Urgency - A Modernized Ancient Game

A project in Denver, CO by Alex Coburn

Funding Successful

Urgency is a 2-player strategic race board game based on the oldest complete board game in the world.
Backers: 402
Average Pledge Per Backer: $58

Funded: $23,389 of $6,000
Dates: May 22nd -> Jun 21st (30 days)
Project By: Alex Coburn
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current pledge level
Last Updated: June 21 @ 10:02 -0400 GMT


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funding period ended


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Latest News


June 21st - via: kickstarter.com
WOW!! When I went to bed last night with 8 hours to go, I did not expect to wake up to us just hitting the 7th and final stretch goal!!! I am beside myself writing this, as we just gained another 25 backers overnight and are 3 away from 400! You are... (Read More)

Last Day: Let's Make History!

June 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Friends and Backers! I first got the idea for Urgency the night after I watched this video by Tom Scott and the British Museum, featuring Dr. Irving Finkel: It is well worth the watch because 1) it explains the Royal Game of Ur and how it was... (Read More)

Last Day: Don't Forget Your Nephew!

June 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Friends and Backers! Just a quick update to remind everyone that Urgency will ship by December, so if you think you'll be scratching your brain for a present for your brother, niece, friend, or colleague, look no further than Urgency! Thank you... (Read More)

Last Day (p. 3): The Beautiful, Portable Cardboard Version

June 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi Friends and Backers, I want to focus on the beauty and portability of the Cardboard Version for a moment.  Unlike the wood versions of the game, the cardboard version comes in the gorgeous box with cover art by Jane George. The sides are all... (Read More)

Last Day (part 2): Last Few Premium Wood Boards Available!

June 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Friends and Backers! There are only 10 Premium Wood Versions left! Now is your last chance to pick up one of the Premium Wood Versions of Urgency, which come with your choice of premium woods and paint colors, as well as your choice of engraving... (Read More)

Day 30: LAST DAY!!!

June 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Friends and Backers There are less than 24 hours left in the campaign! How I'm feeling inside We are just about $2,000 away from the final stretch goal, so think long and hard about all of your friends and family who might enjoy a fun, strategic,... (Read More)

Day 29 (part 2): WOW! $20,000!

June 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Friends and Backers, Today was the 2nd best day for Urgency after the first day of the campaign We gained 25 new backers and over $2,000 in one day; that's amazing! Thank you everyone who got the 48-hour reminder and decided to back, and all the... (Read More)

Day 29: 48 HOURS LEFT!

June 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Friends and Backers! Quick update:  1) There are 48 hours left! This means over 900 people just received email reminders that Urgency's Kickstarter is ending soon and to come check out the project again.  2) There are more Wood and Premium Wood... (Read More)

Day 28: 300% Achieved!

June 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Friends and Backers! So many 300's recently! We just hit 300 backers a couple days ago and now we are officially past 300 copies sold and 300% of the original campaign goal! Thank you all x300!  Critical Last 48 Hours We are coming up on 48... (Read More)

Day 27: We Hit the 6th Stretch Goal + 300 Backers!

June 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Friends and Backers! Thank you all for the continued support which, just yesterday, pushed us over our 6th stretch goal and past 300 backers! That's incredible! To every single person who has supported me, thank you for making Urgency so much... (Read More)

Day 26: So close to 300!

June 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey friends and backers! We are so close to 300 backers! Just 5 more people backing Urgency before we hit this very cool milestone that is about 3x what I thought I would reach when I started this campaign. So thank you all so much for being so... (Read More)

Day 25: We're Closing in on 6th Stretch Goal! (5 Days Left)

June 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Friends and Backers! 6th Stretch Goal We are only $385 away from the 6th Stretch Goal, which will upgrade the card tuckbox to a customized one with Urgency logo and images. It will also include a box insert for all Cardboard Version backers,... (Read More)

Day 24: International Shipping!

June 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Friends and Backers! I'm back from a two-night backpacking trip and I'm here to answer all of the questions and messages I received. I also see we added about 15 more backers since I was gone, so thank you to all the new backers and those who may... (Read More)

Day 21: First Premium Version Prototypes!

June 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Friends and Backers! The campaign has really been moving these past few days with the big batch of wood boards that went up; thank you all new backers and everyone who has continued to help spread the word to your friends! Premium Wood Samples:... (Read More)

Day 20: 5th Stretch Goal Unlocked!

June 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Friends and Backers! Wow!  Yesterday, we gained 14 backers and over $1,000 which pushed us past the 5th stretch goal! This means that all backers will now receive 4 additional Kickstarter-exclusive rule cards. These increase the strategic... (Read More)

Day 19: Nearly to $15,000 and the Next Stretch Goal!

June 9th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Friends and Backers! As of the time of this update, we are less than $150 away from hitting the 5th stretch goal at $15,000, which unlocks 4 extra Kickstarter-exclusive cards. We also just reached 250 backers. That's all awesome news!!  The more... (Read More)

Day 18: Mo' Boards, Mo' Backers

June 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Friends and Backers! Thank you all so much for an incredible 24 hours! With a big new batch of wood boards becoming available yesterday morning, we have now gained about 20 new backers and almost 10 backers at the cardboard tier upgraded to one... (Read More)

Day 17: More Wood Boards Available Now!

