Ankh: Gods of Egypt
A project in Alpharetta, GA by CMON000days
Funding Successful
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Last Updated: May 4 @ 22:01 -0400 GMT
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Latest News
We built this City!
May 4th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! The quest to unlock the Tomb of Wonders continues. Can we do it before the sands of time run out? But before the end comes, we have one last surprise for you! This is something we certainly didn't expect to do. But it was heavily... (Read More)
A Tomb to keep these wonders for eternity!
May 4th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! The end of our epic struggle draws near, and the mighty Son of Sobek has joined us in the battle for immortality! Do we have time for one more? Well, let's build us a glorious structure to safeguard our treasures. If we reach... (Read More)
Petsuchos – Son of Sobek
May 4th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! The sands of Egypt just became that much more dangerous, for the demon-goddess Taweret is among us! Reaching this impressive stretch goal came in the heels of our recently announced "gameplay all-in" Eternal Pledge, which includes... (Read More)
Gameplay Session Report - Part 5
May 3rd - via:
Ii-wey, backers! Welcome to the final installment of our battle report for Ankh: Gods of Egypt. It has been a fast and fierce competition as each player looks to lead their God into becoming the single one that all of Egypt worships. The others will... (Read More)
Taweret – Mistress of the Horizon
May 2nd - via:
Ii-wey, backers! Time is running out, and the Scorpion Goddess joins the divine struggle! Are you hungry for more? Well, so is the hippo demon-goddess! If we reach 2,920k all backers will get the Kickstarter Exclusive Taweret, including 2 copies... (Read More)
Serket – The Poisonous One
May 2nd - via:
Ii-wey, backers! Magic is in the air, as Heka gets unlocked! And of course, magic is in the air with the recent announcement of our "gameplay all-in" Eternal Pledge, including the Divine Offerings set with its plastic Ankh tokens and cardboard God... (Read More)
Divine Offerings for an Eternal Pledge!
May 2nd - via:
Ii-wey, backers! We did it! The Warriors, Priests, and Components of the mighty Croc God have all been unlocked! Before we reveal the next Stretch Goal, we have an important announcement to make! With just a few days left in the campaign, we're... (Read More)
Playma’at Update and Gameplay Session Report - Part 4
May 1st - via:
Ii-wey, backers! Before we dive into Part 4 of the Gameplay Session Report, we’d like to address a backer request. With the introduction of the Pharaoh expansion we heard many backers concerned about the fact that the Playmat doesn’t feature that... (Read More)
Gameplay Session Report - Part 3
April 30th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! We have already unlocked the mighty Crocodile God. And now his Warriors, Priests, and Components wait to join him. Seem like a good time to catch up with our cats and their game! Welcome back to the third installment of our gameplay... (Read More)
Sobek - The Crocodile God
April 29th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! Another Stretch Goal down and now Ptah will be able to send his Priests to influence the Pharaoh! In case you missed it, Priests, Politics, and Palaces are what the recently announced Pharaoh expansion is all about. Oh and Sphinxes!... (Read More)
The Creator God calls upon his Priests!
April 29th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! The king of beasts has been unlocked! The final stretch of this stretch goal was certainly sped up by royal decree, with the recent addition of the Pharaoh expansion to the roster of Optional Buys. The Pharaoh expansion introduces... (Read More)
May your Priests sway the will of the Pharaoh!
April 29th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! Time us running out in our campaign, but there's still so much we can accomplish if we set our minds to it. We could use the guidance of a divine ruler to lead us into a golden future! In ancient times, a single individual was chosen... (Read More)
Gameplay Session Report - Part 2
April 28th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! We're on our way to unlock the mystical Griffin. In the meantime, let's continue taking a look into the gameplay. And don't forget to join Eric Lang in a Live Q&A later today, at 1pm EST! You will be able to join in through the... (Read More)
Griffin – Beast of War
April 28th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! Amazing! We have reached the incredible amount of 2,000k and with that unlocked the Merged God Plinth! Reaching this incredible amount was certainly pushed by our recently revealed Optional Buy. If you haven't yet, make sure to check... (Read More)
A Set of Guardians to be Feared!
