Mazing Deck - Playing Cards with a twist... and a turn.
A project in Provo, UT by Teach By Magic000days
Funding Successful
52 unique playing card mazes conveniently printed as a playable deck of cards. Together the entire deck makes one large maze.
Backers: 620
Average Pledge Per Backer: $32
Funded: $20,067 of $12,000
Dates: Jun 21st -> Jul 24th (33 days)
Project By: Teach By Magic
Backers: 620
Average Pledge Per Backer: $32
Funded: $20,067 of $12,000
Dates: Jun 21st -> Jul 24th (33 days)
Project By: Teach By Magic
current pledge level
Last Updated: July 24 @ 08:01 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Less than two days left!
July 22nd - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
You asked for it.
July 20th - via:
With just 3 days left - we have opened the treasure box of add-ons. After the survey yesterday it was clear that enough people wanted everything that it made sense to make it all available. So as of now they are officially available. Simply click... (Read More)
What would you like? I want to hear from YOU!!!
July 19th - via:
Hey Mazing backers (isn't it great to be Mazing?) With just 4 days left and knowing anything is possible - I have seen projects shoot from $10,000 to $50,000 in the last three days - I want to be as tuned in as I can to what you want and what will... (Read More)
This Maze has more than one piece of cheese (and I’m not talking about my puns)
July 16th - via:
Congratulations backers! With one week still to go we hit our first stretch goal – so that means all backers $15 or higher get a free three month membership to This will come in the form of a gift card with a promo code on it... (Read More)
Jokers and Stretch Goals
July 12th - via:
Dear Mazing Backers,Exciting news! I just posted some updates to the project, including a few new stretch goals, some FAQs, and add-ons. Also, for those of you who have wanted to know what the jokers will look like…want no more. I also posted... (Read More)
It is not the FINISH but it's a victory!!!
July 10th - via:
Hello Maze-lovers, Thanks to your support we just hit our goal of $12,000 and it is official - the Mazing deck will be printed.Hooray!!! We received a big boost in the last 24 hours from a fellow Kickstarter. Mike at Lone Shark Games announced... (Read More)
Box Design
July 8th - via:
Greetings form Utah again - I am back from a magical week in the nations capitol and back to work drawing maze cards. Several of you have asked what the box will look like so I thought I would post a rendering of my vision. This will of course... (Read More)
Fire Works and Stretch Goals
July 3rd - via:
Hey Mazing people I am in Washington DC right now at a conference for magicians (the Society of American Magicians national convention.) I am having a great time, seeing some good magic, meeting old friends and celebrating the 4th. I have even ran... (Read More)
Uncut Sheets and Postcards
June 29th - via:
Congrats all - we are already at the half way point!To celebrate, uncut sheets are now available!!!You can add them to any pledge for $40 but we have also added two backer levels that offer you the best deal (limited to 100 each).$60 - 1 Uncut Sheet... (Read More)
Mazing Deck Vs Hedge Maze Deck
June 26th - via:
Good news Mazing fans...We are officially over $4000 so that is 1/3 the way for all you math people! and we already have over 200 backers. (That's all thanks to YOU)Also a few backers have asked how this is different the the hedge maze deck that was... (Read More)
Mazing deck. The biggest labyrinth formed by 52 cards
June 24th - via:
Teach by Magic is an on line library made specially for educators and mainly based on magic effects applied on learning processes. This website is also the host of a new deck: Mazing deck. (Read More)
A good START (did you get the maze refrence?)
June 23rd - via:
Hey Mazing backers First a HUGE thank you for jumping in on this early - we are about 20% there and it has only been about 36 hours so I am very optimistic and I have been working on some new cards. (I draw a little and then look at the project and... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!