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi guys! It's a great day for more madness, don't you think? Well, I've been promising you this since the start of the campaign. (Actually, for several months before the campaign as well.) And today, I finally have it for you - at least the first... (Read More)
Portals Written in Words, The Plant, A Frail Masquerade, and a Great Video!
November 25th - via: kickstarter.com
So much to discuss, so little time. Let's get to it! I hope you all had a great weekend full of rest and relaxing. As for us, we've kept going full-steam ahead, and now we're back with more fun stuff. First of all, though, we have something we are... (Read More)
The Abomination Winner, An Awesome Change in Direction, and Vote for the Next Wanderer!
November 24th - via: kickstarter.com
The battle has been vicious and violent. The air is still choked with acrid fog that is now tinged with the metallic scent of blood, as well as the sounds of bellows, shrieks, and crunching bones. At last, though, you see one of the beasts... (Read More)
Drowning in Despair, Video Update, and a Sharing Stretch Goal!
November 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hi there, my friend! I hope you've had a great day! We keep plugging along on Dawn of Madness. There's some fun stuff coming up, and some fun stuff that's happening right now! Let's get to it! Dawn in the News First, there are a couple of different... (Read More)
The Abomination Onslaught
November 21st - via: kickstarter.com
There's something looming in the distance, everyone. It's hard to make out, but I see it twitching through the fog. It's rising, rising - how can it be so huge? Wait. No. There are two of them. Both seem radically different. In fact, you think...... (Read More)
Stretch Goals Slaughtered, Fighting Abominations, Our First Live, and More!
November 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Hey there! I hope you've had a great day. It has certainly been another awesome day for Dawn of Madness! As a point of reference, we just hit 6,300 backers in two days, and in the Deep Madness reprint campaign we had 7,768 backers in the entire... (Read More)
Translation News, Stretch Goal Explanation, Deep Madness, and Other Q&A Stuff!
November 20th - via: kickstarter.com
We're not yet through the first day, and it has been one to remember. We have over 5,000 backers, almost 1,200 comments, and a lot of questions. So, in this update I'm going to try to answer some of the most common questions we've been seeing. ... (Read More)
Purging Flames, A Mother's Child, and a Clockmaker
November 19th - via: kickstarter.com
So, funny story. Today I had to go to the studio where I shot the last two-thirds of the campaign video and clean everything up, because I hadn't gotten a chance to get there yesterday. As I left I thought, "It'll be fine." "No worries," I thought.... (Read More)
Funded in 17 minutes!
November 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Holy crud! Guys, we just funded Dawn of Madness in 17 minutes, and the train is not stopping or showing any signs of slowing down! Currently we have over 1,500 backers, which is absolutely crazy! That is an awesome start to this campaign, and we... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!