April 27th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! We're on our way to unlocking the recent revealed Merged God Plinth. In order to reach this incredible 2,000k milestone faster, we could use a little boost from some fearsome creatures. Before we get to them we have an important... (Read More)
The Rise of the Merged God
April 27th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! Unut raced all weekend and has finally arrived! Our next Stretch Goal will celebrate reaching the amazing mark of $2 Million, so we thought we should make it something a little different. If we reach the $2,000 milestone, all... (Read More)
Gameplay Session Report - Part 1
April 26th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! Since the campaign launched, we have received multiple daily requests for a gameplay video. A little over a month ago we were preparing everything needed to film but unfortunately due to the COVID outbreak we had to call it off for... (Read More)
The Core Box Gods
April 25th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! The hare goddess is hopping her way towards us. We also have a special message from Eric Lang, about an upcoming event: You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play Replay with sound Play with sound 00:00 00:00 If... (Read More)
Unut – The Swift One
April 24th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! Medjed and its mysteries have been unlocked! The next guardian comes bounding on swift feet. If we reach 1,910k all backers will get the Kickstarter Exclusive Unut, including 3 copies of her Guardian figure and 1 Guardian Reference... (Read More)
The Cycle of Playma'at
April 24th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! We are making good progress towards unlocking the mysterious Medjed (and if you haven't already, we highly recommend researching the historical depictions of Medjed, it will put a smile on your face). But our shy friend could use a... (Read More)
Medjed – The Unseen Smiter
April 24th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! The pyramids have been built, and will stand for eternity at testament to the glory of Egypt! Our next Stretch Goals comes literally shrouded in mystery. If we reach 1,820k all backers will get the Kickstarter Exclusive Medjed,... (Read More)
A Designer's Look at the Ankh Scenarios
April 22nd - via:
Ii-wey, backers! Progress continues steadily towards unlocking the last of the 3D monuments: Pyramids! To keep your entertained while we toil away, today we have a special diary written by Eric M. Lang going more in depth on the scenarios being... (Read More)
Pyramid Attunement
April 22nd - via:
Ii-wey, backers! Khepri has been unlocked, bringing the sun light with him! Pyramids are the iconic monument of ancient Egypt, so the next Stretch Goal will bring these monuments to their full glory. If we reach 1,730k all backers will get a set of... (Read More)
Khepri – The Scarab God
April 21st - via:
Ii-wey, backers! Still riding the push granted by the recent Pantheon expansion, we already managed to erect 10 beautiful obelisks! If there’s a deity who can help us push past another Stretch Goal, it’s the scarab god, used to pushing the... (Read More)
Obelisk Attunement
April 20th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! We have reached the amazing milestone of 1,500k and with that unlocked the God Ptah, his Warriors, and game components! Reaching this amount was certainly pushed by our most recent revealed Optional Buy, the Pantheon expansion, which... (Read More)
Praise the Gods! The Pantheon is here!
April 20th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! We are on our way to unlocking the mighty Ptah, starting from his God figure: Followed by his trusty Warriors: And finally, by the rest of his components, when we reach the amazing milestone of $1,500k. But the desire to be the... (Read More)
Ptah – The Creator
April 19th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! Building 10 Temples is no piece of cake, but we've managed! Now with so many temples, it would be fitting to have one more deity to worship, wouldn't it? Make way, everyone, for one of the great gods makes his way towards us! Make... (Read More)
The Core Box Guardians
April 18th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! We're getting ever closer to unlocking an impressive set of 10 plastic Temples. And to help us on our way we have recently announced our first Optional Buy: Note that the Art Book will be offered with the flavor text in English... (Read More)
Life is Fleeting, but Art is Eternal!
April 17th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! We’re heading into the first weekend of the campaign, and what an amazing first week it was: we’re past the $1,200,000 mark, a feat worthy of praise! How about we celebrate this amazing achievement with a fittingly wondrous work... (Read More)
Temple Attunement
April 17th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! The vulture goddess has been freed to roam the skies! The next Stretch Goal will make sure than when you build yourself a temple, it will look good. If we reach 1,290k all backers will get a set of 10 Kickstarter Exclusive 3D... (Read More)
LOODO NINJA – What Games and Accessories to Back on Kickstarter Right Now?
