Deluxe Collector's Hardcover of One Shattered Illusion

A project in Owensboro, KY by Dawn Darling

Funding Successful

The completed Of Gods and Monsters trilogy, an epic dark fantasy romance as an imaginative Pandora's Box retelling.
Backers: 240
Average Pledge Per Backer: $196

Funded: $46,936 of $5,000
Dates: Jan 14th -> Feb 4th (21 days)
Project By: Dawn Darling
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Last Updated: February 4 @ 16:03 -0500 GMT


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Latest News


February 4th - via:
Two hours left in the campaign and $600 away from your next and FINAL reward!!! Swen has blessed us with a sketch for one side of the OSI jacket and I am obsessed!!!!! If we can hit and STAY at $47k, I will give EVERYONE a vellum sheet of this art!!!... (Read More)


February 3rd - via:
$45k!!!!!!You know what that means?!? You’re getting a special edition, hard back omnibus complete with foiling, printed edges, a hand signature, AND full color art on the inside!! AHHHHH!!!! 😍😍 If we hit $47k over night, what should we do?... (Read More)

LAST DAY AND $43K!!!!!

February 3rd - via:
HOLY SHIT Y'ALLI STEP AWAY FROM WORK FOR 2 DAYS AND COME BACK TO $43K?!?!?!?! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! You spoil me 😭 Let me spoil YOU! The Darling Headband is available to add to your pledge NOW! Surprise Unlocked Stretch Reward!!AHHHHHH!!!!! It has been... (Read More)

Reminders + End Campaign Details + Omnibus Teaser

January 31st - via:
There are only FOUR DAYS left in this campaign! Can you believe it?!Well, I can't. It feels like it launched yesterday. Since we're toward the end, I thought maybe we needed a bit of a wrap up to make sure you have everything you need in preparation... (Read More)

40K 🥳 Here’s Your Free Short Story!

January 29th - via:
We did it! As promised, here is your free short story for helping me hit my $40k goal! The download link is at the bottom of the teaser. Make sure you take a read through to determine whether or not this is a story for you. Remember that this is... (Read More)


January 27th - via:
We hit $39k!!!!! Thank you all so much for your love and support 😭 We are knocking out one goal after another and still have 8 days to do a couple more!Here's what we've unlocked, and what we've still got coming! Free Stretch Goal Unlocked One... (Read More)

Omnibus Teasers –– Once Upon A Nightmare

January 26th - via:
No part of this excerpt should be copied, pasted, re-written, fed through AI software, or otherwise stolen or manipulated by any persons. All written material is original and the intellectual property of Dawn Darling.When he was finished, she asked,... (Read More)

Edging– I mean, edges unlocked!!!

January 23rd - via:
When I refreshed this morning, we were officially over the $37K line! 🎊 You know what that means.. Those omnibus edges are all yours, Darling 😘 Stretch Reward RecapYou'll notice that I updated the sticker pack to character chibi stickers!!!... (Read More)

Omnibus Edges and Enamel Pin Design!

January 20th - via:
Let's initiate phase two 😎(Did that sound as cool as it felt??) Remember when we hit $28k so fast that I didn't have time to complete an enamel pin design? Ha! Part 1 of 2 is finally done! All I have to do now is pick out the perfect color scheme.... (Read More)

Campaign catch up

January 19th - via:
I appreciate your patience this weekend! Mommin' never stops and it gets wild in the Darling household when Friday hits. I owe you all some stretch goal updates as well as a clue as to what comes next. Let's gooooo! Updated stretch goalsUpdated... (Read More)


January 18th - via:
We did it!!!This campaign officially reached $31k over night and unlocked the omnibus collection of short stories and novellas!! You can snag this in the add-on section as either a paperback, ebook, or both! The next set of stretch goals will be... (Read More)


January 17th - via:
We are almost there Darling!!! A few more pledges or add-ons and this omnibus collection of short stories and novellas will be up for grabs! I figured that since you'd been so good, I'd let you go ahead and see the cover 😘 Check out these projects... (Read More)


January 16th - via:
I'm on my way to a bowling match will update EVERYTHING when I get home, BUT WE DID IT!!!!! $28K 🥳New unlocked paid add-on available to add to your pledge now!Unlocked stretch goal -- Enamel pin!! Design TBD (Read More)


January 15th - via:
You did it AGAIN!!Now it's time to vote. Comment on this update to let me know which design you want on a crewneck! We also unlocked the foiled, soft touch art print of the OSI cover! They will all come signed on the back 🖤 (Read More)

Launch Day Wrap Up + What's Next

January 15th - via:
OH. MY. GODDDDDD!!!  When you all promise to show up, you show 👏🏻 up 👏🏻! Launch day was more successful than I ever imaged and I have YOU to thank for it Darling! Cheers! We are $168 away from unlocking the signed, foiled print of OSI... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!