CRIMOPOLIS - It's nothing personal. It's just business.
A project in Christchurch, NZ by Cheap Sheep Games000days
Funding Successful
Fast-paced worker and tile placement strategy game set in an incredibly immersive 1920s gangster world.
Backers: 182
Average Pledge Per Backer: $82 NZD
Funded: $14,853 NZD of $6,000 NZD
Dates: Jun 14th -> Jul 2nd (18 days)
Project By: Cheap Sheep Games
Backers: 182
Average Pledge Per Backer: $82 NZD
Funded: $14,853 NZD of $6,000 NZD
Dates: Jun 14th -> Jul 2nd (18 days)
Project By: Cheap Sheep Games
$14,853 NZD
current pledge level
Last Updated: July 2 @ 01:01 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
+++ Save On Shipping! +++
July 1st - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
T Minus 1111 Minutes
July 1st - via:
What A Push 🤗 Oh mys gosh, ladies and gentlemen, this final hype blows us away. Inquiries go up, communication runs hot, and you helped pushing our campaign onto the landing page of Kicktraq. We rank(ed) #2 at the Kicktraq hot list of all(!)... (Read More)
Solo Mode & Non-Playing Character
June 30th - via:
What's Next 👨✈️ We're posting this to keep you thrilled throughout the last hours of the campaign. But before the title of this update gets you too excited, let me pull a tooth: Yes, the non-playing character (NPC) is coming and so will the... (Read More)
Where We Are
June 29th - via:
In Your Hearts ❤️ One thing that makes us proud most is when you send love messages to us. There are loads. Keep them coming! It moves us and makes us having big grins on our faces. I claim that we truly want to connect with people. This is about... (Read More)
72 Hours To Go
June 29th - via:
Latest Review If you'd like to know what others think about Crimopolis, listen to The Lucky Roll from Ireland. They nailed what our game is about. They just published their review and every minute is worth watching. The review was requested by The... (Read More)
Retailer Network & BGG Micro-Badge
June 28th - via:
Retailer Network While our campaign is in its last 80 hours, we have been in contact with retailers. The first shops and board game cafes in New Zealand have committed to stock Crimopolis: We are also in contact with retailers in Europe, the US and... (Read More)
New Free Pickup Location
June 26th - via:
Free Wellington Pickup 🐉 A big shout-out to Caffeinated Dragon Games, the premier board game café in the heart of Wellington, New Zealand. They sell board games, RPG's and coffee and are equipped with tables to play games at. The team is happy to... (Read More)
What We Do These Days
June 24th - via:
Unexpected Highlights ⏳ Most of our time goes into spreading the word. Currently, we focus on retailers; see further below. We have another 16 marketing tasks left and they will keep us busy in the last days of our campaign. It's less than 7 days... (Read More)
100 Backers & Retailers
June 20th - via:
Magical 100 🍾 What an amazing situation do we find us in: so many people have shown us their support already and we are only a third through our campaign. Thanks to John from New Zealand, who pledged for immortality, we have reached an incredible... (Read More)
Japanese Rule Book & New Review
June 18th - via:
Two short updates hot off the press. Fan Translation 📔 Our first and so far only backer from Japan, Kazuo, has translated the current draft version of the Crimopolis rule book into Japanese. We're fluttered by so much enthusiasm. A big shout-out... (Read More)
Updated Artwork
June 18th - via:
Sowing Off 🖼️ A picture paints a thousand words. Today was a big day for our progress on artwork. The illustrations you have seen on social media, previews, reviews and even our campaign page are in a draft stage - sometimes close to the... (Read More)
FUNDED & Multi-Language Translations
June 17th - via:
One By One 😍 You may read between the lines from all the comments we leave on Kickstarter and social media platforms that we are thrilled to bits by what is happening. While we were working on this update, you helped reach our funding goal. Let's... (Read More)
It's Not About The Money
June 16th - via:
Numbers, Numbers, Numbers 💰 "We just wanna make the world dance, forget about the price tag" is what Jessie J sings in her song Price Tag. We couldn't say in better words what we're trying to achieve. When we got serious about Crimopolis, the... (Read More)
Nostalgia & More Reviews
June 15th - via:
12 Hours In This Campaign 🌛 The moon is up here in New Zealand. Day 1 of our campaign is calling for a night. This morning, it took only 3 minutes for the first backer to pledge. At that point, we were still in trance from disbelief that we... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!