April 17th - via:
Hello friends and welcome to my first April article filled to the brim with tasty recommendations! Need something that will shine on your game nights or just want to make your board game shelf even closer to collapsing? Look no more. I’m here to show you which games, that are being funded on Kickstarter right now, are worth your dollars, pounds and pesos. (Read More)
Nekhbet – The Protector Vulture
April 16th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! We've just unlocked another Stretch Goal and now all backers will be able to track the gods actions in style! Let's keep the Stretch Goals coming! She has been watching us from afar, but now it’s time for the vulture goddess to... (Read More)
Track Your Actions in Style!
April 15th - via:
Ii-wey, backers! The campaign has barely started, and we have unlocked another set of 3 guardians for the gods to use: Next, we'll make sure every action counts. If we reach 1,150k all backers will get a set of 4 Kickstarter Exclusive 3D Action... (Read More)
For backers in China, an alternative way to back Ankh: Gods of Egypt. 对于中国大陆的支持者,这里有另外一种支持《Ankh: Gods of Egypt》的方式
April 15th - via:
CMON has tied up with local game store in China to accept pledges for the Ankh: Gods of Egypt Kickstarter campaign. If you would like to pay in RMB instead of USD, please make your pledges at these links below. CMON... (Read More)
Wadjet – The Protector Cobra
April 15th - via:
Ii-wey backers! We have just reached the amazing mark of $950k unlocking the Pharaoh Mummy for all backers! Slithering our way is a guardian who’s not afraid to take on an army all by herself. If we reach $1,060k all backers will get the... (Read More)
Pharaoh Mummy – The God King
April 14th - via:
Ii-wey backers! What an amazing start! We've just reached $840k, unlocking the set of Plastic Follower Tokens: Next up, even in death the Pharaoh rises to join the struggle for eternal life. If we reach 950k all backers will get the Kickstarter... (Read More)
Plastic Follower Tokens
April 14th - via:
Ii-wey backers! We have reached $750k, unlocking Babi! Coming up next, we'll be looking at a special set of tokens! If we reach 840k all backers will get a set containing a whopping 70 Kickstarter Exclusive Follower tokens! Unlike the cardboard... (Read More)
Babi – Chief of the Baboons
April 14th - via:
Ii-wey backers! We have reached $650k and have unlocked the 2 upgraded boards revealed in our last update: Coming up next is a virile guardian, standing proud by the righteous. If we reach 750k all backers will get the Kickstarter Exclusive Babi,... (Read More)
Deluxe Devotion & Central Boards
April 14th - via:
Ii-wey backers! We have reached $570k, unlocking for all backers the graceful Bennu Guardian: Coming up next, we have improvements to 2 of the game's boards! If we reach 610k all backers will get a Kickstarter Exclusive deluxe Central board! Unlike... (Read More)
Bennu – The Bird of Rebirth
April 14th - via:
Ii-wey backers! Image uploading is still coming-and-going, but we'll keep updating as much as possible. More Stretch Goals keep coming our way as we delve deeper into Ankh: Gods of Egypt: When we reached 440k all backers got a Kickstarter Exclusive... (Read More)
Conflict Order, Battle Tiebreaker Tokens and Bes!
April 14th - via:
Ii-wey backers! We were having technical difficulties to upload images when we launched, but it seems that the system has normalized. How about we start exploring the many mysteries that await us? Enter the first unlocked Stretch Goals! When we... (Read More)
We Are Funded!
April 14th - via:
Ii-wey backers! A new chapter of our Legendary Saga begins today: welcome, one and all, to Ankh: Gods of Egypt! We have just begun our journey to Ancient Egypt and we're thrilled to be joined by all of you. We have launched the campaign just 16... (Read More)
Ankh: Gods of Egypt Hits Kickstarter Goal in 15 Minutes
April 14th - via:
Ankh: Gods of Egypt launched on Kickstarter today and pretty much immediately blew past its funding goal, making it yet another success for publisher CMON.
When it comes to board game publishers, they don’t get much bigger than CMON Games. So of course, it was to no one’s surprise when their latest project Ankh: Gods of Egypt funded nearly instantly on Kickstarter. The game is absolutely massive and comes from Eric Lang, the mind that gave us great games like Blood Rage and Rising Sun. Check it out below. (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!