My Last Sunrise 2 - Women of Horror - 28mm Minis for TTRPG

A project in Nottingham, UK by Bad Squiddo Games

Funding Successful

Top Quality Pewter & Resin Miniatures for Fantasy, Horror & Pulp Gaming & Painting
Backers: 219
Average Pledge Per Backer: £42

Funded: £9,157 of £3,000
Dates: Mar 22nd -> Apr 2nd (11 days)
Project By: Bad Squiddo Games
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Last Updated: April 2 @ 14:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Stunning AND ok painting! Last 20 hours

April 1st - via:
 Good evening, a relatively short update this time as I'm on my phone, and the KS user interface is even more terrible here 😅 First up, UNLOCKS! We have now unlocked the Freshly Bitten, Eternal Bride and ALLLLLMOST MECHA NAPOLEON! WOO! So you can... (Read More)

Zombie Bride, Mecha Napoleon, Pledge Advice & Last 48 Hour Madness

March 31st - via:
Eeeek we're coming to an end soon and there's still a few minis yet to unlock! We can do it! We're close to the Freshly Bitten.... does she look familiar? Yes these are what happens to "The Allured" if they're unlucky. So they're early vampires,... (Read More)

Lots more of the minis painted, and metal Zombie Annie [Last 3 Days]

March 30th - via:
Good Afternoon! Firstly, thank you to everybody who has pledged so far. Kickstarter is getting more and more difficult for smaller creators, with substantial investment having to be made upfront, and without a team. I've been doing all these updates,... (Read More)

Cute lil Necro Assistant reveal & introducing Zombie Annie

March 28th - via:
The Vampeegs have gone to the casters, but not before we got this photo of them following around Zombie Annie. This helps you see the scale of them, as well as a better picture. As with all Bad Squiddo Kickstarters, everyone involved has Alive Annie... (Read More)

Unleash the Vampeegs! Vampire Hunters Unlocked! Bat Vampire & Necromancer tease

March 27th - via:
Wheeep! The vampeegs will have their feed! They're arriving with the casters tomorrow so there *should* be lil metal ones by the end of the campaign to show off (and better pictures!). If there is enough time, I'll paint some myself, as I can never... (Read More)

Elite Mummies Unlocked! First look at the Vampire Hunters...

March 25th - via:
Hooray the mummies are unlocked! You can add them to your pledge by increasing it by £12, which will help the next unlock... vampire peeegs! I'll change the image to the green "woohoo unlocked" when I get back at the work pc! 3 x single piece metal... (Read More)

Vampeegs....we want to neeble your blood.....

March 24th - via:
I promised you guinea pigs, and guinea pigs there will be. If you're new to Bad Squiddo through this KS...I really like guinea pigs. They are the best and I fit them in the ranges where I can. These are my four peegs! (Oh yeah we call em peegs around... (Read More)

Scenics Galore - Lots of Brilliant Bundles

March 23rd - via:
Good evening! I've been working late building all the bundles for the scenics and animals - both working out some swell deals, and then making the images look extra snazzy. BEHOLD! The....fruits! You can add any of these to your pledge by increasing... (Read More)

Woohoo - Funded! Turkey Man unlocked and Elite Mummies are stirring...

March 23rd - via:
Hecks yeah! Thank you! Lovely to wake up to her all funded, and dang I needed that sleep last night. I've added captions to the images of the minis now, saying how big the monsters are, and how many pieces, metal or resin etc - which I just ran out... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!