June 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Friends and Backers! After many talks with the woodworker, we have settled on a final number of wood boards that we will produce. I have just added 35 more Wood Versions and 20 more Premium Versions, so if you were waiting to pledge at one of... (Read More)

Day 16: 4th Stretch Goal Met -- And New Stretch Goal Added!

June 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Friends and Backers! We just met our 4th stretch goal!!! This means that all Cardboard Version backers will now receive upgraded boxes and boards! The difference for both is that they will both come with linen matte finishes which look and feel... (Read More)

Day 15: Woah! We're halfway there!

June 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Friends and Backers! Today marks the halfway point in Urgency's campaign!  We are also only $250 away from the fourth stretch goal! I've been seeing an uptick in backers over the past few days, so please keep up the amazing work spreading the... (Read More)

Day 14: 200% of our Goal!

June 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey Friends and Backers, Today we hit another very cool milestone. We are now past $12,000, which means we have DOUBLED the original campaign goal!  Thank you all so much for continuing your support, it means a lot to this accountant-turned-game... (Read More)

Day 13: We're Closing in on the Next Stretch Goal!

June 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hey friends and backers! Yesterday was another big push that brought in nearly 20 new backers (we're now over 200!) and raised almost $2,000 in pledges! This is largely due to the third round of wood board reward tiers being added, which are now sold... (Read More)

Day 12: (pt 2) 200 Backers!!!

June 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Hi Friends and Backers! We just hit 200 Backers today!!! Thank you, all 200 of you, so much for making a dream come true! With your incredible support, Urgency is really happening and it is getting better by the day with all of these stretch goals.... (Read More)

Day 12: More Wood Boards Are Available Now!

June 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Hey friends and backers! More Wood Boards! I wanted to post a quick update that more wood boards are available today! 20 more Wood Version rewards and 10 Premium Wood Version rewards have been added, so if you were looking for one of those you can... (Read More)

Day 11: Gaming Trend Spotlight

June 1st - via: kickstarter.com
Hey friends and backers! We are really moving along now! We are at 190 backers now which is truly amazing! Thank you all so much.  Wood Boards There will be more wood boards available tomorrow! Please keep an eye out in the morning if you are... (Read More)

Day 10: We hit $10,000!!

May 31st - via: kickstarter.com
Hey friends and backers, Thank you for being so amazing in your support and spreading the word. With all of your help, we have just passed $10,000! I was hoping for but really didn't expect to get to this point. So thank you for helping to make my... (Read More)

Day 9: Wood Boards in the Making

May 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey friends and backers! 3 Backers Until $10,000!!! As of the time of writing, we only need 3 more backers until we hit $10,000!  While the next stretch goal is at $12,500, this is still a big milestone for the project. We are also only 19 backers... (Read More)

Day 8: Moving Right Along!

May 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey friends and backers! Sorry about not putting out an update yesterday. We have gained 8 new backers since the last update, and we are closing in on $10,000! I truly appreciate all the support. New Stretch Goal at $15,000: Kickstarter Exclusive... (Read More)

Day 6: Wood, WOW! 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Stretch Goals Met!

May 27th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey friends and backers! Round 2 of the wood versions being available was a success!  We sold out in only a few hours, which made us blaze past the first and second stretch goals, and today we just passed the third stretch goal! You are all awesome,... (Read More)

Day 5: First Stretch Goal Met! And More Wood Versions Available

May 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey friends and backers! I have some big news today: 1) We just hit our first stretch goal Immediately after adding some new wood versions, we hit our first stretch goal of $7,500! This means all backers will now receive the tokens and dice in a... (Read More)

Day 4: Only 9 more backers until the first stretch goal!

May 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi friends and backers! We have gained 9 new backers since yesterday and are now only $256, or 9 backers, away from unlocking the first stretch goal! Please continue to share Urgency with family and friends so everyone can get the best version of the... (Read More)

Day 3: Just $500 Until the First Stretch Goal!

May 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey friends and backers! It's day 3 of the campaign and we have gained 30 new backers since the end of the first day; that's awesome! We are now just about $500 short of our first stretch goal:  That means we only need 18 more people to back Urgency... (Read More)

100+ backers and growing! But we're not done yet!

May 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Over 100 backers!  Now let's get those stretch goals! Thank you to the 109 (as of writing) backers who have pledged to support Urgency! Yesterday was a wild ride; getting off to a great start in the first couple hours and meeting the initial... (Read More)

We did it!!

May 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you! In less than 12 hours, you all helped Urgency meet it's campaign goal and become a reality! After years of hard work, it's really gratifying to see so much support from friends, family, and board game lovers alike. Now on to the next... (Read More)

You're all incredible! 50% to our goal in 2 hours!

May 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Hi friends and backers, I am blown away by the support so far! We are more than 50% of the way to the campaign goal and the project has only been live for 2.5 hours!  That's amazing and is surpassing my wildest dreams already for the first day.... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!