Slip Strike

A project in Seattle, WA by David Gerrard

Funding Successful

Two agents battle each other in another dimension while utilizing teleportation and time-traveling to survive.
Backers: 637
Average Pledge Per Backer: $25

Funded: $16,233 of $6,000
Dates: Feb 10th -> Mar 12th (31 days)
Project By: David Gerrard
card gametabletop game2-player +Suggest

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Last Updated: March 12 @ 01:04 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Final Stretch Goals Announced!

March 10th - via:
Hey all! Slip Strike's Final Hours are upon us! We enter the end of the campaign and our final 48 hours. And nearly simultaneously we have hit our $14k stretch goal. That means every backer will receive the Feedback Shield Asset: . And we are now... (Read More)

Slipping into our final week!

March 5th - via:
Greetings to all you amazing backers! Thank you again for your confidence in our team, we couldn't do it without your support.  Stretch Goal Update: After hitting 12,000 this morning (and being double funded!) we've unlocked better quality cards for... (Read More)

New Stretch Goals are revealed!

February 25th - via:
Thank you all for joining the Slip Strike Campaign, your support enables us to continue this great gaming adventure! New Stretch Goals We hit 9,000 and that unlocks mines as assets for all you backers.  These will not be packaged into the game and... (Read More)

Stretch Goals down and Stretch Goals up!

February 18th - via:
Hey all! Since our last update we hit two different Stretch Goals, adding an extra set of Agent Meeples and a magnetic enclosure for the box. Thank you for your continued support! So, we have our next set of Stretch Goals: . Our next two goals will... (Read More)

Kickstarter Tabletop Roundup

February 17th - via:
Normally around this time of year is when we get a lot of Kickstarter project updates about the Lunar New Year and how it is affecting factories in China. (Namely, that factories are basically shut down for up to two weeks.) This year, that has also been compounded by the spread of coronavirus, which has had a huge impact on the Chinese population—not only those who have been infected by the virus or succumbed to its effects, but also in restrictions on travel and in an extended closure of many businesses. (Read More)

First Set of Stretch Goals posted!

February 12th - via:
Alrighty Ya'all, we figured it out: . Coming in at $7,000 we will be adding a second set of meeples into each copy of Slip Strike. We'll amend the rules to state that "Optionally, to prevent the mistake of thinking you are a different color than you... (Read More)

Funded! Thank you all so much for your Support!

February 12th - via:
Hey all! Here we are with your support, fully funded and ready to go, thank you all so much! Justin and I have been talking for some time about some of the Stretch Goals that we want to be sure to get into the game and we'll get an update soon for... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!