Whimsical Creatures: an Art Book of Fantastic Animals

A project in Huntsville, AL by Aurora Springer

Funding Successful

Exclusive hardback: Make 100 colorful pages of weird and wonderful mythic beasts, dragons, unicorns and wee folk in pictures and poems.
Backers: 37
Average Pledge Per Backer: $40

Funded: $1,465 of $200
Dates: Jan 16th -> Feb 22nd (38 days)
Project By: Aurora Springer
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Latest News

Results of Fifth Backers’ Choice

February 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Super Backers, We had a clear winner in your votes for the fifth choice. You voted 4:1 in favor of the hydra attacking a ship rather than the goblin in a tree. I like the hydra too. In fact, most of the sea monsters in my book are threatening... (Read More)

Here's Your Fifth Backers' Choice

February 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Super Backers, We’re rolling into the final week of this campaign and I’ve been busy editing images for the book. (Also weeding the garden and writing a new fantasy story!) Last week, a backer asked me to include a chapter on Trolls and... (Read More)

Hurrah! Our funds are over $1,200!

February 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Super Backers, Did you celebrate the Chinese New Year? I went to a party in a friend’s house with lots of Chinese food, red decorations, and firecrackers. Your Votes: It’s no surprise that you love dragons, and I was thrilled by the number... (Read More)

Fourth Backers’ Choice

February 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Super Backers, This week, we’re highlighting dragons to celebrate the Chinese New Year on Saturday. I have a new banner with a ferocious dragon, a picture of the physical bookmarks, and two new images for your votes. New Banner Custom... (Read More)

Results for Third Backers’ Choice

February 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Super Backers, Thanks for your votes. The results were near-unanimous votes for the griffin flying over mountains, although one backer voted for both.  Due to your enthusiasm for the griffin, I have put the corresponding Art Print for the... (Read More)

Welcome to the Third Backer's Choice

February 1st - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Super Backers, Welcome to our new backers! Please contact me with any questions. Here is your chance for input into the final collection of Whimsical Creatures for the book. You can vote for your favorite image or ask me to make a different... (Read More)

Results of Votes for Second Backers’ Choice

January 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Backers, Thank you for voting on the last two images. This time the winner was ‘both’ i.e., the hedgehog gardener and the unicorn in a bluebell wood. I will include these images (with any necessary modifications) in the final book of... (Read More)

Second Backers' Choice

January 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Super Backers, After my last update, one of you requested a slew of different creatures: leprechaun, Pegasus, mermaid or merman, hedgehog, and pixie. I have already created images for all of those entities, except for the hedgehog. So, I’ve... (Read More)

Results of First Votes

January 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Wonderful Backers, Thanks for voting on the two images in your previous update. We have a clear winner: the white dragon wins by 3 to 1 over the sepia fairy. That’s great since I have a short poem to accompany this dragon as shown in the image... (Read More)

First Backers’ Choice

January 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello Super Backers, Thanks to your support, this campaign is off to a great start. Now, it’s time for your input. I’d like to gauge your interest in different fantasy creatures. As promised, here are two cleaned images of a dragon and a fairy.... (Read More)

Hurrah! We’re funded.

January 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Backers, I’m truly grateful for your generosity in supporting this campaign. We funded in about an hour. The campaign will run into next month to celebrate the Chinese New Year of the Dragon on February 10th. As a special reward, all backers... (Read More)

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